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Chapter 1949 Chapter 1949 Fierce punishment

"I refuse!" Can't guess what the guy wants to play with moths, and Mu Qian refused very simply.

The soul smiled and said: "Kids, you are too naive, I have not given you the opportunity to refuse!"

In an instant, the eyes of the soul become bloodthirsty and dangerous.

A force broke out in an instant, and it was attacked by a thousand.

Mu Qianyi quickly avoided a teleport, "Hey!" It was the soft collapse of her lying and the trees behind her.

Mu Qian’s face sank, “Hey, do you want to marry the Lord?”

The soul is condensed, and if the soul wants to be true, whoever wins and loses may not!

The soul of the soul raised his hand gently, and the dragon sword appeared in his hand.

He threw the sword out and said to the present: "Oh, Lord, I can't bear it! You are the only master of my soul!"

Mu Qiang caught the sword and she could feel the dragon trembled.

Yan Longdao: "Master, I will protect you! I will never let the souls come, I will never let it punish you."

After all, it’s super scary to punish it before, and it really doesn’t want the owner to be treated like this.

However, his strength is so weak, it is not an opponent of the soul, hehe...

The flame of the king broke out and swept away toward Mu Qianxi. Mu Qian said: "The wind is a shield!"

The soul looked at Mu Qianxi: "I woke up in my life earlier than me. The little girl's wind elemental spirit and attack progressed very quickly! But the fire element was abandoned, I am not happy!"

"Play with me! The deity has been very itchy recently."

Mu Qianxi looked at the soul and said: "This is what you call punishment!"

"Yeah! Right! Kitty, don't you think that the sculpt is very powerful? Do you think that the refining technique that taught you in your life is very powerful? It’s amazing that you are so scared that you are so seriously hurt. Very good!"

"When it hurts some of the waste, it's better for me to kill my good master." The soul of the soul evokes a smile of bloodthirsty.

The flame became more violent, and Ms. Qian said: "Oh! I haven’t seemed to have played against you since I contracted with you, and I want to fight you!"


The elements of fire boiled, and the power of horror exploded. Heming and Suzaku felt that they had rushed over.



They saw the bloodthirsty man, and repeatedly smashed the Millennium.

Yan Longjian is in the hand, and Mu Qian’s face is still difficult to overcome.

Even the current soul, suppressed the strength.

"Puff puff!"

There are countless scars on Mu Qian’s body, which looks very embarrassing.

Suzaku and Chongming also stunned. "Is he crazy?"

They want to help, and Ms. Qian said: "Suzaku, I am here to discuss with the soul, you don't intervene."

The two of them are stunned. Is this a discussion?

The murderousness of this man is true, and the sternness is not a fake. What can be learned to hurt people like this?

Yan Longjian waved over, and Mu Qian’s cold voice: "Shu Luoyan!"

"Shu Luoyan is extinguished!" The same trick was made by the soul, and the result was that Mu Qianyi lost again and again.


There were more and more injuries on Mu Qianxi, and Suzaku looked distressed. Even if Mu Qiang refused to let him intervene, he couldn’t help it.


Suzaku started, and he also followed suit.

"Hey!" But before they got close to the battle between the two, the two were directly stunned by a force.

With two less troubles, the soul continues to punish Mu Qian.

The degree of attack on the soul of the soul is far greater than the physical defense of Mu Qian.

The injury caused by Mu Qianyu far exceeds the recovery rate of elixir.

The injury is not light, the spiritual power is exhausted, and the blood loss is excessive. The body of Mu Qian’s body has been swaying and it is no longer possible to continue playing.

Yan Long came out to help Mu Qiandao: "The soul, this is the master, this is the master, how can you hurt the owner?"

The soul of the soul raised the dragon and threw him out. Mu Qian’s head is now blank and weak.

The soul of the soul is low: "Kitten, is it painful? Remember these pains, don't give me any injuries in the future!"

Mu Qiang’s whole person fell down, and the soul of the soul took him away.

When Suzaku woke up, she went to the soul for the first time, but he couldn't even enter the room of Mu Qian.

"Damn! Who is that guy?" The soul slammed the stone to a few years old.

The taste of recuperation is not good at all. After the injury is good, the soul said: "Kitten, do you think that punishment is enough? To make you remember more, you have to do it a few more times."

Mu Qiang climbed up and never lost to the soul. She said: "Do you think I will be afraid of you?"

Once again, Mu Qianxi was abused by the soul. She said: "The soul will be abused one day! It is not the power of the contract, but the power of my own."

The soul is laughing, then a bloodthirsty beauty, laughing with a deadly beauty.

"Okay! I am waiting for that day!"

Mu Qianxi was not abused by white, and her control over the elements of fire was stronger.

Suzaku can't stop the behavior of Mu Qian, and he clearly said: "She will let her die when she is looking for death."

After being beaten up three times, the soul went to the face of the crumbling Mu Qianxi: "Before you got the inheritance, it was just a pediatrics. Today I am in a good mood, let you see my eternal sword Yanlong The soul of the sword is truly inherited."

"This kind of spiritual skill, it is impossible to compel people into the desperate situation again and again! If you don't learn this time, you have to be punished by me once!"

Mu Qianxi clenched the Yanlong Kendo: "Hey, don't look too small for me!"

The flame became the sword of the Dragon Sword, and in a moment, a sword gathered around the power of some fire elements.

"Burning the stars!"

"Booming!" A sword blasted, and the power seemed to burst the planet.

This spirit is really a strong metamorphosis, and it is a far cry from the fire elemental skills she had learned before.

Looking back to Mu Qian, the soul of the soul looked back: "My cat owner, how about learning?"

Mu Qianxi took Yanlong Kendo: "I try!"

Even if there is not much spiritual power left in the body, but when she sees such a powerful spiritual skill, she feels the blood is boiling, so try it anyway.

Using the same technique as the sorcerer before, condensing the power of the fire element, a sword decisively smashed down!

"Burning the stars!"


To say that the sword of the soul has the power to burst the planet, then the star that the sword is bursting is estimated to be only as large as a basketball.

The spiritual power was completely exhausted, and Mu Qian felt that her eyes were black, and the soul took her to her, and did not let her fall directly on the ground.

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