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Chapter 1975 miserable defeat

Dream laughs lightly with the help of some of the magic vines, and Mu Qian’s let the ink come out to fight.

When the dark phoenix came out, the flames swept over, but these magic vines did not seem to invade.

Meng Xiao chuckled, "Mu Wei, you should have summoned your contract beast, and now... it is already late."

"Hey!" She not only controlled a magic vine, but controlled a lot of roots, taking advantage of the number, besieging a small ink.

Mu Qianhui replied; "It's not too late, if you didn't make this thing, I am embarrassed to let Xiaomo ink come out to bully you!"

"Mu Wei, you are waiting to pay for your arrogance!" Meng Xiao light face cold, instant shot.

Numerous black lights swept through, and the elements of the wind wrapped up the envy of Mu Qian, and the silence of the millennium: "Yue Yao, Feng De!"

"Your defense can't stop it, you can die!"

The constant and violent force slammed into the barrier of the wind, and ruthlessly broke the defense of Mu Qianshao and dispelled the elements of the wind.


The attack slammed into the body of Mu Qian, and Mu Qianfei flew out.

The clothes on her body became ragged, but she did not seem to suffer any harm.

Mu Qian’s mouth twitched slightly. “Although you broke my defense, but want to hurt me, it’s still a little worse!”

Meng Xiao light, a pair of gentle water ripples flashed through the cold air, "Mu Wei, don't be too proud of it, come again!"

She does not believe that she can't solve the problem.


Others have also seen the powerful physical defense of Mu Qian.

They talked, "A little girl has actually cultivated such a body, how did she do it?"

“There are very few people who practice the flesh in the whole sky, and there are only a handful of female dolls.”

"It seems that this first day in the south is not so easy to get."

"Hey!" Two talented women, have already played dozens of rounds at this time.

The power of the crazy collision, the two are temporarily tied.

Time passed, dreams can not stand such high-intensity combat, sweat on the forehead, and Mu Qian is obviously much easier than her.

I must solve the admiration quickly, and soon some of the magic vines became magical.


The small ink ink has been injured by their siege, and Mu Qian said: "Small ink, come back!"

"Hey!" The small ink ink spurts the darkness and does not die, but some are not reconciled: "Master, I can defeat them."

It has a powerful blood of the beast, a belligerent and unyielding stubbornness from the bones.

Mu Qiang gently appeased: "Nothing, the master will avenge you, first go back to raise the wound."

Although some are not reconciled, but the small ink and ink has always been very obedient, and he went back.

"Hey!" When the little ink ink returned to the contract space, then some of the magic vines did not block the ink, and madly rushed to Mu Qian.

They are aimed at the eyes of Mu Qian, the heart, the throat...

Dream laughed and said: "Mu Wei, your contract beast can't help you, it seems that you completely gave up."

"Who said that I have to give up." Mu Qianshao cold channel.

The power of mobilizing space, running the teleport to avoid this deadly attack.

It’s so fast that people can’t see it clearly, they’re all stunned, “This speed...”

"Absolutely not the body, I am afraid it is a space tool that can be teleported."



"Mu Wei, I don't believe that you can always hide, always have your power exhausted."

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "You really like to play with these magic vines, then everyone can play together!"

A bottle of medicine was thrown out by Mu Qian, "Hey!" A hurricane caused the bottles to burst, and the medicine fell on the ground.

These magic vines are still in the pursuit of killing the Millennium, and laughing and standing on the side to restore the spiritual power.

At this time, she looked at the escape of the emperor, and she was in a very good mood.

At this time, some of the magic vines who had been bent on killing Mu Qianxi turned to a bend and attacked the dream.

This kind of thing is hard to think of, but she didn't react when the magic vine attacked.

Feeling dangerous, she wants to control these magic vines with soul power, but no...


The magic vine passed from the belly of the dream laughter, and the dream laughed and slashed the sword to cut it off, but the smile of the palm of the hand was full of blood.

She trembled: " is this possible?"

She also wants to control other magic vines, but these magic vines are crazy and out of control.

They not only attacked Mu Qian, but also attacked the dreams of raising them.

Meng Xiaoguang's face changed greatly, and he hurriedly avoided. In time, he did not have the speed to dodge, and the effort in the blink of an eye was bruised by these magicians.

The Dream Palace owner also had some horror. She mobilized the soul to control some of the magic vines, but there was no use at all.

Damn it! Her face is getting darker and darker.

"Puff puff!"


A scream of screams came out, and the dream laughter was still caught in the encirclement of the magic vine. The big red bride's dress was dyed wet by the blood.

The main road of the dream palace: "What are you still doing? Don't hurry to save Missy, hurry up!"

A red figure was stopped in front of the people in the Temple of Dreams, and Zhuque said: "Dream Palace, there is still no victory or defeat, and it is not good for you to intervene!"

"Laughter is very dangerous now, I can't bear it." The main pain of the dream palace.

"That's simple! The dream palace first said that Miss Dream Miss lost in front of so many people, you are her mother, naturally can replace him to admit defeat, then also ask the dream palace master to let Chu Li recover. So there are so many People testify, presumably the dream palace Lord will not renege." Suzaku smiled.

The dawn of the dream palace is sinking, but at this time the situation of dreaming and laughing is very dangerous. Seeing that the magic vine is going to pass from the heart of the dream.

The main road of the dream palace: "The smile is light, and the person who dreams of the gods will not experiment!"

She shot in an instant, destroying the magic vine that almost killed the dream, but there are still a lot of magic vines left here.

The main character of the Dream Palace ordered: "What are you doing coldly? Eliminate these uncontrollable magic vines!"

"Yes, the palace owner!"

The strong man who has dealt with this magic vine dreams of the shrine is still very good, and the other magic vines are disposed of very arbitrarily.

Before the main hall, it was like a typhoon. The entire garden was destroyed.

The refining pharmacist of the Dream Soul Shrine quickly gave the dream to lightly heal and stop bleeding.

Mu Qianxi stood in front of the unconscious Chu Li, and said to the dream palace: "Since Miss Mengda lost, the dream palace owner, please also promise the object, let my brother return to normal!"

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