Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1978: Konjac appears

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Chapter 1978, the emergence of konjac

"Go, hurry, this crazy woman." Others feel that things are not good, one by one ugly face.

"Ha ha ha! Go? Come to my dream house, do you think you still ran?"

When they rushed out, they found that the entire hall was covered with a black vine.


They tried their best to cut off some of the vines, but no matter how much power they used, they could only leave a shallow trace on the vines that were so hard.

"Oh!" Not only did not open a path, but they were taken away by the vines.

"Ah! Help!"

"The emperor brother saved me..."


Today is the day of great joy. At this time, the main hall for weddings is full of mourning.

"Ah!" Dream Big Gongzi was already hurt by Chu Li at this time, and there was less gas, and there was less gas. This person was not in danger.

Anyone who is close to Mu Qianxi is going to be defeated by him.

The people who want to go are not able to return. They look at the main road of the dream palace: "Dream Palace Lord, we have always had a good relationship with the Dream Soul, there is no friction, why do you want to do this to us."

"Yeah! Oh, I admire you so much, Dream Palace Lord, how can you make such a heartbreaking thing?"

"Dream Palace Lord, you can talk directly! How can I let me go."

The main show of the Dream Palace Yan Xiaodao said: "You should not blame me."

Don't blame her, who is it?

The dream palace owner then said: "Of course it is a blame! If it is not for the wedding of my daughter, you can still drink the wine, then drink and drink into a dream, without any sense of consciousness and pain. The death is much better than the fear of death now."

When they heard the words of the Lord of the Dream, they were all cold, and if they died, they would die even more unclear.

"Spell with the dream palace!" At this time they have nowhere to go, now the only way is to desperately.

At this time, the Xiahou family was red-hot, and they were forced to go nowhere by the people of the Dream Soul. Finally, the power of the violent violent violent rushed to the dream.

"Because you are deceived as a fool, I am stupid, I recognize it, but you are not good! I can't deal with you, but this girl must die today!"

"Not good... Xiahou family mainly blew!"

Some of the masters of the Dream Souls have changed their face. At this time, Meng Xiaoguang has been caught.

A four-star power homeowner was forced to such a point.

In the face of the crazy Xiahou family, Meng Xiaofei was scared and shivered. "Mother, save me! Grandma, save me!"

The main road of the dream palace: "Mother, laughing lightly, this girl's physique is rare, can't let her break here."

"I know!"

The voice of the old man came out, and in an instant, the space of the Xiahou family seemed to be banned.

"Hey!" He couldn't do anything, was hit hard, was crushed by a spirit, and he didn't have any room to fight back.

Other people's faces changed greatly, and the spirits were hands-on. They had no room to fight back.

The power of the spirits swept through them, and they trembled. The dream palace said: "You don't have to make useless struggles, and make a contribution to the rise of my dream house. It is your honor."

Who would feel honored? Life is gone.

Under this pressure, they did not dare to move. At this time, the dream palace owner looked at Mu Qianxi.

"It’s all because you have a little girl who made things a mess, but also hurt my children. This is the main thing to clean up."

The Lord of the Dream Palace swept over, and the power of the Peak Spirit was extremely powerful, and one by one made no obstacle to her.

The smile on his face was light and his face was smiling.

But what made him unbelievable was that Chu Li was in fear of being in front of Mu Xi and fighting her mother.

"Mother, don't kill Chu Lige, don't..." Meng laughed and shouted.

"Nature will not kill her, the magic of her body, I like it tightly!" The dream palace owner smiled and looked at Chu Li.


The old woman who had dismissed her shot also shot. "Can't let that adult wait for a long time, you still have to die! Kill!"

"Puff puff!"

The **** smell that lingers in this hall is getting more and more intense, and more and more people are dying.

"Boom!" At this time, the entire hall suddenly split from the middle, the ground also split, and a steady stream of magic gas rushed out from the ground.

Soon, a behemoth appeared in the air, it was dark, only a pair of big bells with big eyes were strange dark red.

The cockroaches are all irregular and sharp, and the two thousand claws are like two.

Everyone was shocked: "What is this?"

It’s sinister: “Not enough, not enough, not enough...”

The eyes burst out of the blood-red light, and the light shrouded all around. Soon everyone's eyes were red, and both the enemy and the friend were desperately strangled.

Mu Qianzhen mobilized the soul to resist, but the soul is slightly weaker and completely controlled.

"Kill! Kill!"


They are like being in a nightmare, just thinking about killing.

When the dream palace owner came out of this thing, he took people away from it and gave up attacking Mu Qian.

Suzaku, Heming and Bai Ze have a strong soul, but they have also been affected by this time.

Zhuque cursed and said: "Damn, what the **** is this?"

"Hey!" Mu Qian's fingers moved, and the three medicine needles crossed over their arms, and they instantly felt clear.



"This stuff is very weird. I want to confuse my own people and say that they can't kill each other." Mu Qianxi threw out some potions and Dan Yao Road.

"it is good!"


At this time, it was a mess, not only the guests who were invited to the wedding, but also the people who dreamed of the Shrine.

Only a few people beside the main body of the dream palace were not affected. The dream laughed and said: "Mother, so killing, there are not many people left in our dreams."

The main road of the Dream Palace: "Their existence is originally a sacrifice for the konjac adults. They are also dead. If there is no such thing, it is impossible for these people to restore the strongest power to the konjac."

"As long as there is a konjac recovery, no one in the entire Xuantian world is its opponent. At that time, we can become a five-star force and even a stronger force. Are you afraid that no one will join?"

Meng Xiaoxiao said: "Mother is right."

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