Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1980: Brother and sister

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Chapter 1980 Brothers

"Don't talk nonsense with you!" Mu Qianyi stunned them by a teleport, and said to Xiaomo: "Take them away!"

"Well, master!"

Shortly after they left, the konjac with insufficient sacrifices broke out.

"Booming!" There are countless red beams of light in the sky, covering the surrounding creatures.

Not just humans, it is not even let go of the beasts and ordinary beasts.

When that light shrouded Mu Qianxi, Mu Qianxi was dragged by the soul.

Yan Long’s soul sword swept past and directly destroyed this light column.

There was a dangerous color in the eyes of the soul. "Dare to grab food with me, it is daring."

Under the light column, the old palace owner was extremely fearful.

She desperately squatted on the ground: "Adult, why? Konjac, why? We have been supporting you for so long, so long... The old is still useful, you can't treat me as a sacrifice! I don't want to die..."

They secretly counted so many people to give konjac a sacrifice, but did not expect to play with fire and self-immolation, this konjac even let them not let go.

"You humans, my food, can be my help, and that is your glory."

Mu Qian’s mouth evokes a mocking smile, and it’s really a report!

The women of the Dream Soul Palace said this to others before, and now it is the turn of others to say to them.

Just like the ants of the ants, the desperate desperation.

"Hey!" A sword crossed, blood splashed, and the soul shot.

"Although it is inferior, it is the food of the deity!"

The soul of the soul took the opportunity to harvest other people's lives, and soon these people of the Soul Jingu were killed by the soul.

The souls are swallowed one by one, and the konjac can't take them as sacrifices!

The corner of the soul is slightly raised. "There are two left, Kitty, what do you want to do? Especially the one, I am too lazy to start."

The soul is pointing at the dream and laughing, very disgusting.

The dream laughs and talks about the life of the person, the bloodthirsty cruelty: "Devil, you are a devil who does not blink, you... don't come over."

The main road of the dream palace: "Adult, save me! Save me, you can cut off this dream magic light to save the sorrow, you can save our mother and daughter two! As long as you can save our mother and daughter two, we will definitely do The cow is the horse to return you."

This powerful man is the only life-saving straw in front of him. The dream palace owner wants to catch it with desperation.

The soul is cold and cold: "Is it really boring?"

"Kitten, these two people are free to dispose of you, I will listen to you all."

"Then let them be the martyr's sacrifice! I am too lazy to do it."

The soul slammed into the air and said: "I am afraid that they have no chance to be the best."

"Boom!" A loud noise, the horrible konjac actually fell from the sky, fell a giant pit on the ground.

The one that controlled the dream palace and the dream laughter disappeared, and they were saved, but they were not able to escape without being seriously injured.

A black figure floated from the air, and the dream laughter and the dream palace owner shocked: "How is it possible? How is it possible? How can the konjac be defeated and defeated by Chu Li."

Who is Chu Li? In their cognition, it is a genius with a strong talent of Samsung and a lucky darling.

How can such a person defeat the konjac adults who have been in their dreams of the gods for thousands of years?

"Hey!" Chu Li stepped on it.

At this time, the magical power of Chu Li was only weaker than the konjac of the peak of the peak. This foot stepped on and directly cut off one of its claws.

Mu Qiang’s eyes widened and she didn’t read it wrong! The brothers are so powerful.

The dream laughter and the dream palace master only feel that they are dreaming, haven't woken up yet?

"Adult, forgive! Forgive! I don't want to die, I am hard to recover."

"Scratch!" It was another foot, and one of the claws was broken.

"Adult, I am willing to be your contract beast, you can also sign a slave contract." This konjac is pursuing a low-spirited beggar.

For so many years, their dreams of the Soul Temple are for the ancestors of this guy, carefully, and it turned out to be a grandson in front of Chu Li.

The dream palace owner thought that she dared to force such a man who was so unbearable to marry her daughter. Her face was still full of blood, and she knew that it would be like this. She would not let her daughter provoke such a person anyway.

The konjac is still extremely humble, and the result is that Chu Li said: "The trouble is dead!"

Chu Li started to madly drain all the magic of the konjac.


"You...you...you are..."

The konjac has not finished a complete sentence, its magic has disappeared, and its body has dissipated.

When it dissipated, the exaggerated expression seemed to encounter something very unbelievable and terrifying.

Chu Li is full of magic, and some are intimidating, and the thunder and lightning in the air are the familiar thunders of Mu Qian.

The soul is afraid of fear that the world will not be confused. "Ha ha ha! You are a slacker, you have to be killed, and you can die if you are killed."

Mu Qianxi worried: "Brother, are you okay?"

Chu Lidao: "There is a lot of magic. If you suppress it, it will be fine. I have to go to the retreat, and I will be able to help you find the location of the bright dragon."

Chu Li left this sentence to disappear instantly, ready to find a quiet retreat in the broken dream of the Shrine, to suppress and digest the magic of the place.

Mu Qian said: "Well, brother, I am waiting for you!"

At this time, the dream mother and daughter have been scared, they slowly climbed on the ground to escape,

"Hey!" Several needles blocked their major acupuncture points.

They said: "What are you going to do?"

"The Dream Soul Palace now has no living except for a few of us. You two are also a big life!"

"Don't kill me, you want me to do anything, my dreams and shrines have treasures, and..."

"Well, I won't kill you, you'd better be honest!"

At this time, the dream palace owner was scared to have no previous plans, especially afraid of death, so I explained everything.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Very good!"

This side of the magic dissipated, many people came to inquire about the news, Suzaku they came back again.

"Is that big monster solved?"

Mu Qiandao said: "Resolved, tell everyone a good news, now safe. Other people in the Dream Soul have been solved, but this culprit is still alive, you have any questions to ask her."

"She has now been abolished by me, and she is poisonous. There is no threat. It is an explanation for the major forces!"

Everyone looked at the dream house and dreamed lightly, without the friendliness of the past, and all eyes were cold.

Dream laughs light and dreams of the main palace: "Mu Wei, you lied to us? You lied to us?"

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