Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1983: I miss you too

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Chapter 1983, I miss you too.

When Mu Qianxi dared to the other side, he found that many strong people also rushed to the other side, and the closer they were, the more dense they were.

Some people are strong and strong, and they are like a lightning bolt.

Some people ride high-level flying sacred beasts.

The sacred power of light has attracted many people to come.

Ms. Qian said, "The competitiveness is not small, it seems that it will take nine nights."

Bright dragons must be handed, no mistakes, so you must have the strongest strength to fight.

Just as Mu Qiang thought about it like this, a light blue light appeared, and it was a thousand miles.

I really wanted him to come over, but he was given a step ahead.


A horrible force spread, and the soul was unceremoniously shot for this person.

After nine nights, I took Mu Qian’s waist and avoided the attack of the soul. Mu Qiang felt that he was wrapped in a familiar atmosphere.

It’s cool and cool, but it’s very reassuring. Mu Qian’s squatting on the pair of ice blue scorpions, smiled and said: “Nine nights, you come very clever!”

"Let's relax!"

The horrible flame was rolling, and the nine nights indifference smashed in the past, and the power of darkness overflowed, ready to sweep away this unsightly guy.

Mu Qian said: "The soul is not the time to start the war! Wait until the nine nights are restored. Anyway, how can you talk to him? Now you can give me the right."

弑 道 : : "The cat owner you have confidence in him, how can it be so easy to recover!"

"You are wrong, I am confident in myself."

The face of the soul is getting more and more gloomy, wanting to fight, want to kill, completely unable to control.

Mu Qian’s soul is scattered, and the soul that is about to run away is pressed back into the soul space, and the soul is almost mad.

"Kitid, hello... you are very good! You will give up on me when the phoenix is ​​nine nights. What good is he?"

Ms. Qian said: "I don't want you to waste your energy at this critical time, don't be angry."

"How can I not be angry!" Mu said that the soul is getting more and more angry.

Nine nights coldly swept through a few people around, and then pulled away and disappeared...

"Hey!" Unstoppable was sealed lips, nine nights in this way to pass on the long-lost thoughts to Mu Qianxi.

Mu Qian’s arms clasped him, and the two seemed to kiss the old days.

He said: "A very strong man is not weaker than that one."

Suzaku’s face sank and he said: “The man is so strong but a bit blind!”

"Call!" Finally, Mu Qianjiu untied the imprisonment, and Ms. Qian, who had difficulty breathing, hurriedly exhaled.

Nine nights in Mu Qian’s ear: "Can you come again?"

"No!" Mu Qian squatted at him.

So the eyes of nine nights stared at Mu Qianyu like this, and this kind of eyes made Mu Qian’s heart beat faster and faster.

Mu Qianqi came close to nine nights and picked up his toes: "I want to come, too? Because I miss you too! Nine nights."

The lips leaned together, because I found the cemetery of the bright dragon, then she was not far from finding the bright dragon, she was very happy.

Too happy, how about indulging?

Mu Qian's initiative, nine nights naturally more happy, than happy to find the bright dragon.

After a long time, Mu Qianxi asked: "Your news is also very fast in the nine nights! The appearance of the tomb of the Holy Dragon is very influential."

"Well! Purple is coming from the news, I will come over." At the moment of getting the news, he didn't want to wait for a moment.

Mu Qianxi took him and said: "This time we have to win the keel of the bright dragon, but let me say first, you guys have to do what they can, and when the curse breaks out, it will not be worth the loss."

In the face of the warnings of Mu Qianxi, the mouth of the nine nights rose slightly and said: "Good! Listen all the way."

"If you are afraid that this guy's curse will break out, just drive him over! Grab a keel of a bright dragon, not a rare thing. I will be fine, what do you want him to do?" The soul of the soul can't stand the loneliness.

“Is this not guaranteed to be foolproof?”

"I don't have him. If he is, I will never shoot, and I don't want him to lift the curse at all."

Mu Qianqi asked: "Is it really necessary?"

"That's still to say! Kitty, I don't like Phoenix nine nights, I don't like it very much."

"That sorrow, take a rest! I think I can do it. Although I am your master, although I really want to get the keel of the bright dragon, it will not force you to do what you dislike."

"Kitkey, you are so understanding that I want to kill you, don't you think about why I hate his mother?"

"The strong people are hostile to each other and mutually exclusive. It is normal." Mu Qianhui replied.

The soul does not want to talk...

The soul is silent and does not want to care for her. Mu Qian is helpless. For the nine nights: "Nine nights, let's hurry up! What is the situation on the side of the Holy Sepulcher?"


Suzaku saw the excitement of Mu Qianxi’s return: "Hey, you are back."

The result was swept away by a cold sight. The chill would have to freeze people. Suzaku clenched his fist and said, "Hey, don't you introduce it?"

Ms. Qian said: "This is Phoenix nine nights..."

"Hey is my fiancee!" Mu Qianxi has not yet introduced it, and announced his ownership directly in the nine nights.

Nine nights are not good at understanding people's feelings, but his instincts tell him that he doesn't like this man looking at you.

If it weren't for this, he wanted to let him go away.

Suzaku smiled and said: "When is the big marriage! Don't forget to let me go to drink!"

Mu Qianhui replied: "Well! It's absolutely impossible for you to come."

Suzaku’s heart is cold and cool, is there really no chance?

It is a forest. At this time, every leaf in the forest carries the power of light. The various elixir in the forest grows very fast.

This is the role of the power of light, there are many people here.

Zhuque said: "Hey, let me inquire about the intelligence and see how many forces have come, how many masters! Know yourself and know each other, win every battle."

"it is good!"

Bai Zehe said: "I will meet the people who meet us and see you at the appointed place."

They had to leave because the breath of nine nights was very dangerous and they disliked some of them as light bulbs.

Mu Qian said: "This time the East Emperor Dynasty will definitely act. Do you bring people to the nine nights?"

The more people, the better, so that no one is bullied by the East Dynasty.

Nine nights: "Well! I let Ziyou go, but he came a little slow."

If Ziyou knows that he is being dismissed and is estimated to cry, you have the eternal guardian of this space. As a fast connecting natural, he has to go through the plane and prepare people. How can it be so fast!

Tyrant, no one sex!

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