Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1987: You are not confident

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Chapter 1987, you are not confident

The phoenix's lineage is much stronger than the red dragonfly. The mutated phoenix with dark elements is even rarer.

Miao Lin ordered: "Red dragonfly, ruin it!"

"The owner is assured that this phoenix is ​​still not an adult, and it is easy for Hung Hom to clean it up." Hung Hom is proud.

"Hey! I don't have adulthood, it's more than enough to deal with you." Little ink is not convinced.

I have learned more about the things I have learned for a long time, and I have mastered the poison tongue skills.

This red dragonfly was blown up by a small ink ink. "Little phoenix, you are looking for death!"

"It’s you who are looking for death!"

The darkness did not die, and the phoenix explosion broke out. The red dragonfly showed the color of jealousy, and then tried his best to pounce on the little ink.

And Mu Linyi once again attacked Mu Qianxi, and a spiritual storm smashed away toward Mu Qian.

Mulin's elemental spirit is very violent, let alone the spirit of the emperor, under the Spirit of the Holy Spirit is difficult to avoid the attack of Mulin.

However, Mu Lin’s opponent today is Mu Qian.

The wind element is running, the speed of Mu Qianqi is getting faster and faster, and the elements of the wind counterattack back, and there is no advantage for Mu Lin.

"Yue Yao, Feng Feng!"

The power of the road has bounced back, and the impact of terror has made Mu Lin feel uncomfortable.

"Don't be too proud!"

Mulin has always wanted what she wants. She does not allow anyone in the world who threatens her status. She will never let herself lose to anyone.

The energy of terror has been erupting. "Mu, this time, see how you hide?"

Although Mulin Leica is difficult to break through the bottleneck of the peak Lingzong, Dan's combat power can be climbed.

Even the general low-level spirit, it is difficult to be her opponent.


The power of the road swept through. If it wasn’t for the physical strength of Mu Qian’s body, it would be estimated that she would be hit hard.

"Mu Lin, you are just like this! The first genius of Xuantian, I don't think how long it will take, you will make a hand." Mu Qian's mouth evoked a sly smile, and the red fruit was provoked.

"Mu, you have a big tone! You may not have to leave this place today." Mu Lin's eyes became more and more cold.

Mu Qianxi taunted: "With you, there is no qualification for me to stay here."

"The wind is blowing, the stars are broken!" The wind element spirit once again condenses and instantly erupts.

"Glyphs and small skills, your level will be upgraded to a big level, so that the Princess can face your capital, now, not enough!"

"If I really have that strength, Mu Lin, you will be killed by me today!"



Mu Lin 琅 continuous attack, admire the thousand or dodge, or hard fight, or attack.

A battle that Mu Lin thought she could easily solve, for a long time, Mu Lin's more and more cold.

A burst of storms formed and filled the space. "Mu, go to hell! It has made you live long enough."

Very strong, just can't escape from her previous speed.

Mu Lin’s strength to beat the peak of Lingzong forced her to use teleportation, and the genius cultivated by the five-star forces could not be underestimated.

However, he has not waited for Mu Qian’s attack to avoid the attack of Mu Linyi. From the sky, a bare bird has blocked most of the power.

"Hey!" Mu Qianxi was also shocked by this force, but her physical defense was strong and she did not suffer multiple injuries.

Mu Lin looked incredulously at the half-dead red dragonfly that she had beaten by herself. It was not bare or burnt feathers, and she could not see the glamorous appearance before.


The two beasts are of equal rank, she only looks a little stronger, but she is defeated!

The age of the small ink is too small and too small, and the red dragon scorns the small ink.

The small ink ink inherits the phoenix god's immortal phoenix inflammation, and then evolved into the darkness of immortal phoenix, this power is not the general first-order beast can survive.

"Master... I am incompetent..."

Lost to a young, young phoenix, it felt like he had lost the face of the red scorpion.

"Go back!" Mu Lin's cold road.

"Don't be too proud, you will die today!" Mu Lin took out the artifact this time, and there was a dangerous breath on the artifact.

Mu Qian said: "Small ink, can you fight?"

"Of course, playing a stray bird doesn't waste my strength!"

"You are attacking! On!"

"it is good!"

"Booming!" The darkness of the little ink ink is not dead. Feng Yan has carried out a mad bombing of Mu Lin.

Mu Lin did not put the attack of the little ink and ink in the eyes, a sword fell down, the goal is to admire thousands of miles.

Because, compared to a phoenix beast, she wants to let Mu Qianxi die early.

Only with a small ink block, even if it is a horrible artifact, Mu Linyi can't easily attack the extremely fast Mu Qian.


After some chaotic battles, in the falling feathers, "Hey!", a sharp arrow flew out.


There was a glimmer of light in the eyes of Mu Qianyan, obviously not so easy!

A burst of white light broke out and blocked the blow.

Mu Linyi, the five-star force of the Eastern Emperor's Princess Sissi, has no defense against the treasures in her hands.

"The power of the bright element."

This is exactly the same as the power of Guangming Shenglong. She can get scales. Mu Lin is a genius of the five-star power. It is not surprising to get other things left by the former Guanglong.

"Mu Wei, you are despicable, even with a hidden weapon to hurt people." Mu Lin sternly.

"Beyond you! I found out that there are talented people, you will let your dog legs use various means to deal with others. What assassination! Encirclement! All kinds of means have been used." Mu Qianqi mouth evoked A mocking smile.

"Mu Lin 琅, the name of the first genius is not maintained by such means. The true genius is to have enough confidence and constant efforts, and you ... only play this way, really pitiful."

"The reason why you are so unconfident, I think there is a reason, the blood is not pure, occupying the position that is not their own, the family is a thief, and being confident is a strange thing."

For the first time, she did not know everything about Mu Lin.

Now that she knows a lot about things, Mu Qianxi doesn't mind saying something that makes her unhappy.

I have to say that Mu Qiang said these words and was in the middle of the heart.

Mu Lin’s face has become stunned. “Nonsense, I want to tear you this mouth!”

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "It’s so irritating! This face is really ugly."


No one ever dared to irritate her like this, and Mu Lin was looking for a fierce at this time.

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