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Chapter 1990 sees the keel

"Wind, broken star!"


"Dark reincarnation!"

So Mu Qianxi, small ink and ink plus heavy Ming began to madly add a knife, but no gentleness to Mu Lin.

"Hey!" Without the general defense of the turtle shell, Mu Lin could not bear such an attack.

She was not hurt at this time, and a blood spurted out.

"His Royal Highness!" I found that Mu Lin was injured and Ye Lao was worried.

The purple sorrowful sorrow said: "Don't be distracted by the deity, you are impatient."

"Booming!" Ye Lao, the whole man flew out.

"Give me a hand!" Mu Lin muttered.

The gorgeous dress is not cut by the wind or burned. She is the most noble woman of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty. When is it so embarrassing!

"You said that you stopped your hand, Mu Lin, what do you think you are?"

When Mu Qian’s hand moved, the wind and the plume flew out. It broke down into countless blades and rushed to Mu Lin’s.

Mu Lin hurriedly avoided, with a bright red blood on her arm, and...

"Ah!" Mu Lin grabbed her face.

"Mu Wei, you are so bold, you dare to ruin my face! You have been licking my face!"

Mu Qianxi taunted: "I still need to marry you? Mu Lin, you don't feel too good!"

The elements of the wind condense, and the wind and the plume are combined into one, and they fall into the air and fall to the eyebrows of Mulin.

In an instant, Mulin’s necklace on the neck burst into a white light, blocking the attack of Mu Qian’s.

One channel opened, Mu Lin said: "Mu Wei, you have a bright sacred object to protect your life, is this Princess not there? This time you are lucky, the next time I must ask you not to die!"

Mu Lin rushed to the ground and fled, and for the first time she was forced to this, she hated the extreme.

Re-emphasizing the way: "Damn, let her run!"

Ms. Qian said: "The princess of the five-star power, where only one of the defensive artifacts is so simple, even if there is no light of the holy dragon to help her escape, she estimates that there are ways to save lives!"

"To come to Japan, I will take her dog's life one day!"

His Royal Highness has escaped safely, and Ye Lao does not want to entangle with the purple secluded, ready to retreat!

Purple quiet channel: "Is the deity so you are gone?"

Purple secluded a shot, the terrible darkness of the devouring force shrouded Ye Lao, Ye Lao was struggling.

However, the purple and sinful look of his painful struggle made him suffer!

Mu Qian said: "Purple, don't waste time, or I will go first."

The old man was shocked and looked at Mu Xi. This little girl actually spoke to the purple revered master. They... they knew it?

It’s a bit strange to be re-emphasized, but this woman’s origins are unknown, and he’s not surprised.

Purple secluded: "Little beauty, can you abandon me! I will solve it immediately."

"Ah!" Ye Lao made the last scream, and the whole person disappeared completely.

Only after the solution was over, I returned to the side of Mu Qianxi and smiled: "Little beauty, I am a hero to save the beauty today, when you have to give me a good pillow in front of the night, let him less toss me. Let me arrange a little less and let me spend more time with the beauty!"

"Don't talk nonsense, go first, pass this fourth layer and say."

"it is good!"

The three of them joined forces, from the fourth door to the third door, then to the second door and into the first door.

The weaker the end, the almost no opponent in the first door, but the power of the bright elements here is more intense.

"Come on me!"

"I am hiding, can you find me?"


The first floor is definitely the largest one.

All the people of all powers are gathered here. They are not fighting each other here, but they are very good at playing various naive games.

Whether they were hostile or friendly, they were very happy at this time.

I’ve seen a big change in my face. “This... what the **** is going on?”

Soon he felt that he couldn’t control himself. He clearly looked at Mu Qian’s words: “Actually... actually I don’t hate you at all, you are very good...”

Consciousness has not been completely affected, and he has directly caught his mouth!

What is he saying?

Not only is the re-emphasis affected, but the same is true.

"Color is empty, empty is color, how can I live up to so many beautiful people, I decided to go to Van Gogh to be a monk after the decision. Mrs. Lord, what do you think!"

Mu Qian’s mouth madly pumped up. What exactly is this with?

I am afraid that everyone thinks that the lower the number of each door, the easier it is to deal with it. In fact, it is really the first door.

Among this door, Guangming Shenglong influences everyone with his own ideas.

Here, they have no struggle to fight, no intrigue, no lie, no falsehood...

One by one became the saint of the bright dragon expectation.

Mu Qian said: "What about you as a bright dragon? You can't distort other people's lives, but you have helped me a lot."

These two guys have some tempest at this time, self-protection should still be no problem, Mu Qianyi with the absolute powerful soul to resist the influence of the bright dragon, pulled out the Yanlong soul sword!


There are people of the Xing Xing Zong, and there are people of Lin Yuezong who naturally want to take advantage of this good opportunity to solve them and make them lose their vitality.

Even in the face of the enemy, they can not give birth to a little hands-on thinking.


In its paradise, there are people who have killed the killing, can not be forgiven, absolutely can not be forgiven!

The bright dragon is angered, and the power of light envelops Mu Qian, and wants to evolve Mu Qian.

It is shrouded in the sword of the Dragon, and wants to destroy this blood-stained sword.

Mu Qiang cold channel: "Dream!"

"This power, still want to move the deity! Roll!"

"Hey!" The power of the light is scattered.

Mu Qianxi cooperated with the soul to solve a lot of enemies, and the power of the bright elements is getting stronger and stronger. It wants to evolve this evil human being, the evil sword.

But it's useless!

The power of light that was provoked again and again, this time directly led the scale.

The scales burst into a silvery light, engulfing Mu Qianji into another space.

At this time, Mu Qianqi volleyed and stood up. Looking down, it was the mountains of the continuous silver stone.

"No... this is not a mountain. This is... this is the body of the bright dragon..."

The overall outline is clearly the shape of the keel, and the body of the bright dragon is so large.

The dragon's keel of the bright dragon is just in front of you, and Mu Qian has swept it down!

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