Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1994: St. Dragon's Death

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Chapter 1994, St. Dragon's Death

At this time, Guangming Shenglong was stupid.

He said: "Have I said anything before? I forgot it for a moment, humans, quickly leave here, you can bathe the light in my place, it has already made you a lot cheaper, you don't have to take it." ”

Mu Qianxi was laughed at by him. "Who used to say that the holy dragon of the Holy Spirit will never violate the promise? Your so-called light is no different."

"You are nonsense! You are nonsense!"

"If you are reluctant to disappear completely, you will directly explain the situation. Now I am very defiant of you. You want everyone in the world to be selfless, but you are now a selfish guy."

"You are nonsense... nonsense... I am definitely not like this, definitely not!"

The bright holy dragon violently left, and the power of these bright elements around it was unusually violent.

And Crystal Ying blocked these attacks, when they couldn’t hurt Murray.

Crystal Ying was also tempted by this guy, and it was unceremonious to fight back. The power of the bright element was bounced back by her.

This bright holy dragon is simply deceiving too much!

"Boom!" A burst of explosion came out.

Guangming Shenglong’s horrified way: “Eternal guardian, Jiuzhong Hongmenglian. You are also its contractor, I have looked down on you.”

A person with eternal guardian protection, even if he is at the peak of his state, will not be full of support and nothing to attack her.

It is not even now!

Mu Qian said: "You are afraid that you will disappear. This fear makes you the most disgusting person of your own."

"No! No! I... I just don't want to be reconciled. I haven't gotten the approval of the adults. I don't want to disappear like this." The bright dragon shivered.

"You worship the eternal thousand illusion, my contractor is also an eternal artifact. If you meet him in the future, you will pit me like this, and you will not be afraid that I will say bad things to you in front of him." Mu Qianxi told him.

"You dare... you can't do this? You can't do this!" After listening to the words of Mu Qian, the Guanglong Shenglong was very excited.

Putting a person in an incomparably high position, he does not want to leave a little stain on the person's heart, he hopes that he will always be the perfect one.

This is the death of the bright dragon, this love, humble into the soil.

Mu Qian said: "Guangming Shenglong, you choose! If you insist on not complying with the promise, I will obliterate everything, and then you will say your bad words in front of the eternal thousand illusion! Even if you disappear forever In this world, you will also become a dirty presence in his eyes."

Bright St. Dragon screamed: "You don't want to say it! I don't... I absolutely don't allow this to happen."

If Mu Qianxi is only the master of the Eternal Sword, it is not so jealous. After all, the soul is very different from the adults.

But the eternal guardian is not the same, the eternal guardian is a gentle woman, and the relationship with other eternal artifacts is very good, if you really see the adults in the future...

Guangming Shenglong finally compromised. "As you wish, I will inject the remaining strength and soul into the fascia bones to achieve a bright dragon dragon bone."

"Please also ask you in the face of adults in the future, don't say bad things about me, if you can, praise me a lot! Let the adults remember me a little, I am very satisfied." Guangming Shenglong is not as arrogant as before. Very humble.

Mu Qianshen sighs, this is the eternal thousand illusion.

A ray of light wrapped the leading bone, and the magic above the faucet was instantly expelled.

The atmosphere of the bright dragon is getting weaker and weaker, and it quickly disappears from the world, leaving no trace.

Mu Qianxi looked at the leading bone, which is pure and pure.

After she threatened the bright dragon, the Bright Dragon really completed the keel of this bright dragon without reservation.

Mu Qian said: "The blood of the dark phoenix, the keel of the bright dragon has already arrived, and then the heart of the **** of life is still timid."

Half of the important things to lift the curse have been found, and Mu Qian also breathed a sigh of relief. almost!

Just as he was going to take the keel of the bright dragon, a group of people suddenly rushed over.

The bright dragon disappeared, the power dissipated, and a lot of loopholes appeared in the tomb, which made people find it.

The first one to arrive here is Mu Lin.

Mu Linyi is not alone, she is followed by the elite of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty and Lin Yuezong and Xing Xingzong.

Mu Lin saw a familiar figure and flashed a cold light in her eyes.

"Mu Wei, it turned out to be you! Put things down."

She used to escape with the light of the holy things, very embarrassed.

Ye Lao did not come back. The master of the Eastern Emperor’s dynasty was actually degraded because of this individual. It’s **** it!

She wants to give the murder to the corpse, but she did not expect to see the land of treasures, and Muxi just had to take this treasure into her pocket.

At this time, she is also very clear that this time the treasure is not the eternal artifact of the bright attribute of the eternal thousand illusion, but the dragon tomb of the bright dragon.

The level of the two is completely different, but the bones of the bright dragon are also very precious things.

Mu Qian said: "Why, this is mine, no one can take it!"

Mu Qianxi took the keel of Guangming Shenglong into the space. Mu Lin said coldly: "Give me her, I don't believe it, this time anyone can protect you."

Mu Lin has many people, and Mu Qiang is only alone, killing her is a breeze for them.

"Mu Lin 琅, want to bully, but also to see if this son did not agree?" Red flames, rushed out.

Mu Lin found them here, and Suzaku naturally found them.

Not only Suzaku, Bai Ze and Zhong Ming also rushed over, and their people were brushed in front of Mu Qianxi.

Mulin said: "The main thing that the public is dealing with is Mu Yu. Are you three compelling against my East Emperor Dynasty? Big courage."

He clearly replied: "It is no big deal with you, no one is too big, others are afraid of you, I am not afraid of it!"

"We are not against you now, Mu Lin, you will not let us go." Bai Zedao.

Mulin said: "You are very good. Since you are not trying to find death, then this princess will fulfill you."

"Take them all, kill them all!"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

"Hey!" The two sides fought together in an instant, and Mu Lin rushed to Mu Qianxi.

She has to kill this woman with her own hands before she can be ashamed.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Mu Lin, the last time you lost is not enough? Do you want to come again?"

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