Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1999: Still running

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Chapter 1999 is still running.

"Don't be proud, I will kill you and a dead girl now!"

The singer of the comet is furious. When he wants to have some strength, he will seize the opportunity and get the antidote!

When the power of the lord of the comet rushed toward Mu Qianxi, Mu Qianxi actually avoided it.

"Don't want to hide!"

Once again, the singer of the comet rushed to the past, and in the blink of an eye, he became a low-level spiritual sage.

This has not stopped yet.

After several consecutive slashes, Mu Qianyi opened the wind and zero lupin.

"Yue Yao, Stars!"

Take the wind as the screen, and the wind will fight back.


"What?" For this first day in the south, his peak is actually that her strength is the same.

Now that he is fighting, he knows that this little girl is not good at dealing with it. Her control over the spiritual power of the element is stronger than his old-fashioned spiritual sanctuary.

His power finally stopped falling, and he remained at the level of the first-order spiritual sanctuary. The comet of the comet was relieved.

"As long as you don't fall to the Holy Spirit, your little girl will definitely die."

Then he was full of spiritual strength, and a knife and a knife killed the enemy with a fatal killing.

This time, the Emperor of the Comet did not accept any mercy, and made a fatal trick to lock up the Mu Qian, and let him avoid the flash, it is difficult to avoid.

This move made Mu Qianyu feel threatened, but fortunately he suppressed his strength to the first-order spiritual sanctuary, otherwise it would be troublesome.

"The wind is the shield!"

The elements of the wind are in front of Mu Qian’s body, spread out layer by layer.

Then, the stellar lord smiled and said: "I want to block me with such a defense! Dream!"

He jumped into the air, falling down with a knife and a knife, and the power of each knife was superimposed.

"The sky is full of clouds!"

The spirit is so strong, this is the pressure of the peak spirit to reduce the strength and then give Mu Qian.

Mu Qianxi did not hide his own cards, followed by a layer of defense.

"Ice Spirit Shield!"

With the advancement of Mu Qianxi, the defense of water elements has also become stronger.

The surrounding air became cold and the singer of the comet was shocked: "The wind and fire dual elemental spirits are actually double-line!"

"Do not want to block me like this!"

His attack is still very strong.

Just as the knife had to cut off the neck of Mu Qiang, a red-red sword slashed the knife.


The appearance of Yan Long's soul sword blocked most of the killing power of the knife, and Mu Qian fell back.

When the sword appeared, the stellar lord was somewhat shocked.

"Blocked with an artifact, but you are too small to look at me, and the rest of the power is enough to destroy your body."

However, I did not expect that Mu Qian, who flew out, quickly stabilized his figure.

Mu Qianxi looked at him and smiled: "I am sorry, the remaining strength will not only destroy me, but destroy my clothes at most. My clothes are very expensive, but with the life of your star, I will not lose money!"

The red-red flame broke out and felt the power of this horrible fire element.

The stellar lord can't tell at this time that this is the power of the fire element itself, or the reason for this sword.

This is no longer a point. When Mu Jian’s sword will go down, he feels a sense of oppression!

A strong fire has the power, a strong spirit!


Xing Xingzong chose to avoid, and he just avoided it.


Mu Qian’s mouth twitched with a cold smile. “Don’t die too fast. After all, I want the Emperor of the Star to accompany me to practice the sword.”

The super-red flame waved again, and countless flames turned into avatars and became savage beasts, madly heading towards the comet of the comet.

"Three... turned out to be three series!"

At this time, the singer of the comet has clearly felt that Mu Qianxi is a fire-fighting elemental master. He has the power of three elements. Is this still human?

"Don't be so surprised, because in the end you will die under the fire element, and the smoke will vanish!"

Holding the Yanlong Sword, Mu Qiang uses the elements of fire to kill the enemy, the wind element is used to speed up, and the water element is turned into ice defense.

After all, the singer of the comet is so much higher than the rank of the prince, and there are no more means to defeat him.

However, not so fast failed, it is a torment for the Xing Xing.

While facing Mu Qian’s various powerful tricks, the number of people watching them on the side of the Xing Xingzong fell down one by one.

Already people have asked for support, but after a long time, there is no movement, he is extremely uneasy.

Do they have to do their comet?

The last thoughts of the lord of the stellar lord, he said: "Mu 宸汐, you can stop, with your talent, will definitely let the five-star power of the East Emperor dynasty look at each other! As long as you stop the battle today, I will recommend you to His Majesty, Give you the best resources for cultivation. What happened today, we are not accounting for the stars!"

Mu Qianxi smiled. "The star of the comet, are you really when we are three-year-olds? She is the means of her, you don't know, today's words come to lie to us. It seems that you are going to go without a trip. It!"

He also knows that some of these people are not so deceived. The main star of the comet said: "I... I can recommend you to your Majesty. His Highness is so young that he will not do anything to make such a thing. We are still very cherished." Talented."

"Growing such a daughter, I don't have much confidence in your majesty. And you are just a dog that Mu Lin has raised. It is estimated that there is no qualification for you to see you." There was a mocking smile.

The face of the singer’s lord’s face, Zhuque said: “I’m right, don’t listen to him’s nonsense, or let the 琅星宗 disappear.”

"Hey, you should deal with him first, and when I finish this, I will go and play with you this old thing!" Suzaku laughed.

The star of the comet saw it, and it was true that the side of the Suzaku had already solved the problem of their star.

The singer of the comet said: "I am fighting with you!"

The Xing Xingzong knew that he had not been able to support it for a long time. He once again smashed and killed him to Mu Qianxi. He looked desperate and wanted to guard the star.

"Hey!" The attack was like a storm, and it was rushing toward Mu Qian.

If it is not the strength of Mu Qian’s flesh, it will not be able to stand up for this attack by the attack.

High-intensity battles don't dare to relax, and spiritual power is getting more and more.

As a lord, he shouldn’t have run away, but at this time he found that the situation was too bad, so...

Still go first, the hatred of other people, wait for him to tell everything to Her Royal Highness Princess Princess, she will give them revenge,

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