Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2015: Less door to the Lord

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The first chapter of the 2015 chapter

As a refining pharmacist, she is obsessed with refining medicine, but for those madmen who are doing human experiments for the sake of results, she is deeply wicked.

She used to kill a few crazy doctors. They ruined several of their labs and learned about their experiments.

Some of the things that Mr. Wang said today remind her of bad memories.

No matter which world, there is such a madman.

And such a madman has a four-and-a-half-strength backing in this world.

Elder Wang felt that the coldness of the body was smashed. This little girl was terrible when she threatened her. Now it’s even more scary.

The cold voice came, "The door of your black medical door is quite capable! Presumably there is a result. How many people have tested your door, how successful it is!"

Wang Changlao said: "There are not many people, that is, more than 10,000 people. They are all children who have no children."

"Small girl, the sky can be created in the sky, our door owners have already succeeded. After the success, how many geniuses do we have in the black medicine door. After they grow up, what is the East Emperor Dynasty? It is the world of our black door."

"Your talent is very strong, and it also contributes to this revolutionary change. After that, the doorkeeper will definitely have your benefits! After all, although your talent is strong, it is definitely better than the genius created by the doorkeeper. The door owner can also help you improve your talents, and we can all be black."

Elder Wang tried to convince Mu Qianxi, who can withstand such temptation.

The smell of Mu Qianxi is getting more and more terrible, what changes? It’s just a matter of madness and madness that they have made because of their ambitions.

Mass production genius, it will not be a genius, but a human-free machine that is not human.

"Hey, I remember what Huang Lingjing is? This is a masterpiece of a refining pharmacist a long time ago, because he used the power of space to make a thing that destroyed a plane. I heard it."

It turns out that the door of the black medical door is not able to withstand strength, but has the information of the ancient times to do such a thing.

However, external publicity is the result of his research, so that his men are more admired.

"At the beginning, he exhausted the blood and talent of the people of the entire continent and brought it to him. He wanted to become a new generation of gods who had the talent of transcending the ancient gods."

Mu Qianqi asked: "Is he successful?"

"Is it a success? Many people can't deal with him at the beginning, his various forces broke out very strongly, and finally invited us to shoot."

"The soul of the soul gave him a solution." Among them, the best of the soul, this kind of thing should be none other than him.

"No, it's a lifetime! I don't know how to solve it in my life, but this kind of transformation of the human body with the power of the refining pharmacist and the space, he naturally has a way to cope as the most powerful refining pharmacist, so easy solved."

Mu Qianxi whispered: "It turned out to be a lifetime!"

Although her life is a big radish, she can't influence her worship of him, because the life-long refining technique is really strong and strong, and that is what she pursues.

At this time, Mu Qiang felt that someone was close to here, but he could not leave here.

Crystal Yingdao: "Huang Lingjing in the space of the children has the power of space. You can use this Huang Lingjing to open up a road. And this piece of Huanglingjing excavated from the Blackwater Islands is not much, I can put all the power of this space. After they are absorbed, they can't use them later."

I still wanted to ask more about this elder, but it was too late.

Crystal Ying absorbs some of the power of space, although very few, but better than nothing, for Crystal Ying is still a little good.

According to the guidance of Crystal Ying, Mu Qianjing held a large array of Huang Lingjing here, the power of running space, tearing open the space blockade here.

"There are few gatekeepers, adults are here."

There was a voice coming from outside the door, and Wang Chang’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light. The younger door came, and the little girl died.

He said: "Small girl, you can think about it, there is nowhere else to run! As long as you surrender to my black medical door, I will ask the younger one, let him open the net and bypass you!"

"You can't get rid of the black medical door, and you can go to death!" Mu Qian's cold road.

When a young black robes came in, they saw that Mu Qiang took a jade fan and killed Wang Elder. He angered: "Bold! People who dare to kill me!"

Some of his followers broke out with tyrannical spiritual power, and they all turned into high-level spiritual sacred.

The power of terror struck, and Mu Qian directly plunged into that formation and opened it!


When they rushed over, they were blocked by a stream of space, and they couldn’t hurt a thousand points.

They can only see that Mu Qianxi disappeared directly in front of them, but they could do nothing!

Before leaving, Qian Qianxi said: "You are really good at the black medical door! This account, we are slowly liquidating!"

"Damn! Actually ran!"

"There are few gatekeepers, this little girl is not ordinary, even with this Huang Lingjing opened the space blockade of the Blackwater Islands."

"This group of waste, don't know what the little girl knows?"

The five senses of the youth are very beautiful, but at this time the gloomy is not good. He swept the body of the elder Wang on the ground: "What are you doing? Soaring! Ask!"


Mu Qiang just killed the man, but it was too late to destroy his soul.

The dead Wang’s immediate soul was taken away, and he found that the face of the younger master was not good-looking and he was tempted to do things.

"Damn! That little girl knows so much! I immediately sent someone to chase her, and I must not stay alive."


This incident is too shocking. They are still very prestigious in the Eastern Emperor Dynasty. No one would believe a little gibberish.

But for such a threat, they must be removed.

As for the elder Wang, the elder Wang asked the younger to save the life, and the soul still had a way to live. As a result, the doorkeeper said coldly: "This kind of guy who is not enough to make things happen, directly let him fly away."

"Yes! Little door!"

"Ah!" Wang Elder was instantly smothered by the soul.

Mu Qiang opened the passage, and there was no danger at that time, and soon arrived at a safe place.

Mu Qianqi asked: "Crystal Ying, how?"

"The power of the space of Huang Lingjing of the Blackwater Islands has been absorbed. It is estimated that it is the last place left in the ancient times. They have nothing to do with them in the future." Crystal Ying returned.

"That's good, but this black medical door..." Mu Qianshao cold channel.

The black medical door is a four-and-a-half-sector force. It is not so simple to destroy the full door. I am afraid it will be more troublesome than paying for Lin Yuezong.

"Don't be too anxious, you have already destroyed their roots, you should not take risks." Crystal Yingdao.

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