Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2017: Very difficult

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Chapter 2017 is very difficult

"The wind is blowing, the stars are broken!" The wind and zero lupin fans instantly open, and Mu Qianyi wants to block those dangerous swords.

"Small ink, be careful!"

These swords not only attack her, but also attack the wings of the small ink.


Lee Arrow draws a blood hole in the wings of the small ink ink, and it is difficult for the small ink to maintain balance in the air.

Mu Qianxi’s distressed little ink and ink, said: “Small ink, go down!”

"But the master..."

"It’s a big deal, you have to rest and heal, this is my order."

"it is good!"

Small ink can only fly down, it is a forest.

When they confronted each other, Su Shiqing broke out and murdered, and the people and beasts in this forest had been hiding far away.

Obviously it is a murderous person, but it can hide the perfection. It is a terrible killer.

When Mu Qianji went to the woods, there was no one here, and the little ink ink refused to return to the space and was smothered by Mu Qian.

The white figure fell from the sky and started without a word.

The cold swords of the ice swayed in the air with terrible embarrassment, and countless swords rushed toward Mu Qian.

Mu Qianqian's power of running space quickly escaped, while the other's sword made the space distorted, step by step blocked by Mu Qian.

Various swordsmen laid a network around the world.

It's too tricky!

The low-level spiritual sage she has seen, this person is absolutely the most terrible.

Mu Qian said: "How much money your employer spent to kill you, I am ten times, twenty times, you say a few!"

The killer collects money to do things, but a killer like him will never harm his reputation for the sake of profit, and Mu Qian did not report much hope.

She just wants to divert his attention, but unfortunately it has no effect.

This person is very focused on killing her and wants to take her life, especially serious.

"Wind, broken star!"

"Wind, silence!"


The other party tears open her wind element spirit is like playing, if not the speed of her dodge will definitely hit the commandment.

She also does not want to expose the identity of the three elements, so only...

Mu Qianshao said: "I really thought I was bullied?"

When Mu Qian took it out, it was a safe distance, and it was shot out in an instant!

"Sirlo India!"


The surrounding trees were knocked down by this imprint, and countless trees fell in front of Mu Qian’s, dusty.

Only the spirit of the Eighth Order Emperor, she did not expect to be able to deal with this killer, just to influence her sight.

Soon, countless pharmacy needles flew out, not just the pharmacy needles. The hidden weapons that Mu Qianshao had on them were all used, and the man was bombarded and bombed!

Running the wind element, Mu Qianyi fled here at the fastest speed.

"Master, I can fly!"

"Small ink, you hurt! The other horse's mount is also the peak of the beast, and is good at speed, we can't smash for so long. It's not as good as I run, I don't want to be afraid of her."

Then there were countless roads coming from the air, and Mu Qian felt that the other side had used the sword to control more than a dozen swords behind him, and Mu Qian’s body shape quickly avoided.

"Puff puff!"

The attack fell through, and Su Shiqing's look became more and more chilling. The white shadow was like a lightning bolt and chased up to Mu Qian.

No mission goal can escape from his face, let alone her...

The person behind him is chasing her like a dog skin plaster. As a killer, these traces force him to give him ninety-nine points. One point is that he is too proud.

Mu Qianxi was once again caught up, Su Shiqing fell a sword, recruiting deadly, and his face had no expression at all, and Mu Qian could feel his thoughts at this time!

I want him to die!

The storm of terror is extremely terrible. Even if all the elements of the wind and the spiritual defense broke out, it was still hurt.

Space spirituality is inherently weak, and it is impossible to use teleports constantly, but at this time it is forced to a dangerous situation by this guy, and it cannot be too embarrassing.


He was escaping twice by Mu Qian, but this time Su Shiqing did not even have the opportunity to escape.

After the power of her spacecraft that can bless the speed is consumed, he can take her head.

"Master, my injury is good, I want to help you! I want to help you!"

Mu Qian’s agent has an excellent healing effect, and the resilience of the small ink ink itself is strong. At this time, the recovery is almost the same.

Seeing that the master was so badly suppressed by this abominable killer, the little ink can't do anything.

"Small ink, come out!"

The darkness is not dead, the phoenix explosion has erupted, and Su Shiqing’s sword as usual has dealt with Mu Qianxi and Xiao Momo, one pair and two, and it is still very calm.


After all, the small ink ink is a first-order beast, and it also has a blessing of darkness and immortality. Even if the strength of the killer is a bit abnormal, it is finally a sigh of relief.

But she definitely can't relax. Once this level of killer shows a little flaw, he can find the opportunity to send the target to Huang Quan.

"Boom!" The small ink ink broke out a powerful killing trick, the darkness is not dead, the Fengyan is rolling, and finally the other party feels a little tricky.

Mu Qiang plundered and broke out with the incomparable destruction of the majestic.

"Sirlo India!"


This seal was still blocked by him, but he was knocked back more than ten steps, the white robe flew, and he launched the attack again.

In the face of the attack of Mu Qianxi and Xiao Momo, he used his own sword to see the move.

This person is very keen, Mu Qian can use his medicine needle and hidden weapon to attack others, but with these things to attack this killer, then do not think about it, just waste your energy.

This is a flawless, extremely powerful killer. The black medical door is really a **** one. Please ask such a powerful guy.

Can no longer entangle with him, and Mu Qian took out a few bottles and threw them out.


Numerous bottles were cracked, and the black mist shrouded the surroundings, reaching out to the fingers.

"Small ink, let's go!"

When Mu Qiang left, there were countless invisible swords in the air that came to Mu Qian.

"The wind is the shield!"

The small ink ink has been injured once, and Mu Qianxi does not want it to be injured again. The wind element breaks out to block some of the swords, but these swords violently tear the barrier of the wind element.

"Puff puff!"

The sword gas rushed toward Mu Qian, even if Mu Qian had a perverted body and was injured by this sword.

There were a few more holes in the body, and the lavender clothes were dyed dark purple.

"This sword is really powerful, and my physical defense can't stop it."

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