Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2034: Littering things

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Chapter 2034, littering things

Everyone glimpsed, the ghost doctor.

Ghost doctors have just developed in the east, and their fame is not as good as when they were in the south, but these four-star forces are naturally heard.

In their cognition, the Ghost Medical Building is good, but it is still far worse than the black medical door.

The big son of the black medical door smiled and said: "You are the one who is the ghost medical building. The medicine of the ghost medical building is still trying to solve the poison of my black medical door. It is whimsical."

"Is it whimsical, try to know, you can have the effect and then pay." Mu Qian said.

Although they also have some doubts that Ghost Medicine can not solve the poison, but the attitude of Mu Qianxi is obviously much better than that of the black medical door. Naturally, some people are willing to try.

At the entrance of the medicinal herbs, the body becomes comfortable in an instant, and the spiritual power can be used smoothly.

The fist clenched the man who looked at the black medical door, and also endured the anger and did not impulsively find their black medical door revenge.

The people of Black Medicine also clearly noticed their changes and poisoned. How is it possible?

Some people were excited: "Thank you girl, are we all right?"

"I didn't expect the detoxification medicine of Ghost Medical Building to be so good. I didn't believe it. I am sorry."


These people have no good feelings for the black medical door, but they are polite to Mu Qian.

They also did not repent, took out the elixir and let Mu Qian pick.

After all, this little girl is not a person, standing behind is the killer of the dark cabinet.

For these killers who can do their lives without knowing the ghosts, they don't want to let this group of stars kill because of some small interests.

Their poison was solved, but Mu Qianxi was completely offended by the black medical door, and the black doctor’s few masters screamed at the thousand.

"you wanna die!"

The black doctor's grandson has to do it. It really has this meaning. It is the sword of Su Shiqing's life.

"Da Gongzi!" Some of the old guys in the black medical door changed their face and blocked Su Shiqing's attack.

Su Shiqing’s cold-blooded people who had swept the black medical door did not say that they were defending Mu Qian’s words, but his sword was enough to prove that he was not allowed to be shot by anyone.

The people in the dark court were shocked, and the boss was too masculine. The maintenance of this sword is self-evident.

"You really want to protect the dark cabinet..."

Their words have not yet been spoken, and Su Shiqing’s murderousness has become even more scary.

Lin Yuezong’s people screamed at Mu Qian, and heard that Su Shiqing was not close to the female color. I don’t know if this little girl had anything special to do so.

Mu Qianxi said: "Before our transactions, you are willing to love me. The reason why you fail is because your demands are too much! If you are not satisfied, you can lower your requirements. It is not like a anger. What should be done by people with deep four-and-a-half-class sects!"

"The girl is right!"

"It’s just that you have black medicine that hurts us. If you don’t help us detoxify, let us know! We will buy your account is a strange thing.”

"The name of your black medical door is scary, but we are not soft eggs! If you dare to move her, even if it is not in the dark, we will not give up."

These people are just a few people in the eyes of the black doctors, but the people in the dark cabinet can't be underestimated. The black doctors are screaming at the thousand screams: "I remember you, and Ghost Medical Building! You can't get the medicine building that sells medicinal herbs on the countertop. There is no star rating, and you want to fight with our four-and-a-half-star black medicine. You will regret it one day."

Mu Qian said: "Where is it? Who will regret it when I see it?"

This warning from the black doctor's grandson, Mu Qianxi is completely out of his eyes.

She changed her face again, and now they probably don't know that the people they want to be wanted are in front of them and dare to appear in front of them.

The black doctor door Dagongzi said: "Let's go!"

The people of the black medical door are leaving, and others have acted.

"Go!" Su Shi Qing cold channel.

The power of darkness is becoming more and more intense in this huge city, and soon the darkness deprives all the light, and the whole city is in darkness.

This kind of darkness makes people feel like there is a beast that rushes out.

Su Shiqing's gods spread out and made sure that everyone had nothing to do around.

"Be careful!"

"Yes, boss!"

They are extremely vigilant at this time and are in a high alert. Once they are in danger, they can make the quickest counterattack.

However, it seems that there is no horrible guy, but there is a little purple light, and the light is getting more and more. The place that was full of crisis has become dreamy.

“Is this a glowing jellyfish? It looks a bit small, the size of the nail is like a firefly.”

"A very beautiful thing!"


Where is this place, everyone is not stupid, there are such beautiful things, no one dares to approach, chase!

However, this thing is getting more and more, and some people can't help but be attracted to them.

"Wait! What are you going to do?"



Some people seem to be confused, and they can't help but rush into the purple firebug, chase them, and even grab them!


Soon, the lavish lavender and explosions broke out throughout the city.

"Booming!" The explosion sounded one after another.

"Don't get close to them!"

The people in the dark court wanted to get close to the purple firebugs, and Mu Qian’s direct needles were **** and let them wake up.

"I... What happened to me?"

"These rays have a deceptive effect, and some of the purple firebugs will explode. If you are a spiritual sage or a spiritual sacred, you will not have any bones that are absolutely fried."

They were shocked by a cold sweat, and Su Shi said coldly: "Don't be fooled by the next time you lose the face of our cabinet."

"Boss! Don't worry, we won't plant it for the second time."

These things are very powerful in confusing people. It seems that there is really no way to confuse people for the second time. The explosion has not stopped.

The fire is dazzling and the sound is deafening. This city has become extraordinarily lively.

In such a lively atmosphere, the power of the dark elements is even more taboo. Suddenly the ground begins to vibrate, and a black seven-dark tower slowly rises in the heart of this city, becoming the tallest building here.

Around this tower, there is a strong force of dark elements.

A pale green figure swept out, and the pale green scorpion swept over the tower: "The guy who littered things, throwing such a thing into Xuantian is trying to destroy this plane?"

"Dead woman, you are leaving here, or you are dragging you out!"

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