Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2039: It’s too fake.

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Chapter 2039 is too fake.


They are wide-eyed one by one, plus that black phoenix, Muyu actually has three contracted beasts, how is this possible?

Su Shiqing is not shocked, and there is such a strong teenager around Mu Xi, even if she is a contract with ten beasts, it is not surprising.

In the face of three beasts, and now that Su Shiqing has broken through, their situation is very bad.

"Lian Shimei, Mu Yu will give it to you, and must kill her!"

"Sisters, you block these three beasts. As for Su Shiqing, give it to me."

These young disciples of Lin Yuezong spread out. It is said that even the sister-in-law is very confident in dealing with Mu Xi, but Mu Qianxi released two scared beasts, and even the sisters were scared.

She screamed at the pair of cold black scorpions, and eventually gnawed her teeth to Mu Qian.

"Mu, go to hell!"

Mu Xi is the name of the singer who will kill him. If he can kill her, even if he can't get the eternal tower, this time they can go back to heaven.

At this time, she still doesn't know that these are delusions. It is a idiotic dream to step into the sky. It is possible to go to the West on one step!

In the eyes of Mu Qianxi, they are already dead.

Yan Long's soul sword changed the wind and zero feather fan, and even the sister felt that this sword was full of horrible power, and the devastating flame came in an instant.

"burning the sky!"

The flames are coming down, and the souls of the people can be burned.

"Fire... fire element spirit, you..."

It’s just that the talent of the wind element is already very powerful. There is more than one line. I can imagine how scary it is.

"Must kill you, be sure!"

Even the horror power of the Spiritual Order broke out directly, and it was attacked by Mu Qian, the spiritual element of the water erupted, and the silence of the millennium: "Ice Spirit Shield!"

"The water dragon is coming."

The three elements are used together, and they are handy, and even the sisters feel that they are illusory.

"How is it possible? Three lines!" She rounded her eyes, incredible.

They even let the genius of a three-line spiritual master live to the present, if His Royal Highness knows that he can spare them.

"Wind, broken star!"


The talents that Mu Qianxi showed have already made the company’s sisters feel confused.

Her approaching is a spiritual sac, and it is not easy to deal with, but there are many good things in the hands of Mu Qian.

The hidden weapon, the poison found the opportunity also used, so that she can not prevent it.

"Hey!" A pharmacy needle crossed the cheek of the sister, and even the sister felt that the blood on her face had spurted out, all of it was blood.

"Mu Wei, you actually count me with poison! Despicable!"

Mu Qianyi and a sword waved over, cold channel: "Jiu Yan Haotian!"

The fire element rushed over, even the sister has been poisoned, this time can only barely block, but the consumption of spiritual power is much.

She felt that her blood was boiling and she needed to adjust, but Mu Qianxi would give her time to adjust her inner life, and the flame of the destruction version would once again come.

Mu Qiang’s icy highlights three words, “burning the sky!”

"Hey!" Even the whole person flew out, and the whole person was swallowed up by the flames. Even if she got rid of the flame, she was burned.

"Cough and cough!" Even the direct and very painful, screaming and admiring a thousand words: "You... you dare to kill me!"

Mu Qianxi sneered: "Mu Lin 琅 I dare to kill, her running dog, I have nothing to kill!"

"You are bold!" she yelled.

"It's over. You can go to Huangquan and wait for Mu Lin. When I wait for her, I know if I am telling you it is true!"

Yan Long's soul sword fell, and even the sister-in-law was scared to death.

"Master sister, save me! Mu Xi wants to kill me... big..."


When a sword fell, her helplessness did not receive a human response, and naturally she could not escape the fate of the fate.

Lin Yuezong’s master sister, who broke through Lingsheng’s talent before the age of 50, is still very good, but his opponent is Su Shiqing, so he has already been shocked by a cold sweat.

This murder is terrible!

The elders of the sect did not give her the threat of death.

Su Shiqing fell a sword, and suddenly the sword shadow was divided into ten. Su Shiqing said: "You can die!"

The master's face changed greatly, facing Su Shiqing's killing tricks, no matter where she fled, she could not escape.


Sword Mang passed through the fatal part of her body. The master sister widened her eyes and could not believe that she was killed.

"Lian Shijie!"

"Master sister!"

The two men were dead, and the others were also defeated by three sacred beasts. They were directly scared.

For the remaining defeated soldiers, Mu Qianxi and Su Shiqing did not have soft hands, and one lived mouth did not stay.

This time it was really killing, and Mu Qian did not let them die.

"the host!"

Invincible and Xiaohong returned to the side of Mu Qianxi, and then stared at Su Shiqing.

Invincible: "Kids, I have time to play with my invincible adults!"

"You are not afraid that your cat life is difficult to protect, or the deity is better!"

Xiaomo ink smiled and said: "You don't argue, I think it's best together."

Although the owner has retaliated back, and the revenge is quite cool, but invincible and Xiaohong they have not forgotten that this guy chased the owner to kill for three days and three nights, so that the owner was seriously injured.

A stop hand to Azerbaijan, they have not counted here.

Su Shiqing swept through them indifferently, and she really looked like a master.

This woman's contract beast is as careful as her!

Mu Qian said: "You don't want to make a fuss, go back! They all met Lin Yuezong's people. It seems that this killing game is coming to an end."

It’s true that Mu Qian’s conjecture is right. The battle was just the last battle. After they walked through a long curved corridor, they reached an empty square.

At the top of the square, there is a small dark tower suspended in the air, and the picture under the square is probably a seal.

A stop sound came. "This is the core of this tower. The beast is estimated to be suppressed here. It is not enough to break the seal now. It is estimated that the previous action is one of the ways to break the seal. Then there should be some action."

It is late for Mu Qianxi and Su Shiqing to come here, because many people have already rushed to the core of the square, and Mu Qian said: "Dear the baby, let us go!"

"be careful!"

When I set foot on the square, a gloomy voice came. "You are all people of the Aion, but the Aion can only have one master. So you must prove to me that you are qualified to be eternal. The owner of the tower."

Everyone has a slight glimpse, how to prove it!

In the mind of Mu Qianxi, there was a sneer of Ah stopped. "This is too fake! The dark guy is a stuffy gourd, and there will be so many words with these pieces."

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