Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2044: Not someone else

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Chapter 2044 is not someone else

Mu Qianxi also knows that this guy is not courageous to lie now, and the black doctor’s door thinks that the owner is really careful.

"Hey!" Another needle stuck into his neck.

"You... you lied to me..."

"I didn't lie to you, I have no plans to let you die for the time being!"


Although this person must die, but in order not to let the beast be as expected, Mu Qiang only temporarily let him die.

Solved the goods, the purple figure passed, the medicine needle flew out, and the action of the millennium made other people die!


More and more people are falling, and it is getting worse for people who are black.

"Damn, you dare to kill our young master."

"We fight with you!"

They put together the last few points of power, but this resistance did not work at all, and all of them fell.

"Tick!" Su Shiqing's sharp red blood on the tip of the sword, drop by drop onto the black slate.

"Ha ha ha!" A laughter came.

"Doing a good job, doing well, killing, all dead!"

Ms. Qian’s mouth rose slightly, she said: “Then you can recognize me, recognize me as the Lord! We have solved other people.”

"I am an eternal artifact, I can only recognize one person as the main, but you have two people! So you two must have one person to die!" The voice of the sinister came.

Ms. Qian said: "Can I refuse?"

"If you want to get this artifact, then you have to do this. You can't say it."

This fierce beast is actually quite shameless and continues to hold the eternal artifact.

"Then don't want you, let's go! Clear the baby!" Mu Qianxi is very simple, and wants to leave.

Su Shiqing did not say anything to keep up with, the behavior of the two is not the same as the beast.

"You... are you still human?"

"This is impossible!"

Human beings are a kind of greedy creature with endless eternal life. No one wants to be in the face of the supreme eternal artifact.

But now someone turned around and left, it seems that they don't put the eternal artifact in their eyes.

It feels like it has met strange!

"Hey! Human beings, it is very simple to kill that woman with your strength. Now she is in front of you, killing her. If she kills her, the eternal artifact is yours."

Seeing that they did not turn back, the voice of this beast sounded in Su Shiqing’s mind, confusing him.

Su Shiqing replied: "I can't kill her by listening to her orders. I am afraid I will let you down."

"You... kill him and you have acquired the eternal artifact. The human constraints on you will disappear. What are you hesitating?"

" Still not interested!"

Su Shiqing does not enter the oil and salt, it can only talk to the millennium.

"Women, that man is completely obeying you. If you want him to die, he will not resist! You can get the eternal artifact by directly ordering him to die. Why don't you do this?" It was very depressed at this time.

"Don't want to!" Mu Qianqian's light fluttering road.

"I don't want to, don't you want to get an eternal artifact? Just kill someone."

"Of course I really want to get an eternal artifact. It is especially important to me, but Su Shiqing came with me. I naturally want to leave with him." Mu Qianhui replied.

She looked back at the black tower suspended in the center of the square and smiled: "Goodbye! I hope you will meet someone next time!"

It has to vomit and vomit blood. This is a great opportunity. It has been sealed here for so many years, and I don't want to wait any longer.

"But it! It’s just two people left. I can bear this, I can bear it..."

"Booming!" The black thunderbolt spread a large net over the sky, and the power of terror spread.

"The two guys who are naughty, since you have come here, don't want to go! Stay with them and become the first two slaves of this king's accident!"

"Ha ha ha!" The deafening sound came out, and the entire space was blocked by such black lightning.

Whether it is Mu Qianzhen or Su Shiqing, it is difficult to move forward in such an environment.


The entire square began to form a crack in the spider web, and the sound of hoarseness came.

"Baptized by the killing, the soul of death! All come over, all of them have come over to help the king break this **** seal!"

"Come here, come over!"

There have been shocks in the air, and there are some souls that rush toward the cracks on the ground like a moth.

The surrounding temperature suddenly dropped, and Mu Qian said: "The one beast will come out, clear the baby, and once you have the chance, remember to run far."

"What about you!" Su Shiqing stared at Mu Qian.

"I am! I don't have my family to stop?" Mu Qianxiao smiled and trusted Ah.

"You are very clever, sometimes stupid! I don't know how much someone else's power is trusting, relying on, being careful about how to die. The strength of that person is strong, it is not absolutely powerful! You are not afraid that he can't cope. ?? Su Shiqing's low road.

"A stop can't deal with it, then run! And I will run faster than you, so you should be careful to keep your life!"

"And, Ah stop is not someone else!"

Su Shiqing looked at the appearance of Mu Qian’s light and light, and knew his warning.

run? If you face a truly terrible strong, even the torn space estimate is hard to escape.

"Rumble!" The ground began to shake, and there was a flood of beasts.

The lightning in the sky is lowered like a black stone pillar.


Of course, the guy just came out halfway, but there was an angry voice.

"How could this be? How could the soul of so many people be lost, I obviously put enough people in."

In order to let them kill some of these people, the people he put in, except for Mu Qian, the strength of others is similar, the level below the high-level spirit.

There was only one person left to be stifled, and the souls of others became the power to break the seal, but it found that many people were missing.

"What happened? What happened?"

The horrible roar came, and Mu Qian and Su Shiqing almost burst their heads.

Seal the hearing!

At this time, the running power is difficult to operate, and Mu Qiang used the needle to help her seal her hearing with Su Shiqing.

Even so, they feel dizzy and uncomfortable.

What kind of ghost thing this fierce beast has, and it has not come out and screamed and almost ordered their little life.

Su Shiqing’s face showed a dignified color!

"Tell me, what the **** is going on? You two humans, do you know? Someone who killed before! People?"

This can smash the shadow of the human soul, and Su Shiqing feels that there are turbulent waves beating his soul, and uncomfortable wants to faint.

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