Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2052: Overestimate yourself

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Chapter 2052 overestimates oneself

"Hey!" Ah stopped and screamed coldly, no sound.

Mu Qianzhen is preparing to go, remembering what seems to have forgotten.


An individual was thrown out. This was the one who picked it up.

They were thrown into the space and hidden, in case they became the evil ration to improve their strength, then waste her medicine.

The effect of lethal death has passed, and some of the people in Black Medicine thought they were dead, but they did not expect to open their eyes again, like dreaming.

"I am not dead yet!"

"Master, we are not dead yet."


Haven't waited for them to be happy enough, a cold voice came.

"You didn't die before, but you are dying now!"

When they haven’t reacted yet, Mu Qian’s Yan Long’s soul sword is moving, killing the soul!



They looked at Mu Qiang in an incredible way, and they fell down, and this time they really died.

At this time, the young master of the black medicine door said: "You... you give me a hand!"

Now he is left alone, and it is a happy thing to be born and resurrected. I did not expect this woman to want to kill him once.

The black doctor’s grandfather said: “You...you can’t kill me. If you kill me, my father will know that you did it! He left a mark of soul on me! When I am black, the door must not die with you. endlessly!"

Mu Qianyan’s expressionless expression: “It sounds terrible, it seems that you can’t kill!”

"Yes! You can't kill me!"

The black doctor thought that he could delay the time and wanted to try the transfer reel, but at this time, the sword of the millennium must use the transfer reel faster!

"Hey!" The one of the transport reels was burnt directly by the flame.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Qiang returned to the past with a sword. This sword must understand his life.

"You... are you really dare?"

The hot flames rushed, but another sword gas turned out to be his life faster than Mu Qian.


There was a blood mark on his neck. The body of this guy fell and the attack of Mu Qianjun was lost.


The person who can solve this guy more quickly than her at this time, and only the first killer in the east, Su Shiqing.

Mu Qian said: "You have also taken the task of the black medical door to kill me. I must not be very disgusted with the black medical door. If you kill the son of the door, you are not afraid that you will be chased by the black medical door."

"I have never been afraid of being chased, just don't want to owe you! So I am going to kill this person!" Su Shi said coldly.

"I hope you talk and count!" Then he said again.

"I naturally talk about it!" Mu Qian took out a pill bottle.

"Hey! Give it to you!" Mu Qianxi lost the pill bottle.

Su Shiqing is not afraid of her ghosts. If she wants to engage in ghosts, it is estimated that there are many ways to let him die.

After Su Xiaoqing ate the medicinal herbs, he felt that his body was faintly painful, and he was somewhat skeptical that this was not an antidote, but was poisoned by this woman.

Mu Qianxi saw this skeptical look and smiled: "This is a normal reaction to detoxification. If I really want to control you with poison, there is no need to do anything more."

"But what happened today, don't pass it out, or I will be turned into a baby once again. I won't care about you." Mu Qiang warned.

"Reassured, I am not a mouthful of people."

It hurts all over the body, but this kind of pain is Su Shiqing can bear.

But not long after, not only felt pain, but also felt itchy.

Su Shiqing's face sank, and the medicinal herbs could only be tolerated.

Mu Qianxi and Su Shiqing left from this piece of the sea. After they went up, the people in the cabinet found out that they were excited to run over.

"Boss, you are not really good at the fact."

"Someone said that the boss is dead below, we don't believe it."


Su Shiqing no expression of expression: "Nothing, leave here."

Ms. Qian said: "Su Shiqing, I think it’s too cheap for you to let me go, don’t go with me!"

"What are you going to do?" Su Shi said coldly, he knew that this woman was playing with him. It is no wonder that after taking the medicine, he was uncomfortable.

Ms. Qian said: "Follow me! This is the most popular place in the sea. Let's go shopping, play some seafood, and find some sea animals to practice."

What is this requirement, what kind of ghost does this woman have to do?

Su Shiqing couldn't figure it out, but chose to cooperate with her.

He said to other people: "Let's go!"

At this time, among the black doctors, a tall black middle-aged man flashed a haze in his eyes. "Su Yuqing, dare to kill me! Pass the order, don't let Su Shiqing go, no matter what method. !"

"Yes, Lord!"

After this order went on, his face was no longer wavering and he continued his great creation.

The black medical door master got this order. "Slaying Su Shiqing, the last time Su Shiqing failed, we haven't found him yet. What did he do this time to make his father angry?"

"Returning to the doorkeeper, Su Shiqing killed the young master!"

"Oh! The original waste is dead, although he killed a waste, but after all, it is our black medical door, but no one can kill it casually! Let's go down!"

"Yes, less the Lord!"

The black doctor will shoot him, and it will be clear after Su Shiqing kills the black master of the black doctor, but he is not afraid at all.

At this time, the person with his dark cabinet really followed Mu Qian’s seafood at sea. He had to say that this woman’s mouth was poisonous and the craftsmanship was good.

The people in the dark house must be happy and crazy. "Oh! It’s so delicious, I have never eaten such delicious grilled seafood!"

"Mu girl is too powerful. If you marry you, you are absolutely blessed."


Others like it very much, and only Su Shi Qing no expression, delicious, although delicious, but there is no way to ease the pain in the body!

After eating and drinking enough, Mu Qian said: "If you eat well, give me a job! Go to the bottom of the sea to find the holy beast. The best beast is the best, and the beast is hard to find or reluctant."

Su Shiqing defaulted on the instructions of Mu Qianxi to his men, so they acted.

Little ink ink please take the initiative, "Master, I have to try!"

"Good! Let's go!"

Before leaving, Mu Qiang cleared the Su Shi: "If you are not feeling well, let us wait for us to come back on this island!"

The people in the dark house care: "The boss is not feeling well, is it hurting below?"

Mu Qiang nodded and said: "Yeah!"

Su Shiqing took a look at Mu Qian’s eyes, and she was clearly guilty of the culprits, but she was lying and lying here.

"I really can't stand it, just take a medicine!"

Su Shiqing thought, absolutely no time to stand it.

However, he overestimated himself. Soon after they left, Su Shiqing felt itchy and unbearable, really unbearable!

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