Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2056: Wild cemetery

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Chapter 2056 Waste Ancient Cemetery

The animal trainer said: "Sure! You must not provoke this adult."

And after they left, the grown-up person naturally appeared, but it was completely different from the old monster they imagined.

Not only a young woman, but also an eighth-order spirit.

If they know that they are scared away by such a person, they are expected to be angry.

The people in the dark house stunned and said: "Mu girl, is it really you?"

They had guessed it, but they didn't think it was really a thousand.

Mu Qian said: "Besides who else I can save you, he is now uncomfortable and inconvenient to follow you. If Su Shiqing knows that his people have been abused for me, he may want to kill me."

"Mu girl, you are very serious. Our boss is good to you. I have never seen him so close to one person."

"The boss is not feeling well. What happened? We don't think he looks very good." Someone worried.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "A little problem, he will be fine after you complete the mission."

"Well! Then we have to do it well."

The people in the dark cabinet are very energetic and have a lot of harvest.

The people of the Beasts did not gain much, and they were completely disappointed.

Cang Ying was very angry at this time. "Master, the beast has not caught it. Are we really going to go back? There is also a dead woman who has hurt me. I can't let her go."

The animal trainer said: "It seems that we have met the adult ambition before, so we did not get anything good. We have no use for staying, lest you stay here and reload him."

"But, Master..." Cang Ying’s face showed a pitiful look.

“Soon, the auction hall of the East Moon will start auctioning. The Dongyue auction house is the largest auction house in the east of the Chenxi Chamber of Commerce. It can shoot better beasts! I will let the lord take it for you. "He is very good at the sky."

When I heard the Dongyue auction house and heard that there was a better beast, Cang Ying could only compromise.

"That's it, the master can say it."

As for the woman, as long as they are active within the sphere of their beasts, they are afraid that they will not be able to find him.

After the beasts of the beasts left, the people in the dark court returned to the team.

They saw that Mu Qianji was taming these sacred beasts like harvesting Chinese cabbage.

Mu Qianxi recruited them: "Come on! Choose your own."

At this point they still think this is too unreal, and the girl is really too big.

Their excited choices were over, and then the contract was successful, with no problems at all.

Su Shiqing's cold voice: "The contract beast can help you to carry out the task, but you can't slack off your strength, otherwise you don't know how to die?"

"Yes, boss, we know."

Mu Qian said: "Go back!"

Su Shiqing, they returned to the dark cabinet, but Mu Qianxi parted ways with them and dispersed.

She said: "Everyone, goodbye! Have a chance to see you again, and business will not be cheaper."

They are stunned, and the girl is leaving.

They look at Su Shiqing, boss, and you are leaving people!

Su Shi Qing cold channel: "You just want to go this way."

Mu Qian said: "I am gone! Anyway, you have not left much medicine, just eat it."

The purple figure flashed and Mu Qianyi still disappeared in front of them.

Some of the killers in the dark court hate the iron and look like steel: "Boss! Where are you leaving like this?"

"Which eyes do you want to keep him?" Su Shiqing left this sentence and left.

Because of the help of Qinglong Su Shiqing, the establishment of the ghost medical building in the entire east was quite smooth.

Bai Ze is not good at this place, but everything in the east is handed over to the condensed fat trusted by Mu Qian.

The condensate was found to be back, and I was very excited to come and see Mu Qian.

"Master, you can come back. I heard that this time I went to the sea to find the eternal artifacts, and fortunately you are fine!"

"That is, of course, who is your master?" Mu Qianxiao smiled.

The condensed fat reported to Mu Qianxi, and everything in the Ghost Medical Building was good. Some of the medicinal herbs in the east were not available. There were not many refining pharmacists, and the supply was in short supply.

"That is simple, is the elixir ready?"

"Well! I have already purchased enough elixir."

"Sent to my refining room."

"it is good!"

The general medicinal herbs, Mu Qianxi handed over to the death cycle, and then personally began to refine some of the high-ranking medicinal herbs.

The medicinal herbs of Ghost Medical Building have been added a lot, and everyone is very surprised.

How many refining pharmacists have been raised in the ghost medical building! This speed of refining medicinal herbs is terrible.

When Mu Qianxi was retiring the alchemy, Su Shiqing finished the medicinal medicine, and eventually he found a chief refining pharmacist to ask about the situation.

"Poisoned, the son is not poisoned?"

"Oh... no..." The refining pharmacist stunned.

"What's wrong?" Su Shiqing asked.

I know that a woman will not be so easy to let go.

"The son chose to be a killer at first, and the number of dangers encountered was numerous, leaving a lot of injuries on his body! Not every time he can be treated in time, so there are many hidden dangers! Nothing can be seen now, but over time The cultivation of the son is still influential, but now..."

"How is it now?"

"Now, those hidden dangers are completely clear and clean at once, and the son can try to practice it. It should be different than before."

After Su Shiqing invested in cultivation, he found that it was different. Although it was a subtle difference, he could feel it.

Mu Qianxi did not poison him. Although he was a little bit painful, he was actually helping him.

The refining pharmacist said: "The son, this is the master of the hand, this means can not be done even if the old man! If he can get out, the Lord should be able to accept a little."

Su Shiqing shook his head and said: "I can't fully believe this person. I can't let her go to see the righteous father too much. Otherwise, the consequences are not conceived."

"It's still thoughtful for the public."

A genius event in the south, killing a dark horse like Mu Qianxi, and a genius event in the east is about to begin.

Unlike the southern comparison test, this time the top four four-and-a-half-class keeper will open an ancient ruin, the ancient cemetery.

It is natural for the major sects to want their disciples to emerge, to inspire their morale in the genius of the genius, and to take it to the next level.

Other scattered repairs are estimated to be foiled, but such a grand event, the young spiritual practitioners in the east are very interested, and have come to Donghai City.

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