Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2070: Pull out here

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Chapter 2070 draws out here

One side is the genius of the four-star Zongmen, and the other is the scattered repair. These people are naturally planning to help these young female disciples of Lin Yuezong.

The two sisters of Yuxi were extremely angry. They said: "No, absolutely not!"

"I will come over immediately, and you will not agree, then we can only offend three."

One by one, looking at them, they are looking at them. Obviously, if they don’t do it, they will use force to solve them.

Although Mu Qianxi showed extraordinary strength in front of them, they believe that she is certainly not the opponent of so many of them.

"Play and fight, do you think we will be afraid that you will not be?" The jade song is also angry.

Mu Qiang raised his hand: "Don't waste time with them, let's go!"

Some people said: "I still admire the truth."

Mu Qiang said coldly: "I hope you don't regret the decision you made now."

Mu Qianxi swept out to the east. Yuge and Yuxi were very angry with these things, but Mu Qianxi did not say that they did, and they naturally did not rush to deal with them.

Lin Yuezong’s face of some of the injured and weak women’s faces showed a smile, and it’s great to have a big loss in the face of the dead girl with no effort.

Unfortunately, they are not enough people and they have been injured. They can't solve the problem immediately.

"Lets, let's go in!"

"it is good!"

Yuge and Yuxi are very puzzled. Mu Qian said: "It’s a waste of time with them. It’s better to pack up an ancient evil spirit and then go in and kick them out one by one. The next time they have no such good luck. ”

"Mu girl said yes, they were beaten out, and their ability can no longer deal with the ancient evil spirits of the second **** world, when they wait for death!" Yu Yudao.

"But... sister, admire girl, look at the front!"

There is a large piece of ancient evil spirits coming in front of them. Unlike them before, most of these ancient evil spirits are beasts.

"What to do? Such a high-level guy is too dangerous."

"Mu girl, let's stop for a while, you can find a way to go."

Faced with such a huge lineup of ancient murderers, they did not hope to avoid being eliminated. The only hope is to sacrifice them both, so that the girl can avoid being eliminated.

"That group of people is too odious. If we lose, we will not let them go outside! We are not afraid even if they are sects!" They were angry.

And Mu Qianxi did not choose to leave, but stood in front of them, she said: "There are so many to come, so as not to find it slowly! All have been cleaned up?"

"Mu girl, what do you say?" They looked at Mu Qianxi with horror.

Mu Qian said: "You should protect yourself and be ready to retreat at any time!"

After that, the figure of Mu Qianxi was turned into a number of residual images, and directly rushed to the ancient evil spirits.

"Boom!" After they got close to them, they would do it if they didn't say anything.

This hands-on has attracted the attention of many ancient spirits.

"Sister, we...we don't really have to help?" Seeing that Mu Qianxi was attacked by an ancient savage spirit, Yuge was somewhat worried.

"What we can do is to keep ourselves. She is not an ordinary person and should not let herself be easily eliminated."

The purple shadow is like a lightning bolt in the ancient evil spirits. They can't eliminate this human being who annoy them, and it is even more violent.

"Wind, broken star!"

Mu Qianxi circulated with them, because their strength and intelligence were not so high, they did not suffer big losses at the beginning.

"Wind, silence!"

They gathered and attacked Mu Qian.


The attack broke through the defense of Mu Qianxi and fell directly on Mu Qian’s body.

"Mu girl!" Yuge, they are worried.

Mu Qian’s body was bombarded, but the ordinary Lingzong was seriously attacked and eliminated by such an attack, and Mu Qianxi was only slightly injured.

"Fortunately, because the evil lightning has improved a bit, or it is troublesome." Mu Qian squatted.

"Come back! Will this girl be afraid of you?" Mu Qianyi attacked these ancient evil spirits and attacked them again.

"Hey!" The pharmacy in the hand flew out, and the wind element spirit broke out with a powerful killing trick, avoiding the attacks of other guys and hitting one of the weakest ones.


The ancient murderer of the gods fell to the ground, and after a complete demise, it became a black token.

"Getting it!" After Mu Qiang got the token, "吼吼吼!" The ancient evil spirits around him continued to attack Mu Qian.

Mu Qianxi does not want to go out with them, waving to the jade songs: "Come on!"

They once again came to this restricted area before being chased by the ancient murderers. The number of people who can tolerate the token is 30.

At this time, there are familiar people coming over, they are excited: "Boss!"

"The boss is coming."

These ancient evil spirits are tricky, and they are not left by everyone, but this number is good.

Mu Qian said: "Come here, there are some places!"

"Boss, you are very good."

"The ancient spirit of the strength of the beast can be solved, the boss is powerful."


They ran over excitedly.

At this time, another team came.

"You are the emperor! We are the black doctors, and the masters are gone! You still have so many places, let us go in together?" The other party is arrogant, this is not to help people. attitude.

Mu Qianxi waved: "Let's go in!"

They ignored them directly, made them extremely angry, and wanted to find troubles, and they had already entered.

They simply can't touch them!

Here is a comfortable space, without any ancient evil spirits, when Mu Qianjin entered, someone was shocked: "Mu, impossible, how come you come in?"

"So many people, in such a short period of time, hunted the ancient spirit of the realm of the gods."

"Is there something wrong!"

Sheng Congdao: "What do they mean?"

Yuge told them about what happened before. The people of Nanshengzong had already geared up, and they dared to be like this boss.

"Boss! What are you told, though?"

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "There is really something! Do it, give them to me!"

Some of the humanities of the Southern Holy Family: "Follow!"

"Hey!" Mu Qianyi and his party said that they started by hands, and some of them were angry.

"Mu, don't be too much! Since you have a way to come in, we are not sorry for you. Why do you offend us? We have thirty people here, you are not our opponent!"

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