Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2072: Showing flaws

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Chapter 2072 reveals flaws

Everyone has promised this decision. After all, they are not sure that this place will always be safe. It will be better than the results.

"Then we draw the lottery to decide the opponent!" Lin Yuezong's master sister.

At the end of the first round of the lottery, Mu Qianxi did not encounter the black Han and did not meet Lin Yuezong's people, but was a young man next to Heihan.

The person on the right is Mu Qian, he is confident and full: "There is a small door, this woman will be handed over to us! A spirit emperor, I think he is not qualified to let the lesser master you."

"Well! Don't let me down." Blackham's low voice.

Everyone has already chosen the venue and is ready to do it.

Chang Lin's preparations began. When he made a move, the person in front of him disappeared in front of him.

Mu Qianqi is like a ghost, and he is behind him. "It's over!"

"Wind, broken star!"

The spiritual power of the wind erupted, and the situation of the broken star river swept toward Changlin. The whole person seemed to be shattered.

"Ah!" A scream came out, and Chang Lin was **** and left the cemetery.

The two hands are too fast, and the end is too fast. At this time, others have not had time to start working.

They saw this scene, and they only came back to God for a long time, and they looked at Mu Qianxi with horror.

"Mu Wei is too fast!"

"She was a sneak attack to win so fast?"

"It must be, otherwise, an eighth-order spiriter can solve a person who breaks through the ninth-order Lingzong so quickly."

waste! Black Han cursed in his heart.

Mu Hao defeated his men so quickly and accurately that it was completely hitting his face.

Mu Qian’s eyes swept over them: “Are you still not doing it?”

They also acted, "Rumble!" This ridiculous place, the geniuses who entered here opened a round of killing.

"Oh!" Although it was a little slower than Muji, Blackhan quickly solved the opponent.

The one who was defeated by him was carrying a black poisonous gas and mourned on the ground with pain.

This little door of the black medical door is really a vicious role!

In this way, even if you leave the ancient cemetery, it is estimated that you can't live.

In the second round, Mu Qianxi was on the jade, and Yuxi said helplessly: "It seems that I am not lucky, I admit defeat!"

Mu Qian said: "Unfortunately, luck is better, you can get a better name."

"I can be here, I am very satisfied! You get the first place." Yu Yu smiled.

"Sister, I will cheer!" Yu Ge said.

The opponents encountered in the third round are the same as admit defeat. He knows his strength and is not an opponent of Mu Yan.

The round of the past has passed. At this time, it is not the people who have left Lin Yuezong, who are the black doctors.

Mu Qian said: "You want to go together! Or continue one by one?"

Heihan said: "To deal with you alone, do you want others to do it with others?"

"The lottery decision, I am looking forward to be your opponent." Lin Yuezong's master sister.

Mu Qianzhen really took a fight with the master sister of Lin Yuezong. Her other two sisters were on the black doctor.

They said: "We want to watch the teacher and sister try, wait for the next fight? It won't delay you too much time."

"Okay!" They did not refuse the beauty request.

"I finally met you." Lin Yuezong took out his own sword, with a slap in the face.

I have to say that Mu Yan is definitely the most difficult bone of Lin Yuezong since its establishment.

If she solves it, the candidate for the next sovereign is likely to fall on her head.

So Mu Qian must die!

The sword of Lin Yuezong’s master sister condensed the chill of ice and snow. This is an ice element.

Her sword moved, and the eternal killing of the ice rushed to the end of the millennium, more and more dense.

"Ice Sword Dance!"

"The wind is the shield!"

"Yue Yao, Feng Feng!"

In the face of a fierce attack by a nine-order Lingzong, Mu Qianji launched two defenses.

"Hey!" When the defense blocked the attack of Lin Yue master, Mu Qian disappeared in front of her, and it was unpredictable to go to his rear.

"Wind, silence!"

The other party responded quickly, avoiding the attack of Mu Qianzhen, and then attacking the sword.

The coldness of her ice elements is everywhere, leaving the surrounding world full of crises.

Mu Qianxu shunned away, it is worthy of the genius of the nine-order Lingzong cultivated by the four-star sect. The strength is not to be underestimated.


Lin Yuezong’s master’s strength is higher than that of Mu Qian’s, and what makes her feel tricky is the speed and defense of Mu Qian’s, which is far more than her own strength.


Black Han looked at Mu Qianxi with great interest. "This woman's means is a little doorway!"

"Go to death!" Lin Yuezong, the young lady, attacked and murderously broke out.

She wants to use the mad attack to disturb the square inch of the millennium, but she has a small experience of the experience of Mu Qianxi, she can not crush the millennium with absolute strength, then it can only be consumed.

The spiritual power of Lingzong's strength is naturally much richer, and it is not necessary to consume her light.

But she has encountered a thousand trekdies but it is a tragedy, her consumption is faster than a spirit!

The other party's healing spirit is better than her!

The other two female disciples of Lin Yuezong changed their faces. "Not good! Is this a **** little girl to consume the master sister? It is really too mean."

"Can't let this guy continue to go down, let's do it together!"

"This is not inconsistent with the rules."

"The brothers of Black Medicine will not mind."

They went to help their master sisters, and the black doctors were happy to watch the show. Naturally, they would not mind.

The first day of the rumor in the south is really a bit tolerant!

The two women went to sneak up on Mu Qian, and Mu Qian had long been prepared for other people. The figure was like a lightning bolt, and they let them rush.

"Hey!" They continued to pursue the victory of Mu Qian.


After a fierce fight, they found the opportunity.

Finally, you can clean up! Their faces are bright.


The three-way spiritual skills directly rushed to Mu Qianxi, so that Mu Qianji was unstoppable and escaped.

Heihan touched his chin and said: "There was such a big flaw. The three stupid women can find that this is not like the style of this woman!"

"Still, she is already dead end."

Just when Lin Yuezong’s three people thought that they could reinvent the Millennium, many white jade fan blades rushed toward them.


Their faces have changed dramatically, this is impossible!

At this time, Mu Xi should be the wolf's body and hurt to fall to the ground. How can they still attack them?

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