Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2080: a little trouble

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Chapter 2080 is a bit troublesome

The darkness is not dead, Feng Yan entangles this guy, and then he is expected to face a fierce battle that is not as good as death.

Xiaohong is boring, this is not going to help invincible. Although the other party is injured, it is a sixth-order spiritual holy.

But invincible feels that this lazy pig is helping to look down on it completely, so invincible is very angry.

"Lazy pig, give me away, this is my logarithm!"

"Who am I going to deal with, are you a stupid cat?"

"Don't be too proud of you! Isn't it just a level of promotion? If you didn't want to swallow the thing, I must be faster than you."



Black medicine door, this sixth-order spiritual holy is really uncomfortable!

He not only has to face the attack of two beasts, but also faces their never-ending noisy.

Seriously, he lived a lot of age, and he was the first to see such a noisy beast.

At this time, Mu Qianxi was fiercely fighting with the nine-level peak Lingzong. Invincible and Xiaohong knew that such a guy couldn’t help their masters, so they bullied the old man of the sixth-order spirit.


The face of the nine-level peak Lingzong became more and more ugly, and his attack fell on this woman and did not cause him any harm.

Her body defense is really as incredible as the little doorkeeper said.

Unable to break the defense, can't keep up with the speed, but fortunately this woman's level is too weak, otherwise I don't know how to die.

Even so, it can only be consumed. It is a dream to expect other people to help. He is blind to others.

Do you want to go? This is not the situation they can deal with?

The other two are also crying, they want to run? But is it running?

That is to say, although he is the weakest force, it seems to be the most relaxed one at this time. He decided to run to find someone to help.

A seemingly difficult task was made by them, and they also felt that their faces were gone.

This can't blame them, this woman is too abnormal.

The few masters found her cards, just the tip of the iceberg.

"At this time, I am distracted. Are you not afraid of death?"

The other side has no war, only retreat, and Mu Qian is taking this opportunity to attack.

"Sirlo India!"

A seal of horror blew from his front.

"Boom!" He flew out and his face turned pale.

Even if he was injured by Mu Qian, he did not remember revenge at this time, but ran!

He ran, and the speed of Mu Qian was faster than him, once again holding him back.

The wind and the plume are moving, "the wind is blowing, the stars are broken!"

"Wind, broken star!"


The attack of the wind element rushes, and it is the most powerful wind element technique that is used in different directions, which makes him hard to guard against.


The power of terror hit his body, making him feel dizzy, and he couldn’t stand it.

And Mu Qian’s spiritual power rushed out, approaching him with the fastest speed and launching the attack again.


After several times of being traumatized, a spurt of blood made him calm down.

"Damn!" He made a counterattack, but he had already taken the lead by Mu Qian, and his counterattack did not hurt much for Mu Qian.

Mu Qianshuang’s eyes flashed a cold light. “You can die!”

The purple figure swept past him, and the wind blade left a blood mark on his neck like a lightning bolt.

"Hey!" His body fell backwards and blood flowed down his neck.

After solving this one, Mu Qianqi quickly approached the battle circle on the side of Xiao Momo. The little ink and ink had the advantage of his comrades, but he did not dare to be an experienced spiritual sanctuary. It is not so simple to kill him.

Time has passed for a while, and it is necessary to make a quick decision, lest the black medical team’s reinforcements come to have some trouble.

"Hey!" The third-order spirit sanctuary was repelled by the small ink and ink. In a moment, he felt a cool behind his back, and countless fan blades rushed toward him.

"Puff puff!"

He couldn't dodge, and he had a few blood marks on his body.

"Hey!" This time the black flame shrouded.

"Wind, broken star!"

Being attacked by Mu Qian and Xiao Momo, he became more and more persistent, and finally turned into ashes in the darkness of the innocence of Feng Yan.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "The third, there is one!"

All the companions are dead, and he is left alone. The sixth-order spiritual heart is cold.

"It's just that you stupid cat is in the way, or I will solve this guy early."

"I think it's up to you here to influence efficiency!"

"There is no more nonsense, the master has solved it, I don't want to waste time."

After that, Xiaohong’s body was covered by a red flame, and the burning temperature made the sixth-order spiritual sanc.

He knows that this second-order beast is going to be a real thing, before it was just playing with him!

escape? That is already impossible.

His eyes flashed through the gloom, even if he died, he would not be too good.

The violent gas of his body broke out, his robes rolled up, and there was a dangerous atmosphere in the air.

"I want you to die without a whole body!"

Ms. Qian said: "Invincible, Xiaohong, Xiao Mo Mo will go quickly!"


They quickly moved away from this place, and the horrible explosion came out, and the surrounding trees were all corroded.

Mu Qianxi did not run fast, and she did not dare to feel the fluctuation of soul.

"Hey!" A soul force wave with poison, locked in the Millennium, and came to the face of Mu Qian.

"Although I am dead, you have also poisoned the sinister poison that I have cultivated throughout my life. In a quarter of an hour, you will become a body! Hahaha!"

When the poisonous poison fell on Mu Qian’s body, the laughter of that old thing came.

Mu Qianqian runs the spirit, the black poison gas spreads around her body, as for the poison that enters her body?

Invincible said: "I didn't expect that old thing still left this hand, the master is all right!"

"I said that you stupid cat is stupid, you still don't admit! Who is the master? The master is a ghost doctor? What is this poison?" Xiaohong said.

The little ink and ink sighed: "It is too easy for the bad guy to die. He is cheap, hehe!"

Mu Qianxi said: "This poison is good for a spiritual sancture that has been condensed for a lifetime. It is very powerful. Give me protection, I want to refine the detoxification agent."

Like the level of black John's poison, it doesn't work for her at all, but this poison is to the point where she deliberately configures the detoxification solution.

But that's it.

The old thing that wants to use this poison to let Mu Qian’s death be lost is naturally lost. It is estimated that if he knows it, he is destined to die!

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