Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2085: Will not forgive

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Chapter 2085 will not forgive

Looking closely at the appearance of Mu Qiang, the face under the mask of Mu Fengling is even colder, because he found that there are many injuries on his nephew.

If there was no accident, the nephew was in this East Emperor Dynasty, who would dare to bully the prince of Fengyun?

Nowadays, the two major incompetent forces are even brave enough to kill and kill the deaf children.

The more I thought, the more angry Mu Lingling was, and I couldn’t wait to immediately rush to the **** month and let the Lin Yuezong, the black medical door be destroyed.

Mu Qianyi lifted Yi Rong to reveal his true look.

She smiled at Mu Fengling: "Uncle, I finally found you. Have you ever thought about me?"

The pair of mourning eyes quickly subsided their anger.

"The second uncle has always missed my nephew, always!"

"After the second uncle, a lot of things happened after you left. I found a quiet place. I said it to you." Mu Qianxi rushed to hold Mu Zhangling's arm.

"it is good!"

The uncle and the two want to have a good narrative, and the result is a **** beast that does not have long eyes.

Mu Fengling is not polite to them at all, one sword cuts one, who dares to stop the road, who is dead!

Under the strength of Mu Feng Ling, those blood crystal beasts are not afraid to offend.

They found a cave of blood spar, which was very beautiful.

Mu Qianxi sat next to Mu Fengling: "Uncle, after you left, I saw my grandfather and grandmother."

Mu Qianxi knows that the second uncle must want to know their news.

Sure enough, Mu Fengling listened to Mu Qian’s words and his body trembled slightly.


Only pay attention to the mother, but did not shout, it can be seen that the second uncle is very resentful to the grandfather.

Mu Qian said: "Grandpa, he regrets very much. He said that he is not a qualified father. I am sorry for the old man and two uncles and uncles. But he also has difficulties..."

Mu Qianyi said a lot of things in one breath. When he heard that his grandmother was tortured by the curse of the cursing family, this hard-eyed tough guy's eyes were red.

He grew up with a big brother, only a vague memory for his mother, but his feelings for his mother are indeed engraved in the bones.

Mu Fengling relied on Mu Qian’s hoarse voice: “I will not forgive him unless the older brother forgives him.”

"When the big brother protects us against some of the wolves and tigers, he is not there!"

"When the eldest brother was framed, the people were rebellious, and he was not there when he was alive and dead."

"When Big Brother loses a lot of pain and doesn't want to be born, he is not there!"

"It is obvious that he is our father, but everything is that the older brother is struggling to support everything. We also love the mother, do not want the mother to have an accident, but I also feel bad brother, so..."

Mu Fengling clenched his fists and violently jumped on his hands.

"Now, I will never forgive!"

Mu Qianxi took the fist of his second uncle, he knows that the second uncle is very complicated at this time, the only thing she can do is silent companionship.

"Where are they now?"

"They also came to Xuantian, but because the cursed family stared at the mother, they would not show up! But the second uncle assured that the grandmother was a sacred unicorn, but it was amazing." Mu Qianxi smiled.

"I naturally don't worry about my mother, I just worry that he will take a step back."

Mu Qian’s mouth is slightly pumping, Grandpa, you will raise yourself!

Even if the second uncle knows the truth, he can hate you now. It seems that you will have to work harder to let the uncle Uncle and the old man forgive you, otherwise it is very likely to be violent by the grandmother!

After talking about the grandfather and grandmother, his second uncle was also very interested in her affairs, so Mu Qianxi first talked about what happened in Xuantian.

Listening to the growth process of her niece, Mu Fengling is very proud and at the same time somewhat lost.

Because of the growth of his nephew, he missed a lot and didn't have the opportunity to be with her.

Listening to the fascination, it is no longer annoyed by the irresponsible father.

After the Quartet was finished, Mu Qian said: "I didn't think that I would be tempted to the peak of the Emperor, I was taken to the Xuantian world. After the mysterious world, I have been looking for ways to find the old man. Second uncle, you have the old man. Message?"

Mu Fengling shook his head and said: "Big brother does not want people to find it. It is very difficult to find him! I can't publicize that I am Mu Fengling. I am afraid I will not be found by big brother. I will be chased by some running dogs. It is."

"But I believe that Big Brother must be fine. He must be in a certain place in the Xuantian world to find a way to recapture everything that belongs to him."

Mu Qiang nodded: "Well! I also believe."

"When you come to Xuantian, you have to pretend, and some people call you to admire?" Mu Feng Lingdao.

Mu Qiang nodded and said: "Well, Mu Yan, isn't this my brother's name combined with my name? Is it the first day in the southern part of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty and the first day in the East? I don't know. Have you noticed that seeing this name has made him think of it!"

"If it is not enough, I will work harder to defeat Mu Lin and become the first talent of Xuan Tianjie. Maybe I will notice it. This is my first plan."

Mu Feng Ling said: "He is very smart, how did the second uncle think of this a good way?"

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Now there is a prostitute in your family who gives you an idea. The second uncle also uses a fake name to make trouble. Let me think about what is good! Mu Wufeng, Mu Wuling, Mu Shuangfeng, Mu... ”

"Hey!" Mu Qian couldn't help but laugh, and it always felt a bit strange.

"The names that my nephew gave me were good, but I used the second one, and there was no wind. The names of our three brothers are all inside." Mu Fengling laughed.

Although the probability of being thought of like this is not great, Mu Fengling feels that the way his own prostitute thinks is a super good way.

Uncle and two have not seen each other for a long time. It seems that there are endless words, and the time is very fast.

"What happened to the second uncle who came to Xuantian?" asked Mu Qianxi.

"There is no such thing as a wonderful child. The second uncle probably only does three days, inquires about the big brother's news, cultivation becomes stronger, and then he is chased!"

"Who dares to chase the second uncle, I cut him!" Just as Mu Fengling knew that Mu Qianxi was being chased and killed, Mu Qianxi knew that the second uncle was chased and killed.

I can’t wait to bring the poison of Qionglou on the whole cloud to kill the people who are killing Mu Lingling.

"These people are very mysterious, their power is very strange, and they have the power of cursing! After learning about what happened to my mother, I am sure of the cursing people." Mu Fengling's low voice.

Mu Qianyi, the complete Wan Man Daquan has been given by her, but the cursed people do not know, so they are still looking for.

The second uncle will not be stared at by them before, but after awakening the blood of Qilin, it will be different.

There are many ways to curse the family. It is not surprising to find the second uncle.

Mu Qiang’s low road: "The **** cursed family, really sinful."

Mu Fengling looked at Mu Qian’s words: "So, my nephew..."

Mu Qian screamed at him and interrupted him. "So what?"

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