Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2095: Double assassination

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Chapter 2095 Double assassination

"Mr. Lin Yuezong also invested a lot of resources, which is so useless. If His Royal Highness knows, I am afraid it will be very angry."

It was at this time that a low-pitched voice came.

A few figures appeared, wearing silver armor.

Mu Fengling flashed a blood-red light in his eyes, spit out two words: "Golden Wei!"

The old man looked at Mu Fengling: "Since you know that it is a silver guard, you still don't have a hand!"

"I will be afraid of you this group of garbage!" Mu Fengling drove straight into the crowd.

In order to give her daughter a good impression, Mu Fengling has always converged.

But at this time, I saw these silver guards, who had been involved in killing them. Many brothers were killed in their hands, and Mu Ling became extraordinarily fierce.

"court death!"

The one who led the first broke out the power of spiritual respect.

He thought that this power could be envied by the wind, but on the contrary, the pressure of the spirit of the gods made Murion's murderous.

"The nine-order spiritual holy, where is the freak!"

"Flock! Kill!"

After that, this one of the spirits swayed toward Mu Fengling.


He hit Mu Ling Ling, but did not hit him.

The body of the beast can withstand this attack.

Their faces became dignified. "Who is this?"

"Kill together!"

Mu Qiandao said: "Qinglong."

Killing a few silver guards is more than killing a peripheral Lin Yuezong. Qinglong also greeted the masters on their side, killing the silver guards, so that they can not besiege Mu Ling Ling.


Because of the emergence of the silver guard, there has been a new change in the battle on this side.

The eyes of the injured Linyue lord swept through the crowd, and then her task was to clean up.

"Hey!" The sound of a broken road came out, and Lin’s deputy lord’s face changed dramatically!

"hidden weapon!"

"Mu Wei, your death is here, don't think that you can escape a little trick by playing these little tricks." She roared, Jianguang Sen Han, one after another chasing Mu Yi's figure.


At this time, a blue figure flashed and a sword slid down.

"The lotus is fierce!"

"Invincible Overlord Boxing!"

"Feng dance sky."

"The wind is blowing, the stars are broken."

Lin Yuezong, the deputy lord, was caught in the siege, and the people who besieged her were Mu Yu, Qing Long, Xiao Mo Mo, Invincible and Xiao Hong.


After being bombarded repeatedly, Lin Yue’s deputy lord took advantage of his own strength.

"I thought you could join me, can you get me? Do you think about it!"

The majestic spirits shrouded, and Qinglong said to Mu Qian: "Hold three tricks, no problem?"

Mu Qian said: "What do you think!"



The entire dark cabinet broke out with extremely terrifying power, one stroke, two strokes, three strokes!

"Puff puff!"

Under the attack of this peak spiritual sanctuary, all five of them were injured.

Lin Yuezong’s deputy lord’s face is embarrassing. This is absolutely a shameful shame. To deal with these small characters, she has not solved all three measures.

"Play enough, send you on the road!" she said.

When he wants to do it, a spiritual sac with her strength appears.


The attack of the deputy lord of Linyue was blocked.

"Don't you, are you okay?"

The time for the three moves was to defeat him and his opponent, and now he will support their son.

Qinglong Road: "Nothing, you just come in time, kill!"

"Yes! Son."

This one of Qinglong’s men began to counterattack.

The two are evenly matched, and there seems to be nothing wrong with them here.

Qinglong brows slightly and disappears in place.

Mu Qianyi has a teleport, so that others can't find his trace.

The battle of Jiufeng Lingsheng was very fierce. Lin Yuezong’s deputy lord also had a lot of good things. Even in the face of the opponent’s attack, she could handle it.

But the response does not mean that she did not relax when she was fighting.

As time went by, she had a loophole.

A blue figure rushes out like an arrow from the string, hiding murderousness, and a sword smashes the past. This is a fatal blow.

The emperor of Linyue stunned, this killing, Qinglong son.

It is no wonder that the Qinglong son came so fast, he was the first killer Su Shiqing, actually deceived so many people.

"Even if you are the first killer in the East, it is impossible to kill me!"

Jin Guangsheng, Lin Yue deputy lord blocked the sword.


She opened her hands and slammed into the neck of the dragon.

"Your life is in my hands. Some of your subordinates want to protect you, or want to protect you."

"The son!" Others were shocked.

"Hey!" Didn't wait for Lin Yue's deputy sage to be proud enough, and Mu Qian appeared in the air behind the deputy lord of Lin Yue, a needle directly piercing her neck.

Mu Qianxi said in her ear: "You are going to be a dead person soon, so you can't do it." It's a pity!"

She wants to work hard, but she can't move.

Qinglong broke free and was stabbed in the past.

This sword is very accurate and directly penetrates the heart of Lin Yue's deputy lord.

"Hey!" There was a **** hole in the heart, and the sound was poisonous. I felt that death was coming, she was not willing.

She shouted: "Adult, help!"

"Adult! I don't want to die!"

Her help did not get a look that was considered an adult.

"Hey!" She fell to the ground, and the power slowly passed.

Mu Qian said: "I saved you once again. Do you want to change your mind?"

Qinglong Road: "Impossible!"

After that, Qinglong killed other enemies.

Perhaps the subordinate of Qinglong can defeat the deputy lord of Linyue, but the speed is too fast, so Mu Qianxi is like Qinglong, and quickly solves her idea.

In the confrontation of the strong, trying to find her defense loophole assassination can naturally solve the opponent.

Qinglong is prepared to use the assassination method of the killer to solve the deputy lord of Lin Yue, and Mu Yu chooses to kill.

Above the battlefield, it is changing rapidly, especially for the level of the upper level of the spirit of the peak, plus her own status is not low, there are treasures on the body is unexpected.

Even so, Lin Yue, the deputy lord did not save his life, she did not think that she would be assassinated by two young people.

"Deputy Sovereign."

The arrival of Yinwei gave them confidence, but the deputy lord died, and the disciples of Lin Yuezong were defeated.

"Boom!" The horrible explosion came out, and a black figure reached a house three hundred meters away.

"Two uncles!" The purple figure shook, and Mu Qian took it.

Qinglong’s face reveals a dignified color. After all, the spiritual respect is spiritual, even if it is a first-order, it is very tricky.

"There are some miscellaneous fish that have been defeated. It doesn't matter at all! As long as the old man is there, you all have to die." That one is spiritually arrogant.

He is right, the power of the spiritual level is such a strength.

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