Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2098: Strike through the moon

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Chapter 2098, attacking Linyue

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Want to know who I am? Yes! You answer me a question."

"What problem?" asked Qinglong.

"Who is the one behind you?"

"I can't tell you." Qinglong refused very simply.

"Then can you tell me the news of the prince?" Mu Qianxiao smiled.

Even Mu Lingling looked up at Qinglong, and asked her to know the news of her brother.

Mu Qianxi is only speculation, and Suzaku is reluctant to say that they are not willing to say.

They may know, but this level of confidentiality is too high to tell outsiders.

Qinglong’s body was slightly stiff, and the mask obscured his expression. As a killer, he was very experienced in controlling emotions, so he did not let Mu Qianyi notice the difference.

He calmly replied: "This news is not what I can say. Change one..."

"That won't be, you can't tell me the news, then I won't tell me the identity of my uncle! But if your enemy is Mu Lin, now the Muslims, then I don't think we will be enemies. "Mu Qianxi is on Qinglong Road.

"But how do you explain your face? Mu Yan, why do you look so similar to Mu Lin?" Qinglong asked.

"Then why don't you say that it is Mu Lin's look like my family." Mu Fengling is not happy.

This thing, he also feels a little weird, but for the time being can't get close to Mu Lin, can't find anything?

"Don't you think in a different direction, I am similar to Mu Lin's appearance, she certainly can't let me down, I am definitely a deadly enemy in her. The enemy's friend is the enemy."

Qinglong knows that the words that Mu Qianxi said are justified, but there are still psychological shadows that have been tortured by her before.

"You want to get the news of Fengyun Prince, I must know the requirements. I will not recognize you. If you get the approval of two people, then there may be unexpected gains."

So far, Qinglong has no meaning of loose mouth, but it can be said that he can say this to him.

"I know! I didn't expect you guys. I won't give up on you early? Isn't there four more people? I don't believe it." Mu Qianxi said.

"Maybe you really can't do it!"

It is not that Qinglong believes in the ability of Mu Qiang, but he knows a lot about his own brothers.

Suzaku is confused by the beauty, and it is clear that the kid is stupid, Bai Ze! That is because there is a life-saving grace.

Mu Qianxi did not continue this topic with him, and asked: "How is your injury recovering?"

"Restoring is OK?"

"Your brethren!" asked Muqian.


Mu Qianxi said: "Small cold, come over! Take the medicine."

The condensed fat took out a lot of medicines, Qinglong said: "I don't have any remedies there!"

"This is the quick cure for the injury that I just refined. I think the East Emperor and Lin Yuezong have not got the news that the spirit is destroyed. They would not have expected such a result before dawn."

"So we'd better start before dawn, let them speed up and kill Lin Yuezong directly! If the East Emperor sent to support, it will be a fierce battle! Although not necessarily lose, but we don't want the result too Bad, isn't it?"

Qinglong did not think that Mu Qianyi decided to make a quick decision.

However, the arrival of the spirit of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty gave them a sense of crisis. A first-order can be dealt with for the time being, but it is troublesome to come.

"Thank you, it won't take you cheap! If you have something good for Lin Yuezong, you should pick it first!"

"Reassured, I will never be polite to you! I will inform you when I am ready to continue."

"it is good!"

Qinglong comes fast, and it is fast, and time cannot be delayed.

Mu Fengling looked at Qinglong Road: "It is not easy to cultivate such a young and talented person. Maybe that person really has news of a big brother."

"This is the only breakthrough. How can I try it! But it is a good thing for the old man to be so careful! No one else can hurt her."

"Well! Big brother repairs nothing, if you are not careful, if you find it, it is very dangerous." Mu Feng Lingdao.

Once upon a time, the prince of Fengyun, even if he was repaired as a total loss, is still a powerful man who is proud of the sky. This point, Mu Fengling does not doubt at all.

"Is the people of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty doing it?"

"Yeah!" Mu Fengling nodded.

"One day, I must let those wolves and dogs and lungs pay for blood!" Mu Fengling flashed bloodshot eyes.

This hatred does not wear the sky!

Mu Qian's special effects recovery medicine is very useful, and Qinglong's subordinates are quickly restored. It has already arrived in the middle of the night.

Mu Qian said: "Two uncles, you will first raise a wound in the ghost medical building!"

"The Lin Lunzong bully the children, chasing and killing the children, the two uncles have promised to annihilate them to avenge their nephews, how can they be absent! Not in the side of the nephew, missed a lot of things, but this time, the second uncle To be said to do it." Mu Fengling firmly said.

Mu Qianxi nodded: "Good! But if the body hurts, the second uncle is not allowed to reluctantly."

"The second uncle promised to be a child!"

So they set off quickly and rushed to Lin Yuezong with the fastest speed.

The emperor of Linyue was waiting for the good news to come. After all, killing a killing gesture, the dynasty’s spiritual sects went, and it was very easy to destroy them.

But the people who sent out have gone for so long, there is no news, and she is somewhat puzzled.

As for the people who passed the news, they did not return.

A white figure passed and asked: "Is the person who passed the message solved?"

"Cold people are solved."

Mu Qian’s mouth twitched slightly. “It seems that this lord still doesn’t know that the bad luck is coming soon?”


Support the dark cabinet, that is to go to Mu Qianling and Mu Fengling.

This time, attacking Lin Yuezong, Ghost Medical Building also joined.

Mu Qian said: "The people of Qinglong will come soon, first come to the first wave of storm."


The attack of the ghost medical building is very overbearing.

The sacred spirit of the Holy Order, the Holy Beast and the beast launched the first attack, and the sound of the earth-shattering movement spread in Lin Yuezong.

Linyue’s lord stunned. “What happened?”

"Lord! Sovereign, not good, someone is attacking us Lin Yuezong?"

"Who is it? There is a courage to attack me Lin Yuezong, and I am impatient." Lin Yuezong was furious.

"The Sovereign... The Sovereign, it seems that no one is attacking us." The reporter reported the horror.

"What are you talking about, not people! Is it still a ghost attacking me Lin Yuezong?"

"The sovereign, not a ghost, but..."

"Boom!" At this time, a black flame and a red flame rushed into the hall where the Lord Lin Yue was.

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