Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2168: Terrible person

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If Mu Qianxi said that she was indeed bullied by these guys, the Snow Bear is expected to slap them to the sky.

Their hearts are very incomprehensible, trembling: "There is no rule to check the name, the genius of the competition has the right not to let people know their name, the girl please go in!"

“Congratulations on being the first person to reach the northern arena.”

"Then I am gone!" Mu Qianyi walked into that field.

It is surrounded by white snow and the temperature is very low.

Not only is the temperature low, but the gravity is not much known. It is difficult to take every step.

However, Mu Qianxi has also been to many strange places to experience, counted as experienced, and soon got used to this gravity.

There was no smell of people here, and the guard was right. She was indeed the first person to come here.

When she entered it, she also got some information, which is the rules of the game in the northern arena.

The people who enter it kill each other. After a certain amount is left, the transmission line here will open and send them to a competition venue.

Today, there is only one person here, and naturally there is no opponent to fight.

"Then wait for them!"

Mu Qianxi sat there and settled in cultivation.

At this time a burly man came to the entrance with a group of people, and the second group arrived.

"Congratulations to this son, you are the second person to arrive at the entrance. Please take out your identity card and show us your name."

To see the name, some of these people have no opinion.

The man who took the lead was not very happy. He was already fast enough to find the entrance before the next day.

Someone is faster than him. Who is it?

As soon as he entered, he saw a woman who was practicing and knew the rules of this competition.

This woman is near the entrance, and anyone can see it when she goes in. It is obviously looking for death.

Smart people will choose to hide themselves, and wait until there are many people, and where will they be in such a conspicuous position?

Defeat your opponent. When your opponent's health drops to a certain level, they will be sent to the elimination point.

The gravity here makes them very uncomfortable, they look around and familiarize themselves with the environment.

The more people who arrive earlier, the more time they are familiar with this gravity, which is very beneficial for their later battles.

The burly man walked over and said: "Girl, see you alone here, is it separated from the brothers and sisters of Zongmen? Or are you a mess?"

Muqian raised his eyebrows: "Why should I tell you! If you want to play with me, hurry up, how much nonsense?"

"It seems that you are very confident about your strength! But the person who was finally sent to the elimination point is you, and solves the problem before the third batch of people arrive. Then the first person who arrived at the competition point became me. It is."

After that, he gave a punch to Mu Qian.

"Boom!" His fist was undoubtedly lost, and Mu Qianjian shunned sensitively.

The spiritual fluctuation of Lingdi is not strong for Lingzong, and it is easy to distinguish.

This burly man and some of his brothers and sisters were stunned. "What? Is she a spirited man?"

"Even if it is the 9th-order peak of Emperor Ling, it is also the spirit of the emperor! Such people even if it is estimated that it is difficult to reach the arena."

"But she is the first one to come, it's incredible."

"It won't be any insider!"

The burly man said: "I thought you were so powerful about the arrogant woman. I didn't expect the strength of Lingzong to be reached. It was too weak."

"Your nonsense, too much!"

Mu Qianxi took out the wind and the plume fan, and suddenly there was a strong horizontal wind force.

"Wind, cold moon!"

The horrible elements of the wind rushed to the surface, "Hey!" The man was directly blasted out, like a snowball, rolling far on the ground.

"Hey!" In the mouth, he swallowed a lot of snow. Although he was not hurt too much, he looked very embarrassed.

Some of his brothers and sisters were also shocked. The brothers were actually fanned out by a spirit.

To know that they are good disciples of the four-star forces, their brothers are the masters of their sects, and they have the strength of the eighth-order Lingzong at a young age. How can it not be an opponent of a spiritual emperor?

"What the **** is she?"

The burly disciple who was so burly was naturally unwilling, and rushed out again to start with Mu Qian.

Mu Qianqi cold channel: "I don't know how to live!"

"Crazy Dragon Boxing!"

Because of the last time I ate it, this time he had no spare time to come up with his own housekeeping skills and the strongest skill.

This punch is raging, but Mu Qiang does not change his face.

The wind and the plume are moving, "Wind, silence!"

"Wind, cold moon!"

"Ah!" This overbearing punch was so easily resolved, and then he flew out again.

"Tick! Tick!"

The bright red blood fell on the snow. The last time I did not see the blood, this time I have already seen the blood.

This is too evil!

These people are stunned and look at Mu Qianxi. Is this really the spirit emperor?

The burly man said: "What are you doing stupidly? Don't hurry up to help me, let her get out quickly."

I played twice and failed twice.

He is very clear that no matter whether this woman is a true spirit or a fake spirit, he alone cannot be her opponent.

This woman is alone, but he is different. He also has a group of Zongmen brothers.

So many people, are you afraid of this woman?

"Yes, brother!"

More than a dozen people rushed out at the same time and surrounded Mu Qianxi.

"Let you not be defeated by me alone, now we are working together, you are waiting to suffer!"

Mu Qianxi sneered: "I really think that there are many people, will you win? It is not bad to warm up first. It is not a place for cultivation!"

Daddy, Mu Qianxi disappeared in front of their eyes, and then the elements of horror wind shrouded open, suffocating.

Their pupils suddenly shrank and felt that they had hallucinations.

This opponent in front of them is the nine-order peak of Emperor Ling, but the nine-level peak of Lingzong.

"Wind, broken star!"

"Wind, cold moon!"


The fan is fanned and the fan is turned into a sharp edge. Mu Qian’s movements, like peers, are like a stream of water.


One by one, a large pit was pulled out on the snow. They wiped their eyes and made sure that they were not mistaken. This is the nine-order spirit.

No mistakes!

A person is hoarse: "Senior brother, did we hear a rumor before we came to participate in the contest? A woman named Mu Yan can fight a big level, and it is also a spirit emperor, very perverted, almost as big as this woman. Look like."

The brother listened, and almost two eyes were dizzy! what? He won't be so unlucky. When he comes in, he has provoked such a terrible person.

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