Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2171: One of the ten

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The reason why he was so surprised was because there was a black man standing in front of him. This black man is... is...

Mu Qianxi also looked at the past and saw a dark man.

Sword and arrow: "Mu Boda, you are lucky, really hit! This is one of the ten masters of the black hand Zhang Yuan."

"This game, I have not met an opponent who can play. Can beat those people, on behalf of your strength is OK, I hope you will not let me down."

After that, he made a direct and direct action.

Even in such an environment where gravity has increased countless times, he only used a time that he could not breathe, and he approached Mu Qianxi directly.

A fist hit, with the momentum of the mountain peaks toward the end of the thousands.

It is one of the ten geniuses of the genius. This kind of momentum is not comparable to the two before.

Mu Qianyi opened the wind and zero lupin fans, and the elements of the wind gathered together.

In an instant, the wind rushed up to Zhang Yuan’s boxing wind with the power to tear everything.


The two forces met together, the horrible sound exploded, the snow fluttered, and both of them regressed.

A nine-order peak of the Emperor, a nine-level peak Lingzong, the first confrontation, evenly divided the autumn.

Zhang Yuan was a little surprised and said: "You are really strong."

Next, Zhang Yuan naturally wants to move the real thing, and the more rapid attack.

"霹雳 霹雳 bursting punch!"

This time, he took his tenth power.

"Wind, broken star!"

Mu Qianxi instantly opened the wind and zero lupin fan, and the wind and zero feather fan smashed the strong hurricane element against the enemy.


In this place where the general Lingzong walked in a difficult situation, the two men fought fiercely and quickly.

The sword arrow is dumbfounded. "This is the top genius. It is very difficult to get to the final. It seems that I still hold my thigh and I can hold a round for a round. I can see more."

"Booming!" The battle is getting more and more fierce, Zhang Yuan's boxing method is very overbearing, and Mu Qianxi uses the wind element to soften.

Zhang Yuan took turns attacking, and a layer of explosive force shocked Mu Qian’s arm was numb.

Of course, Zhang Yuan is also uncomfortable, and there are countless wounds that are separated by wind elements.

The more excited he is in the Vietnam War, the stronger is suitable for his opponent.

He smiled and said: "Come back!"


The fighting power of the two of them has been playing here for so long, and it has attracted many people.

These people took the interest of the left-handed fisherman and came to join in the fun.

If the two strong players lose both sides, they may be able to solve them together.

In this case, you can let them compare two strong opponents in the next test.

When they arrived, they were shocked. "Is Zhang Yuan, he actually hit a strong opponent?"

"What a strong opponent, I am not mistaken! The nine-level peak of the Emperor."

"The nine-level peak of Emperor Ling, how could it be as good as Zhang Yuan! This is too ridiculous."

At this time, some people whispered, "The strength of the spirit of the emperor, with a greater level of combat fighting power, this woman will not be..."

"Brother, I think you guessed it right, this person is Mu Yu!"

"Ha ha ha! I thought she could not appear in this northern arena. I didn't expect her not only to appear, but also to fight with Zhang Yuan for so long, just to make us a big bargain."

"Senior brother, what if Mu Yu was defeated by Zhang Yuan and eliminated?"

The gloomy voice came, "Of course, before she wants to lose, she will be saved from Zhang Yuan’s hands, and then..."

However, they did not wait until Mu Qianxi was defeated by Zhang Yuan, but saw that Zhang Yuan was in danger.

"Sirlo India!"

After a thousand miles and one seal, the body of Zhang Yuan flew out.

The power of this print is terrible, and he feels the blood flowing back.

And Mu Qianxi did not give him a chance to breathe, and once again shot.

"Wind, broken star!"

The elements of the wind swept over, this time there was no way to avoid it.

"Puff puff!"

Hard to block the blow, Zhang Yuan hit a skin and flesh.

Even a **** mark on his neck, Zhang Yuan was shocked.

If the opponent uses a little more force, he estimates that the person will land.

Zhang Yuan’s slight glimpse, the other party is under the mercy.

"Brother, Mu Hao actually won? Then... then we still do it?"

"Of course, Muxi seems to have won, but after playing for so long, her spiritual power has been exhausted, it is the end of the strong, naturally will not miss this opportunity. Immediately!"

They didn't want to give Muyu a rest to restore the speed of spiritual power, and they quickly shot.

Sword arrow said: "That is also one of the ten masters, Qin Gang!"

Seeing Qin Gang's hands, many people also rushed up and prepared to fish in troubled waters.

Of course, some people think that it is better to wait and see if they change. The fighting power of Mu Xi is really terrible.

Mu Qianxi was besieged, while drinking the healing potions while dodging their attacks.

One bottle, two bottles...

They are stunned. Is this a potion or a water?

This speed of restoring spiritual power is obviously not what anyone can do.

"The wind is blowing, the stars are broken!"

"Not good! Mu Yan has recovered so quickly." Someone was shocked.

"What about recovery? Are we so vegetarians? Block me for her!"


When they played, Zhang Yuan also stood up.

This guy is also a monk, and he has joined the battlefield once again.

They were overjoyed and thought that Zhang Yuan was helping them to deal with Mu Xi, and Zhang Yuan’s fist was aimed at them!


A fist banged out and several people were shot.

They are angry, "Zhang Yuan, what do you mean? We kindly help you revenge, but you will enmity, do it for us?"

Zhang Yuan sneered and said: "My Zhang Yuan is not stupid. I have nothing to do with you. You can actually avenge me, joke! This is my opponent. It is not until you can bully and let her go. ”

This idiot! They even helped me, they roared in their hearts.

"Then you will be eliminated with Mu Hao!" They whispered.

"Booming!" Mu Qianyi avoided their attack and went to Zhang Yuan's side.

She said: "Zhang Yuan, what kind of juice do you like?"

Zhang Yuan stunned, this woman was very reliable when fighting, why do you ask such a question in the war?

Zhang Yuandao: "Grapes!" As a result, Mu Qianxi threw out a few bottles of pharmacy and medicinal herbs from the space "brushing": "Restoring the spiritual, healing, casually eat! After eating, these flies I am annoyed, you can help, but it saves me a lot of things."

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