Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2175: Compared with His Highness

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After Zhuo Qing and Mu Qianxi had played against each other, they had already recognized one thing. He was not an opponent of Mu Yu.

But it is not an opponent of Mu Xi, it does not mean that it is not an opponent of others.

To be eliminated, we must also take the elimination of her team and let Mu Yu add.

Zhuo Qing’s mind is really insidious, and the white mirror month is a level different from his strength and it is difficult to avoid it.

However, when he thought he was going to succeed, a purple figure was in front of him like a ghost.

Mu Qian said: "This is still wanting to let you go out early, I did not expect you to die like this! Want to play against the white mirror month, okay! I will fulfill you."


A pharmacy needle fell on his arm, and the ninth-order peak of Lingzong directly became the eighth-order.

Zhuo Qing’s eyes wide open, he...

It was really dangerous just now, Bai Jingyue said: "Millennium, thank you!"

"This guy is actually bullying you, now his rank is the same as you. Don't care about him slowly, I will help Zhang Yuan." Mu Qian said.

"Good! Certainly will not let the Millennium die." White Mirror returned.

The white mirror month of the old man is now a bit embarrassed by Mu Qian, and there is a hatred, it is absolutely welcome.

Zhang Yuandao: "You are really much better than me."

Her side has been solved almost, and he has solved one on this side.

"Their strength is a bit stronger, but now I am joining forces and sweeping them is no problem."

The leader of this group of people was gloomy. "Don't be too proud!"

Say the sweep is swept, and finally there is only one polished commander.

This person was thrown to Zhang Yuan to clean up, and Mu Qiang noticed that someone was coming to this side.

It seems that someone wants to take the opportunity to attack, Mu Quanzhen plundered a tree and said: "Hey, are you sure you want to attack my team? Now it is too late to change your mind."

They have already assembled three teams and there is no need to fight again.

"Mu Wei?"

"It turned out to be Mu Yan, what is this luck?"

"We will leave right away, hehe!"

Seeing that it was Mu, they gave up this method and sneaked faster than the rabbit.

Under the same strength, Bai Jingyue ended up with Zhuo Qing.

Zhang Yuan also solved the problem and the two teams were completely destroyed.

"Congratulations, you are the first team in the second group to complete the squad for the three squad missions. Immediately send you to repair the space and wait for the start of the third match."

The transfer line began and they were transferred to a beautiful garden with a variety of snacks in the garden.

After two consecutive games, they arranged a nice place to rest.

The sword and arrow did not hesitate to act. "It is something that the five-star power of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty produced, delicious, so delicious, hehe..."

Because they are the ones who come here, they are delicious and good to choose.

As time went by, other people slowly arrived, and the rest of the rest became more and more lively.

Here is not allowed to fight, once the battle will be kicked out directly.

"This second round of trials is in the Eastern Division and the Northern Division. Then the third game is estimated that the geniuses of all the divisions will gather together. I don't know if I can meet Princess Lin's good fortune."

"You still want to meet Princess Lin, you have to wait for the spike to meet you! Princess Lynn can now break through the spirit, and look at the genius of the whole heaven, who can compare with His Royal Highness."


During the break, many people sat down and discussed.

Sword and arrow: "Who said that no one is better than that, I admire the boss."

"It's Mu Hao!" He said this, many people looked at it with a brush.

"Ha ha ha! Mu Yan can not deal with the Spirit of the Holy Spirit! Her spiritual skills are powerful, and the noble spirit of the five-star forces is also very powerful. Her previous advantage met the princess of the five-star power, estimated There are not many advantages."

"Yeah! I want to compare with my Highness!"


They know what happened in the northern division.

The people who are looking for troubles have been eliminated. They can only watch the admiration of the customs but they dare not deal with it. They miss the reward in vain.

Those who are unwilling in their hearts can only take advantage of the verbal advantage.

Mu Yan stood up and they were shocked. "Mu Wei, don't mess around, it is forbidden to fight here."

They were afraid of being beaten, and they said: "I just want to tell you that I am not as good as Mu Lin. When the finals, I must enlarge your dog's eyes and see clearly."

"And, don't take me to Murin, she really disgusted me."

I was stunned and looked at Mu Qianxi. Not everyone in the room liked Mu Lin, and I couldn’t understand it, but there was courage to say this in many geniuses, only Mu Yu.

To know that Princess Lin is not an ordinary genius, she is the Princess of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty, and is also the most favored one. Insulting her is tantamount to humiliating the Eastern Emperor Dynasty. This is a big sin.

In the East Emperor's mainland, all the forces were in time, but in the end, only the five-star power of the East Emperor Dynasty was such a giant, who dared to find death and provoke!

Those admirers of Mu Linyi were angry. "Mu Wei, a bit of talent, is so arrogant! I dare to call the name of Princess Lin."

"You really don't know how high!"

"I see you this is under Your Highness!"

This group of people became mad dogs, and they were still a group of mad dogs who did not dare to bite.

There are no Lin Yuezong and Qi Xingzong, and there are many people blinded by Mu Lin, but...

At the end of the millennium, a flash of cold light, she is looking forward to the day when Mu Lin fell from the altar.

The third game started, the transmission array opened, and Mu Qianyi entered a space again.

This space is closed, and the open space in the middle has ten suspended platforms, high and low.

The third game is very simple, that is, those who hold one of the downfalls are eligible to enter the fourth round of the arena.

There are a total of ten downfalls here, meaning that only ten of the people present are eligible to pass.

Mu Qianxi swept the entrants standing on several floors upstairs, Mu Lin was not inside, his team friendly in the third round...

"Mu Boda! Admired the boss!" On the third floor of the penultimate opposite, a skinny little guy waved toward Mu Qian.

Only he and Mu Qianxi were assigned to a downfall space.

Sword and arrow: "There are all masters here! And not everyone is here, there are other spaces.

"Hey..." A figure flew over the ring.

This kind of battle against Taiwan, the more dangerous it is to play first, the rush to the downfall, which means that you have confidence in your own strength. This person is so confident, because he is a nine-level peak Lingzong.

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