Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2187: Thunder and again

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Pushing Mu Qian to such a level, Mu Lin’s mouth twitched with a smile.

"Mu Wei, it seems that your hole is running out. You are already dead end."

Mu Lin’s eyes were with killing, and once again a powerful force broke out. “Mu Wei, then you are here.”

The power of this horror made everyone horrified. "The level difference is too big. The situation is now doomed, and Muxi cannot be reversed."

"Mu, take it!"

"The Emperor is destroyed!"

A huge sword shadow, with the power of destruction toward the end of the millennium.

The power of this sword, with the power of destruction, they do not think that Mu's defense can block Mu Lin's attack.

Because the power of this trick is stronger than the power of the previous outbreak.

Yan Longjian is screaming in the space, and Mu Qian also wants to deal with Mu Lin’s attack regardless of all the outbreaks.

The sound of the water dragon sounded, "Although the owner just did it, the next trouble, the water dragon to deal with."

Mu Qian said: "The water dragon takes care of me so thoughtfully. If you are sleeping with the master of the East Emperor, I will not be used to it."

"And Mu Lin, I want to deal with it!"

The space element is working with spiritual power, "Hey!" Mu Qian's dodging speed is so fast that people can't see clearly, and the power of terror has been wiped from him.

"Tear off! Tear off!"

Even if she uses teleportation, she can't avoid being hurt!

"Oh!" The power of terror is blocked, and every style is aimed at the key to Mu Qian.

"Puff puff!"

There were several blood holes in Mu Qian’s body, and blood spilled out.

"Hey!" At this point, Suzaku's eyes would have become red.

Mu Lin's spiritual skills burst into the ultimate light, and it is dangerous and dangerous. It has already caught up with the speed of Mu Qian.

Once the front hits Muqian, even if Mu Qian’s defense is strong, even if he won’t be killed, he will be seriously injured and will be able to fight and let Mu Lin’s slaughter.

As the dangers get closer and closer, everyone feels that the air is changing and the elements of thunder are brewing.

Mu Qianxi also feels that his breath has changed, and finally is coming!

It hasn't been long before she broke through the peak of the 9th-order of the Emperor, but the strength contained in the body, with the right opportunity, can be broken.

At present, she is absolutely not allowed to lose.

Mu Lin’s once-in-a-lifetime attack has given her a sense of crisis and she has got this opportunity.

Everyone has some incredible words: "This...the power of this thunder, we have seen it before! It is the time to seal the Lord's breakthrough."

"But now, on the test field, who is going to break through the Spirit."

Both Mu Qianxi and Mu Linyi have forgotten the passage of time. Others who have been tested are almost the same as those who tested. Only three or two people on the test bench did not have a winner.

But these people have no omens of breakthrough!

The thunder and lightning in the air did not seem to give the time for Mu Qianxi to directly bombard.


The fall of this thunder and lightning is completely beyond the expectations of Mulin.

As a result, Mu Lin’s fatal attack was blocked. This lightning did not cause any harm to Mu Qian, but helped a lot of money.


Thunder and lightning shrouded Mu Qian, and Mu Qianqi rushed directly into the air, getting closer and closer to the core of the power of lightning.

The closer it is, the stronger the power of lightning!

"Isn't it mad that you can't make it? If you can't beat the temple, don't you want to be sent to death, want to be robbed into a coke?"

"The point of concern is not this! The breath of Mu Xi is to break through the Lingzong! But why is the thunder of the Holy Spirit coming to a newly broken Lingzong, this is not right!"

"This... what is going on here? Can anyone who knows more can explain it to us?"

The spirit of the emperor can only leave the Quartet, and as a result, she was taken to the Xuantian world.

Therefore, the breakthrough of the Lingzong will lead to thunder, and Mu Qian does not feel strange.

And this thunder, it is very time!

The power of the robbery is very strong, and it is stronger than that encountered by Feng Yunxiu before. This is a **** of a ghost.

Mu Lin wanted to rush to deal with Mu Qianxi, "Hey, hey..." As the result flowed through her body, she felt stinging all over her body.

She did not dare to approach Mu Qianxi and waved her artifacts. The long-range attack was escaped by Mu Qian.

Yes, in the thunderstorm, Mu Yan can also be distracted and dodge attacks, it is unbelievable, the first time I saw such a dead person!

If it is them, directly admit defeat, and the unbridled fight against thunder is the best choice.

Seeing this scene, Yan laughed.

"It’s really time to come!" He knows very well that this level of lightning is nothing to me.

"Wind, broken star!"

"burning the sky!"

With the cover of lightning, Mu Lin could not get close, and the two launched a long-range attack.

"Booming!" The lightning that was smashed down again made Mu Lin's tricky, but it was tickle for Mu Qianxi.

Mu Lin’s almost vomited blood, how could this be?

Mu Lin wanted to be close to Mu Qian, and the result...

"Boom!" A loud bang came and almost made himself involved in a lightning storm, dangerous...

She can only pull away the distance, gather strength to wait for the opportunity, and not waste the spiritual power to attack.

"Mu's physique is very abnormal! Even if the defense is strong, it is so resistant to thunder! This is all five thunders. She doesn't need to waste a little power to resist. She simply resists the flesh and does not wrinkle her eyebrows. a bit."

"This physique is too enviable, not afraid of thunder, and there is no risk in promotion!"

"Five ways, a Lingzong promotion has five raids, so how can I live this spirit of the Holy Spirit!" Hey!"



Then, two more came.

"The seven roads, the seal of the Lord to advance to the Spirit of the Holy Spirit has seven, the limit of Mu Yan should also be seven!" The people discussed.

Miao Linyi also thinks this way. She does not believe that this wild **** can surpass Yun Xiu. It seems that the power of lightning has dissipated a lot, so Mu Lin rushed quickly toward Mu Qian.

When Mu Lin took a shot, she immediately broke out four killings.

"What about breaking through Lingzong? I will make you a waste completely before you have completely broken through!"

The killings just broke out. Suddenly a horrible silver dragon descended from the sky, silently, and it was unexpected.

"God! Thunder robbery is also engaged in sneak attacks, hidden forces and instant sneak attacks, and there is such a thunder."

"It must be that Mu Yu is too abnormal, and the robbery is playing."

"But playing such a means, unfortunately seems not to be admired, but..." "Ah!" Sure enough, this time, a scream came.

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