Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2192: Into the East Tower

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"Yes! Righteous father, but only Suzaku Baize clearly understands that they are not sensible. Xuanwu and Qinglong are not so easy to recognize her, and her origins are too mysterious." The man browed slightly.

But they can all go together to risk a woman, he knows that even Xuanwu and Qinglong are already very dangerous.

"I still know the children I have cultivated."

The voice just fell, and the white blood was not filled with blood. The blood vessels were filled with black. The whole portrait was like a dead grass. "Cough and cough!" followed by a cough.

"Father of the Father!"

"Come on!"

He was a little annoyed. "There are counts in the righteous father. I actually disturbed my father because of this."

"They just died in the East King City."

Suzaku got the news, the righteous father did not stop them, happy to die.

Although they were beaten by the white tiger, they obviously didn't feel itchy.

Since it is decided, then do it!

If you do a lot of good work, the white tigers can only take their eyes.

Mu Qianxi disappeared for three days. In three days, she did not care about her own medicine and remedy, so that her body condition recovered best.

At the same time, the most powerful group of refining pharmacists in the Eastern Emperor Dynasty were treating Mulin and Feng Yunxiu.

Because Mu Lin's identity is too honorable, even a god-level refining pharmacist has invited.

The ability of the god-level refining pharmacist is not small, and within three days, the scarred Mourin has been restored, and the strength has returned to its best.

Even the disfigured face has recovered!

"The master of Xuan is really powerful, and it is a god-level refining pharmacist!"

The treatment of Mulin was very smooth, but the master encountered problems when he went to treat Feng Yunxiu.

Feng Yun repaired a serious injury and fell into a coma. Even if the wound was cured, he still could not wake up.

Mu Lin stunned. "What happened to Master Xuan, Yun Xiu?"

Master Xuan shook his head and said: "I am not sure. The situation of sealing the Lord is a little special. I don't know if it was a problem when I broke through the Spirit, or did I have a problem? I want to take the seal to the Lord and study it carefully." Let him wake up as soon as possible."

Mulin said: "That would like to thank Master Xuan! The reason why Yun Xiu became like this is absolutely irrelevant to Mu Yu. I will definitely give him revenge."

When Mu Qian’s injury recovered, the Suzaku got together and said, “Hey, I have something to tell you!”

"Say! What information did you get?"

"The god-level refining pharmacist of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty has cured Mu Lin, and even that face has been cured, it is a pity!" Suzaku regrets.

If it is a chance to poison the cockroaches, then even if it is a god-level refining pharmacist, I am afraid that it is impossible to cure Mu Lin’s face so quickly.

Qinglong looked at Mu Qianyi against the wall, and swept through the millennium.

This woman would not think that she had ruined the face of Mu Lin, and others did not know that she looked very much like Mu Lin?

"And, Feng Yunxiu is still in a coma, it is estimated that there is no way to participate in the fifth test! This is also good, he is also a trouble, always desperately protect Mu Lin, but can not kill!" Suzaku snorted.

Mu Qian said: "The reason why Yun Xiu was unconscious was that I killed it! I don't want to go to him later. That god-level refining pharmacist didn't notice it. It seems that I am quite secretive."

"But since the god-level refining pharmacist has shot it, it is estimated that it will not last long."

"It's still amazing!" Zhuque said.

"Of course!"

The East Tower is about to be opened and the location has been confirmed, just above that time.

Ten people came to eight. The Emperor of the Eastern Emperor dynasty and the eight elders put out a nine-star array, and a nineteen-storey round pagoda was taken out by the Emperor.

The East Tower appeared in the air, and the door to his center was opened.

He said: "Your Majesty, Mu has not come yet, she is afraid to give up the last match."

Dong Huangfu said: "Since she didn't dare to come, she was sentenced to lose."

Mulin is not reconciled! Just letting Mu Hao escape, it is too cheap for her.

The attendees at the scene did not dare to believe that it was clear that they won the first accompaniment in the previous qualifying session.

If she still gets the first place in this fifth test, then she will become the first genius of the real East Dynasty, famous in the world.

"I feel that there is a bit of a greasy, Mu Xi did not come, it will not be wiped out by the people of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty!"

"You and the people are too dark, and a big five-star force is impossible to pass a little girl."

"The East Emperor Dynasty has always loved genius, how could it be possible to do it."

Prime Minister announced: "The top ten qualifying players are eligible to enter the East Tower, and now eight people are present. Feng Yunxiu is seriously injured and coma, but he has not yet woken up, so he abstained!"

"Mu Wei has not arrived yet, by default she abandoned..."

The words of the prime minister have not been finished yet, and a purple figure appears on the test field. "I have not abstained, but it is a bit late."

Everyone widened their eyes and Mu Hao came.

The faces of the prime minister and the emperor were not very good, and they clearly blocked the surrounding, and whoever admired it.

Mulin’s staring at Mu Qian’s death, the shame of that day, the injury that day, she will definitely come back thousands of times.

Mu Xi, you are waiting for me.

She said: "Father, start! For the East Tower, the children are very confident! The first day of the East Dynasty is absolutely going to me, and it will not let you down."

The emperor nodded slightly, and the result was the same.

Others don't know, but he knows very well that this Donghuang Tower is the treasure of their East Emperor's family. The top ten geniuses with high potential and high potential can go up.

But more than ten layers, people who are not a Muslim family simply can't go up.

Even though Mu's talent and potential are really high, the results of this contest have been doomed.

Now I can't start to admire Mu, he wants his daughter to win the face in front of everyone, let her enter.

"If this is the case, then only Feng Yunxiu will abstain, and you will go in!"

Mu Lin was the first to plunder, the speed was very fast, and Mu Qianyi followed up and stepped into the East Tower.

This time, Zhuzu did not go to watch the game.

He is still collecting various kinds of information. "The information of the Donghuang Tower is very small. I can't find much. I don't know what kind of challenges I have to face in it." "Don't check, the righteous father came to the East Tower." All the information, but unfortunately it is a little late, and Muxi may not win." Qinglong cold channel.

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