Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2195: Unlimited potential

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"The 19th floor is the one you want to beat the most. His combat power will be much stronger than you." Donghuang Tower.

If you say that the person who wants to defeat the first place must be Mourin, but now that Mourin has become her defeat, then the people who will come out now are...

A silver figure appeared, a familiar face, and a thousand cold voices: "Sure enough, the North Palace is absolutely!"

It’s just a residual image, but the power is very powerful. In a flash, a powerful thunder element comes out, and there is ice!

"Puff puff!"

Mu Qianxi holds the Yanlong Scorpion Sword, cold channel: "Can't go to the North Palace Dynasty to find your cockroaches, it is good to deal with a phantom out! I have to thank you! Donghuang Tower."

"It’s too early to thank me, because your chances of winning are not too big. Even if you have a dragon sword, there is always a threshold for human potential. Your goal is more than you, now. The highest potential is not enough to defeat this individual." Donghuang Tower.

"Try to know!"

At the same time as the release of the fire elemental spirit, Mu Qianxi broke out the fire element.

"The water dragon is coming!"

"Water Dragon, let's get rid of this guy together."

"Yes, master!"

A gentle voice rang in this space, making the East Tower feel creepy.

The blue dragon of the water, the flame of destruction directly rushed to the phantom of the North Palace.

"Hey!" The speed of that phantom was extremely fast, but it was still entangled by the water dragon.


The phantom became distracted, disappeared directly into the air, and appeared in another direction.

Donghuang Tower Road: "Water Dragon, is the breath of the water dragon, you are really a terrible limit! When I found the limit of your potential, you gave me a surprise! Maybe you are the only one I have encountered A genius with no potential."

"But it's not over yet!"

The phantom that was injured by Mu Qian, once again attacked Mu Qian.

"The wind is the shield!"

"Ice Spirit Shield!"

"Sirlo India!"

Mu Qiang made a layer of means to block his offense, and the flame dragon wrapped in flames cut his arm and saw it.


Then, the spiritual element of water broke out again.

"Water Dragon is off!"

In the siege of ice and fire, the phantom body became more and more blurred, and the power became weaker and weaker. At the end, it could no longer continue fighting.

It’s over, Mu Qianyi won!

Everyone saw Mu Qianxi staying on the 19th floor. After a long time, the golden rounded Huanghuang Tower was like a golden sun. It burst into a dazzling light and sprinkled on the whole land.


The Donghuangzhong in the East Emperor's Palace was ringing, and the veteran was once again alarmed!

Someone fell on the 19th floor of the East Tower, and the Donghuangzhong, which has not been ringing for a long time, was ringing. What does this mean?

They looked through the various books of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty, but couldn't guess what the omen was?

But the only certainty is that the genius in the East Tower, the future potential is extraordinary.


When they think of losing such a genius, these veterans are also heartbroken.

Mu Qianxi told Donghuang Zhongdao: "There is such a big movement, you still think that the Eastern Emperor's royal family is not heavy enough for me!"

"You have been on the 19th floor and you are qualified to be my master, so some resonance reactions are not something I can control. If you are troubled, I apologize!"

Mu Qianxi waved his hand: "No matter whether it is small or quiet, they will not let me go easily. What is the benefit of being your master?"

"Become my master, you can use Donghuangzhong, become the East Emperor! My Donghuang Tower is more authoritative in the Eastern Emperor Dynasty than that of the country. As long as you become the East Emperor, then some people do not have the courage to deal with You." Donghuang Zhongdao.

"However, there is not enough strength to get you. I want to be recognized by the East Emperor? You don't know enough about the world of human power."

"Yes! Your strength is not enough. At least you must have the strength to take me away from the hands of this incumbent East Emperor! You will become stronger soon! Otherwise the East Emperor's temper will be exhausted." Road.

"What do you mean by this?"

She didn't have much affection for the Eastern Emperor Dynasty, but the old man was different. Even if some of the people of Mu Lin and Dong Huang were deeply wicked, she did not want the East Emperor to go to destruction. "The air transport of the East Emperor Dynasty is connected with me. I naturally feel that the emperor who was once ordered has not taken the throne. The air transport of the East Emperor Dynasty is less than a year. The situation is even worse now. I am afraid. It will take a long time to be replaced by another big force, so I have to have a new owner.

. ”

Mu Qianyan’s face sinks, “Beigong Dynasty!”

When the world had this ability to deal with the Eastern Emperor Dynasty, only the North Palace Dynasty.

The relationship between the two dynasties seems to be very good, but also married, but the ambitious guy of the North Palace is naturally eager to remember the annexation of the Eastern Empire.

"I am not sure!"

"I know."

How will the East Emperor Dynasty be, and now it is not the time for her to worry.

She still found the old man to say that all the old people should have a decision.

"You should go out! Time is up, I have to close." Donghuang Tower.

The golden light flashed, and Mu Qian took out from the golden light, and everyone was excited to fight.

This is the first genius of their first dynasty, the unparalleled first genius, I am afraid that the North Palace dynasty did not have any day to match her?

"Mu Yan!"

"Mu Yan!"


Many people cheered.

Mu Qiang was lightly on the ground and walked to the front of the prime minister: "The prime minister, there should be no sixth game than it!"

Even if it is more than one game, it does not make any sense.

Mu Hao won such a beautiful, has been recognized by many people on the East Emperor Dynasty, but also has a high prestige.

Even in a game, they made the means to win Princess Lin, and it is estimated that they can't reverse the situation.

The prime minister smiled and said: "This is the last one. Congratulations on becoming the first genius of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty. This is the reward we have prepared for you, all in this space ring."

"That would thank the Emperor of the East for squatting." Mu Qian took the ring and threw it directly into the space to seal it, just in case.

He said: "Now I am announcing that the genius of the Eastern Emperor is big, and that is the end!"

This time, the genius is like this, it just ends, it has to be gone.

Mu's talent is amazing, and many people can't help but worry about her situation.

But even if they want to help, they are powerless.

After all, I faced the huge things like the Eastern Emperor Dynasty. I can only hope that the emperor’s royal family can point to the face.

After the end of the test, Mu Qianyi decided to leave the city immediately. When she left the test site, Suzaku waved toward Mu Qianxi: "Hey, I am picking you up! Let's go!"

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