Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2202: Call the beast

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"The last time Mu Yi won, I feel that Mu Yu is even more powerful, it should be her win!"

"That's not necessarily. I heard that the last time Mu Yu won was by luck, and some opportunistic. After all, if Princess Lin Biao was not attacked by a thunder, she would not necessarily lose?"

"We have a bet..."

Those who watched the secret in the dark whispered.

The North Palace has also joined the battlefield. Some people who have gone to the Ghost Medical Building do not think that Mu Lin is an opponent of Mu Qian.

Mu Qianxi is only hiding strength and does not want to expose herself. Once she uses eternal, Mu Lin’s methods are completely inadequate.

In the emperor's domain, Mulin is close to admiring the envy of the millennium.

"Colorful Phoenix nine days!"

Mu Qianxuan quickly dodge, cold channel: "The wind is shield!"

"Yue Yaofeng!"

"Hey!" Mu Lin's attack was not weak, and the defense of Mu Qianxi was broken.

After the defense was broken, the power of this spiritual skill was greatly weakened, and it fell on the body of Mu Qian, and it was impossible to cause much harm to Mu Qian, who was physically strong and metamorphosed.

Such a strong physical defense made Mu Lin hate to death, she shot again, took out a group of gold silk and threw it out, said: "Go!"

In the field controlled by this Mourin, the golden silk has changed into thousands of pieces, and it has become a beam of light that shrouds toward Mu Qian.

The speed is too fast!

"That thing, it is worthy of the high-end artifact Golden Emperor!"

"That power is really like it! As long as it is entangled by the Golden Emperor, it is very difficult to break free, dangerous!"

"It seems that Lin's Highness is prepared for this time to deal with the shackles! Even such high-level artifacts are taken out."

Mu Lin’s time is of course prepared, and the last time she was oppressed by Mu Yi, this time she absolutely did not allow such a thing to happen.

The emperor also supported her very much, so she loaned such a baby artifact to her.

The appearance of the Golden Emperor, Mu Qianshen felt dangerous, and immediately evaded when using it!


"Use that special space method again, teleport, avoid it!"

"And avoid it!"

Mu Qianqi was so thrilled to avoid it, and they were amazed.

Mu Lin took the victory and chased her, she said coldly: "Mu Wei, in my field, I don't believe you can always avoid!"

The speed of the golden light is getting faster and faster, and numerous tiny invisible wires are coming over.

If it is not the soul of Mu Qian, the spirit is very strong, even if it can use teleportation, it is estimated that this golden emperor has been trapped.

"Hey!" Jin Huangsi left a blood mark on Mu Qian.

Mu Lin琅 saw that Mu Qian was so embarrassed, and her heart was full of pleasure.

Was it hurt? Soon she will have more and more injuries, and then she will be completely tied.

At that time... At that time, Mu Xi will let her kill.

Mu Qian said: "You are really troublesome, but you have been playing in front of me for the second time. You have not thought about it, this time I can find a way to break open."

Was trapped twice by the Linghuang domain, and Mu Qianyi also found the flaw of this spiritual realm.

Of course, if Mu Linyi cultivated this emperor domain to the point where she reached the peak, she certainly could not find any loopholes.

However, Mu Lin’s ability to cultivate only half a bucket of water with such a powerful spiritual skill was naturally found by her.

"burning the sky!"

In an instant, the flame enveloped the entire space.

Mu Qianzhen is like a lightning rushing to a corner, the wind element erupts!

"Wind, broken star!"


The perfect domain was broken by a gap and fell apart in an instant.

Mulin was shocked and said: "How is it possible? You actually broke my royal domain!"

"Give me to die!"

She once again manipulated the Golden Emperor to entangle the envy of Mu Qian, and now the speed of Mu Lin has been slowed down a lot. She is in danger and calmly counterattacks.

"Wind, cold moon!"

"burning the sky!"

The elements of the wind change with each passing, and the elements of fire carry the power of destruction.


Mourin's face is ugly, and Mulberry who is not trapped in the domain is more difficult to deal with, but she can no longer use it.

Mu can break once and break the second time, just pure waste of effort.

"Hey!" Mu Lin sneaked into a mad attack, but still did not prevail.

Mu Qian said: "This artifact is a good thing, but what you borrowed is borrowed from you. You can't use it! You want to use it to catch me. You can practice for another hundred years. Let's go!"

"Mu Wei, don't be too proud, do you really only have such a means for the princess?" Mu Lin said.

"Green, the emperor, come out!"

Mu Lin took out one of his killers, and that was her contract beast.

On the genius ratio can not use the contract beast, now it is not the same, her contract beast can be burned to death, not to mention two.

"In the past, I only heard that Princess Lynch had a contracted beast. I didn't think there were two!"

"The soul of the people who can contract the two contract beasts is very abnormal. It seems that the soul of His Royal Highness is very strong and strong!"

"Two first-order beasts! It is worthy of the princess of the five-star power, and the foundation is strong enough."

It is ridiculous that these two first-order beasts, Mu Lin, dare to dare in front of their masters.

"I really want to burn those two weeds!"

"Want to make a meat sauce!"

Mu Qian said: "Calm calm, you both calm down, let the little ink ink shot."

"Well! It’s just a little bird, a little ink can be used by two people!"

Mu Qianxi said to Mu Lin: "Mu Lin, you think that only you have a beast?"

"Then let your beast come out! I know that you have a little phoenix with no hair, the blood is looking noble, but the strength of the beast is king." Mu Lin did not inquire about her, for her Some things are still very well understood.

A first-order beast, but she has two, can completely abuse it.

The black flame broke out and the little ink ink appeared on the scene.

Its breath is very strong, with the pressure of the phoenix beast, so that the two birds and animals are shuddering.

Where is this small beast with no hair?

They know that the age of this little phoenix is ​​very small, I am afraid that they are not a fraction of them, but this power really makes them very jealous!

"Hands! Shred the little phoenix!"

The appearance of the little ink ink really made Mulin a shock, really a phoenix. After seeing the phoenix, she clearly felt the gap between the phoenix beast and other birds and beasts. She was the most noble woman of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty. The Phoenix Beast was not given the contract by her contract, and Mu Lin was mad at her heart.

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