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This is the spiritual skill of the combination of the two elements of their collection in the Kita dynasty, and the shot is the skill of killing.

Even if Mu Qian has a strong defense against the fourth-order spiritual sacred attack, it will certainly not be able to stop under this attack.

Of course, this is the premise that she has no other means.

The North Palace is very clear, there are other means for Mu Qianxi, that is the special means of absolute defense.

Under that defense, no attack can be broken.

When this force attacked, Crystal Ying was ready.

But at this time a blue figure smashed out, and it was in the face of Mu Qianxi.

"Blue Shadow!"


This attack fell on the shadow of the blue shadow, the power of lightning is not painful for the blue shadow, the body condensed a layer of cold ice completely broken.

Qingying said: "Thousands, fortunately I have not come late!"

For a moment, Qingying rushed to the North Palace.

"He gave it to me!"

The face of the North Palace has a faint color, and this one has solved almost half of his spiritual masters, so fast!

Even the blue shadow that the spirits have defeated, where is the North Palace?

"Puff puff!"

Qingying just looked at Mu Qianyi and remembered how many scars there were on Mu Qianxi. This is not the case now that he has returned to the North Palace.

"Master, I don't want to watch it, but he has to be punished!"

The water dragon appeared behind Mu Qianxi, covering the eyes of Mu Qianxi.

Mu Qianxi looked at the wound in the North Palace, it really hurts!

Of course, it is not a distressed North Palace, but a distressed white body.

Beigong’s mouth has overflowed with blood, and he has no resistance to the attack of Qingying. He can only be beaten constantly.

Even so, he still looks at the smug smile on his face and looks at Mu Qian. "You don't dare to kill me, and you can't bear to kill me. I don't want to punish me. I don't want this one." If the body is completely scrapped, it is best to let me go."

"Do you think it is interesting to take up the white body? The North Palace is absolutely, show you something."

Mu Qiang took out the dust in the space for a long time and took it out of the space. It was a frozen body.

The North Palace looked at it and said: "Hey, I seem to like me very much! Even my body is so well preserved?"

One of the fingertips of Mu Qianxi, the ice in front of him was melted instantly.

Mu Qian said: "The North Palace is absolutely, I can let you go, your body can also be returned to you, you give me out of Xiaobai's body."

The North Palace replied: "Although most of my body is similar to the cold body, including this face, I still like my own body! But I can't guarantee that you have not done anything to my body."

"Do you agree?" Mu Qianguang sank and took out a dagger.

"Hey!" Straight clean and sharp thorns to the heart of the North Palace.

She whispered: "The North Palace is absolutely, you are right, you are using the white body, I can't give you a fatal blow! I am very upset and angry, no way, only a little abnormal. Take your original body out!"

"First, dig your heart out! I don't have a bit of reluctance to your body. I can't bear it."

It took a lot of effort to save this body, and the heart is also intact.

The North Palace was so heavy that he looked at his heart and opened a hole.

Even if he didn't use that body at the time, he felt a pain in his heart.

He did not look down on the sizzling degree of this woman.

The North Palace was absolutely enough to hold his breath, and Muqian eventually did not dig out his heart, and then said: "You don't mind your heart, so how about being an eunuch?"

The body of the North Palace is the same as the body of her laboratory. She can analyze the knife from anywhere without any pressure. The North Palace has a slight mouth.

This kind of thing, he used it for the first time in his life.

Originally thought that his body had long been ruined, I did not expect that it is still good now, maybe it can still be used, the North Palace does not want to waste this way.

Although he lives instead of the cold, this body is not his after all, he prefers the body that has been used for decades.

The North Palace breathed a deep breath and said: "Mu Wei, you are so embarrassed, I have to admit that you won. Well, I promise you, I will return to my own body. As for him I can't wake up and live again. This is not something I can control."

Mu Qiang cold channel: "As long as you can get out, then Xiaobai must wake up! So you immediately, immediately, give me out!"

The North Palace said: "Hey, don't worry! My soul is coming out is not as simple as a sword. You need to give me a little time, isn't it?"

"Also, let him stay away from me, otherwise it will affect my ability to use the soul." North Palace absolutely looks to the blue shadow.

Qingying still stood there like a piece of wood, and Mu Qian said: "You want to open a little shadow. But give me a look at him."

Qingying stepped back ten steps, and his eyes looked cold to the North Palace. Soon, Mu Qian felt the blood flow of the North Palace.

Mu Qian’s soul is scattered and he is always alert to the situation around him.

The North Palace is a very dangerous opponent. For him, she never dared to take it lightly.

Once she confirmed that the North Palace had returned to her body, she must have solved him immediately.

In an instant, the eyes of the North Palace were closed.

He turned slightly stiffly: "It's better for the palace itself!"

"Hey! It’s just that the heart has opened such a big mouth, it hurts!" He browed slightly.

After the North Palace woke up, Mu Qianxi saw that the body that was originally white was fainted on the ground.

She waved the Dragon's Soul Eater sword and slashed it past. "The North Palace is absolutely, your mission is finished, I can send you on the road."

"Hey, you are so naive!" North Palace suddenly laughed.

"You are really good, very good, and forced me to the point where I personally ruined my body!"

In an instant, the body of the North Palace broke out with a very terrible force, plundering to the Millennium, this is to blew!

"the host!"


Water dragon and blue shadow can't take care of anything else, and rushed over!

"Boom!" A loud bang came. In the sound of this, the North Palace said: "It’s a pity that my nephew has a good intention to keep my body so good. It’s ruined now, but it’s a pity. ”

"This time, even if your child's medical skills are gone, there is no way to restore my body."

At the moment when the North Palace suddenly exploded, suddenly a ghost-like body appeared and the one who fell to the ground left instantly!

The power of self-destruction this time is indeed terrible, it is not as simple as a simple body explosion.

This self-destruction is accompanied by the soul blasting, which makes this power upgrade. "Little white!" Mu Qianxi rushed out innocently, and she found that the body that had fainted on the ground had disappeared.

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