Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2214: I want to retire

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She continued: "But little white, promise me, don't lose to the North Palace, don't disappear if I don't know, let me never find you again."

Leave people behind and still can't find a solution.

Either let Xiaobai and the North Palace die together, otherwise unless the North Palace is willing to be willing, or else there is no way to separate the two.

Gu Baiyi nodded: "I remember the words of my nephew, I will not forget..."

Although I can't guarantee it, I can do it.

He will have to leave after all, but Xiao Bai can break through the imprisonment of the North Palace again and again, and Mu Qian feels that there is no imaginary bad.

Xiaobai will not be worse than the North Palace, even if they are the famous Prince of the North Palace in the Xuantian world, one is the forgotten North Palace dynasty.

I want to open, but Xiaobai has to go, and Mu Qian is still unwilling.

"I will send you!" she sighed.

The Prince of the North Palace ended his hostage career, and the two men were very happy.

Mu Lin’s injury recovered some of the news and her face was green.

She shouted: "Father, father, I want to retreat, the North Palace is too hateful, he is giving me a green hat! It is so special to a woman who is obsessed with it, obviously not giving me a face..."

Dong Huangdao: "The retreat is not yet available. The Beigong Dynasty and the Eastern Emperor Dynasty are the surging tides, or to maintain the apparent peace."

"But the North Palace wants to go back to the North Palace Dynasty smoothly, dreaming!"

The transmission of the East Emperor Dynasty could not be used. The East Emperor specifically informed Gu Baiyi that he could not use the transmission array to go back and had to fly back.

"I sent someone to protect you from the North Palace dynasty." Mu Qiang learned of this and a message, I know that the emperor of the little belly is not going to let go of white.

Gu Baiyi said: "Hey, no, the North Palace dynasty will not want me to die, she is!"

He is very positive about this.

A white figure swept out and eventually turned into a black spot disappearing into the sight of Mu Qian.

The water dragon appeared in the back of Mu Qianxi, and put a cloak on Mu Qianxi. Today's wind is a bit cold.

"Master, the water dragon is still there, the water dragon will always stay with the owner, and keep pace." The water dragon is gentle.

In the human world, the joys and sorrows are the norm, too much helplessness and too much tempering, which is what his master must experience.

But he is not a human being. He is a contractor who lives with the Lord's life and death. He will always be there, unless he will die, or he will never leave.

A blue figure stood in front of Mu Qianzhen, and the two stood facing each other.

Qingying took another step and the closer they were.

"Thousands!" He spit out a single tone.

He even has some water dragons, and he can say that for granted, because he can do it.

And he...

It seems that there is not much time left?

However, he will do everything to protect the thousand in the rest of the time.

According to the information sent by Suzaku, Mu Qianxi learned about the movement of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty, and did not know if they wanted to open it or what? They are more willing to increase their potential than to kill her.

In a short time, she can relax.

Because of the neglect of the East Emperor Dynasty, she can seize the time to continue to develop the Ghost Medical Building.

The East Emperor did not want to let go of the North Palace Prince of the North Palace who deceived him and smashed her daughter's knife behind her.

Of course, he was not stupid enough to take a shot at the North Palace Prince on his own site, so he chose to go to the North Palace to enter the territory of the North Palace Dynasty.

The North Palace is always cautious, but there is no impenetrable wall in the world.

He has already learned that the Emperor of the North Palace has been retired by his son and queen. The true North Palace dynasty is the stranger of the North Palace.

Nowadays, there are not many people around the Prince of the North Palace. It is a good opportunity for a thousand years to start, and the East Emperor will never give up.

The assassins sent out have not yet waited for the right hand to move, and innumerable black figures are standing behind them like the Nether.

Their fingers are slender and their movements are very fast. One finger directly punctures their heads and kills them deadly.

"Spray spray!"

These assassins did not have time to resist, and they fell directly to the ground.

After all of them were solved, Gu Baiyi stopped and said coldly: "Come out!"

"I have seen the temple under the cold."

Some of these sorrowful and sorrowful people are in front of Gu Baiyi. People who follow the North Palace for many years can't see that this shell has changed for one person, but these people know.

"Do you have anything to say directly?" Gu Baiyi said coldly. "There is something in the Lord, and the power of His Royal Highness, who has the ability to break away from the temple for the second time, is rushed out. She is very happy. There is some disappointment in the use of the secret method to damage the soul. Therefore, the Lord wants to help the Han Hall and the Temple. If you are willing to go down, please go with your subordinates.

! "They are hoarse."

Gu Baiyi’s eyes are getting colder and colder, and his heart is resisting.

He doesn't want to be manipulated, and he doesn't want that person to do so.

But the words of the nephew in his mind, he remembered in his heart.

He has concerns, can't bear to lose, even if he wins, he won't get what he wants, he will try it!

"Lead the way!" Gu Baiyi's voice is even colder.

"Hello, please come with us!"

The development of the Ghost Medical Building was super good, and even the Eastern Emperor did not defeat it. This made the Black Medical Center's interest in it bigger and bigger.

The black medical door issued several invitations in succession, inviting Mu Qian to go to the black medicine door to be a guest, and to prepare a gift for her.

Those gifts can make any refining pharmacist heart.

"Master, already the third invitation." Shui Longdao.

Ms. Qian said: "I have my talents, even if I take a lot of risks, let me go to the black medicine door. It seems that the experiment of the black medicine door master has made a breakthrough."

"But hey, it's too dangerous, the other party must have calculated." Suzaku worried. "As a refining pharmacist, what kind of calculations can he guess? I don't even dare to fight with the East Emperor and the North Palace. Is it afraid that some of them are not as good as my counterparts? Means? What means is there to let the door of the black medical door come out, I will then

Yes. "Mu Qianzhen cold channel.

As early as the first letter was sent, she was already preparing for the man.

She has been tolerating for a long time. At this time, the black medical door took the initiative to attack, then it should be shot, and now the power of the ghost medical building is not weak.

The Eastern Emperor Dynasty gave up the pursuit of Mu Xi, and the Beigong Dynasty and the Chenxi Chamber of Commerce were particularly optimistic about Mu Xi.

Now the black medicine door also invites Mu Xi to be a guest. This first day of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty was hot in the entire Xuantian world. On the day before Mu Qianxi prepared everything, ready to go, Qinglong came.

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