Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2233: Critically ill

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After listening to the words of Bai Daren, they have a few face sinks, and the situation of the righteous father is of course very clear.

The white man said again: "But Mu Xi is an exception. She touched the Lord today to give the Lord a pulse. However, the Lord has nothing to do now! The Lord likes that little girl, The first time I saw him being so gentle to a person."

After listening to his words, Xuanwu was very surprised. They all knew that Mu Qian’s medical skills were very powerful, but they did not think so special.

If they can alleviate the pain of the righteous father, they can do anything, but they don't want to let Mu Yan do what she doesn't want to do.

Xuanwudao: "I will talk to Muyu about this matter."

"Then please, everyone."

Xuanwu wants to talk to Mu Qianxi. Of course, he does not think that Qianxi can take care of his righteous parents all the time, but it is good to see the righteous father occasionally.

The righteous father is so special to Mu Xi, I am afraid to think of his daughter, their unbelievable Yimei, Xuanwu knows this very well.

However, when Xuanwu went to Mu Qianxi, Mu Qianxi did not close the door and refused to see anyone.

Mu Qiang shut himself down for three days. Xuanwu and Suzaku want to go in and see what happened to her. But it was stopped by the blue shadow.

Qingying cold channel: "Thousands of people are in a bad mood now. If someone disturbs her, she will probably not be able to resist poisoning. You are good at it."

They don't dare to be strong, even if the blue shadow does not seem to be hands-on, but the poison of the ghost doctors can not try it!

"What happened to her?"

Xuanwu asked the secret guards who were here, they said: "Xuanwu son, we don't know what happened to the girl? When she came back to see the Lord, she returned to the room and sent the food to the past. She also eats whatever she wants."

what's going on?

They went to ask Bai Ze and Suzaku, who knows the best of Mu Qian, Bai Zedao: "She is a refining pharmacist. When she sees a patient who is difficult to treat, it is normal to find a cure for sleepless nights. I guess..."

"But you can't ruin your body!" Suzaku worried.

Qinglongdao: "Is she not a very powerful master? I can't do anything to do with my own body. So dead, the body of the righteous father, we all understand that there is no way for the gods pharmacists."

Zhuque said: "The adult who called a lifetime has not appeared for a long time."

"Not just a lifetime, a soul, a stop, there are water dragons, they have not appeared, and now she only has a blue shadow." Bai Ze's low road.

The people around her are very mysterious, and their strength is particularly strong.

Bai Ze guessed that I am afraid that I can't help a big man in my life. Otherwise, I won't think of a solution.

Everything that Mu Qiang could not close was passed to the ears of their righteous father. He said helplessly: "That gimmick..."

"My body has bothered her. I told her before I knew..."

"On the Lord, this identity is completely undetectable, or be careful, even if she is trustworthy, but..."

But the enemy is not good at all, who is sure that this is not a deeper conspiracy.

His eyes became dull and said: "I believe her, I have never doubted that the children I have cultivated have a bad eye. It is impossible for every one to be bad, but I am afraid that she knows the truth will be very Disappointed."

He remembered the excitement and admiration of the child when he talked about the prince, and his brows were slight.

"Cough and cough!" Can not control the cough.

The pale hand is even more bloodless, the black is spreading, and the whole person is hard to breathe when he is caught in the neck.


It was a panic, and Mu Qian seemed to feel a very bad atmosphere, coming out of the confused thoughts.

"Oh!" A violent push opened the door and swept past the No. 1 yard.

Seeing that Mu Qianxi was finally out, the secret guards who were here were also relieved.

But she went to the No. 1 hospital!

The Lord once again fell ill, and now the No. 1 hospital is in high alert, and the invaders of Mu Qiang have been attacked by guards.


Countless Daoli arrows hit, and Qingying blocked them, and then several powerful figures appeared to block their way.

"Mu girl, you can't go one step further, or we have to offend."

After all, it’s a small girl who looks at the other side of the Lord. Their attitude is still polite.

Mu Qian said: "The body of your master has a problem again. I want to see it."

"Now the Lord can't let anyone close, girl please come back!"

What broke out just now is the power of the curse. Although she is not necessarily useful, it is better than not looking at it.

Ms. Qian said: "Let's leave, I don't want to do it with you."

They said: "Mu girl, this is not a subordinate can decide."

"Blue Shadow, rushing over!" Mu Qianxi said to the blue shadow.

"Yes! Thousands!"

Qingying had to rush with Mu Qianxi and was blocked by some of the guards. "Hey!" Soon they will fight.

However, I haven’t played a few rounds yet, and a white figure has fallen, saying: “Stop!”

Mu Qianxi knows this person, he is the personal guard of that person.

"I am going to see him! I promise that I will never get in the way and will not mess up."

Seeing that the power of the curse is getting stronger and stronger, Mu Qian is very anxious and does not want to waste time.

Bai Daren said: "Come with me!"

Every time the body goes wrong, it is very painful. Even if the Lord has never shown weakness under this pain, let this little girl hope that the Lord can feel better.

Mu Qianqi walked into the room, the room was very spacious, filled with incense that can relieve pain.

The man lying in bed seems to have lost all his vitality. He was able to talk to her three days before, but now it has become like this.

The eruption is a spell, which affects a series of hidden dangers in his body, making people so bad.

Even if the body collapsed, he was very calm, silent, and his heart has been determined to this point!

There are more than a dozen refining pharmacists living around, but they dare not touch him.

"We must be clear about the situation on the Lord, but we will touch the Lord. The Lord is even more dangerous. We can now find out nothing with the soul, and only find a mess."

"The old man is incompetent! Only the Lord can suffer." Someone has been tearful.

Mu Qianxi walked to the front: "You adults, can you show me?"

It turned out that someone was so dangerous to touch him, no wonder his guard was so nervous. But she touched his body, but he was fine, is it because of her special physical reasons?

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