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After this man appeared, he felt that his very important baby was taken away by a mixed bastard, and could not bear it.

I can't bear it, no need to bear it.

The righteous father rarely has emotional fluctuations, especially as angry as today.

Qinglong feels that Mu Yan is not only poisonous, but she is also very poisonous, otherwise the righteous father will not be affected by him.

Qinglong did not want to take care of Mu's private affairs, but apparently the righteous father was angry at this time, he must try to calm the father's anger.

The cyan figure flashed, and the blue shadow sword was once again sheathed.

But at the moment he was out of the sword, he was bombarded by a terrorist force.

"Oh!", slammed on the wall.

Even if it looks like a nine-night injury, it is a breeze to deal with Qinglong.

However, because of Qinglong's shot, Mu Qianxi finally let this nine-night end of this long-lasting kiss.

She didn't have a good air: "It's so heavy on your hand, it's still cheap for me. I don't know if it hurts?"

The nine-night lips fell, and the hoarse road said: "The medicine is on the body, is this king not looking for it now?"


Mu Qiang’s eyes widened, so that the patient who fouled, can she stun first?


Seeing that he wanted to go into battle on his own, the white man was sweating on his forehead.

The man who had just shot him felt creepy. If it wasn’t for his mercy, he would really kill the Qinglong son. He couldn’t resist the life of the Qinglong son under his hand.

The Lord must not be impulsive!

However, he could not stop the impulsive Lord, and his family angered: "Let the girl go!"

Mu Qian’s face is red, she...they...

Nine nights suddenly appeared, and it was still the case that the curse of the force spilled and was seriously injured. It was not enough to kiss her once again for the second time.

If they are both okay, she... she didn't notice that there are still people!

He is the righteous father of Qinglong, the brother or partner of Laojiao, instinctively trusting him to be close to him, just like a relative, now he was seen by her and nine nights...

Nine nights felt that Mu Qian’s face was getting hotter and hotter, and she loosened Mu Qian’s face. The last pair of ice-blue ice that fell like a thousand years of ice fell on the white man’s body.

It’s because I care about this person, I’m just a little uncomfortable.

The glance of the nine-night monarch made people feel pressure, but he did not react at all, and his anger was getting stronger and stronger.

"Shantou is a very young person I like very much. You suddenly appear and then take advantage of the gimmick. Are you an elder for me?" He glared at him.

Nine nights back: "I am a fiancé!"

It means that they are well-known and intimate, and even if they are elders, they can't manage that much.

"What is he really saying?" he asked to ask Mu Qian.

"Well! Nine nights is my fiancé. I have been separated from him for a long time. He misses me too much. If you have some problems with your body, you will not be able to control yourself. Usually, he will not be so casual." Explain.

His heart was sour and sour, he wanted to feel that his daughter had abandoned his old father and went to a stinky boy outside.

He thought, he must not give up, or else his daughter was abducted like a hoe, what should I do?

"How did your family's elders set such a marriage contract for you? They are really willing." Even if he is not a man of strength, he feels the danger of this man, and he also curses himself.

Shantou's curse ability is not bad, even the spells she can't solve, he can't think how terrible the mantra in this man is.

Shantou once said that he is the second patient who feels very weak and very troublesome, then this stinky boy is the first one.

This guy is a beast, and he has such a mind for treating his **** well.

He said: "If I am the father of Shantou, I am absolutely reluctant, and 10,000 are reluctant."

Mu Qiang looked at the nine nights. She always thought that this talent and temper were the most perfect people. I didn't think that I would like nine nights.

This is very similar to the second uncle, he met the old man, and after waiting for the old man to find out, nine nights because of today's things have been slandered, I am afraid to ask for more happiness.

Mu Qianshan said with a smile: "In fact, another elder is given a marriage. My parents still don't know. If they can't bear it, then I will take him home without marrying."

Wan Manju is still two things can be found together, and after finding the understanding of the curse in addition to the nine nights, according to the previous agreement, the whole person will die her nine nights, naturally they can marry into their home.

Although the nine-night monarch of the prison is married, it must be a very incredible thing.

"That is what the elders, self-proclaimed." He was so angry that he could not wait to tear the so-called elders, absolutely not good.

Mu Qian’s hands were stained with blood, and nine nights were completely inappropriate.

Mu Qian said: "The injury on the nine nights is too heavy. I have to treat it immediately. I won't talk about it first."

Mu Qianji broke into the room for nine nights and said: "I still don't want to lie on my feet. Believe it or not, the ghost doctor directly smashes your hands."

"I don't want to be willing!" The corner of the nine-night mouth slightly evoked a curve, but it was obedient to lie up.

"Tear off!"

The injury is too heavy, and it is not too vague to say that the flesh and blood are blurred.

Only the perverts like him will not wrinkle the eyebrows, and Mu Qian will tear his clothes apart.

Qinglong’s wounded came over and said: “Yifu, the wind is big, you should go back to the house.”

"You push me back! By the way, let's take a look at the injury on your body. The kid is too cruel. Isn't it gentle? Where is it worthy?" He was very dissatisfied.

After waiting for it to go back, he whispered: "Check it for me!"

"Yes! Lord!"

The wounds on the nine nights were bombarded by huge forces, shredded by beasts, injections, sutures, medicines, dressings, and Mu Qiang handed the medicine: "Drinking medicine!"

The ice-blue scorpion stared at Muqian: "I am a patient, why don't you feed me?"

"You are not a sick child!"

"But I was seriously injured!" Nine nights reached out and took Mu Qianji to his arms, and posted it in his ear: "Seriously injured, shouldn't you take special care of me?"

"I miss you, I want to feel the sigh of breath all the time."

Mu Qian’s ears are red, and this guy is not as simple as feeding medicine. The mind is very simple.

He did hurt a lot. It is difficult for him to imagine the strength of nine nights. Who else can seriously hurt him like this? The force that forced the curse must burst out and cannot be suppressed.

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