Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2250: Distinctive power

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When Mu Qiang was light, he said that they would definitely meet again. Qingying would never lie, and would not lie to her.

Qingying deliberately does not let people know that his whereabouts can't track even the purple secluded, then she can only wait for him to appear, I hope he is well!

"Little beauty, I am not doing things badly! You have to be punished for punishment! As long as you don't give me the poison that I don't want, I can't get in touch with other beautiful people. Others are free to come, I am not afraid!" Neck road.

Mu Qianxi smirked: "The original purple secluded you are most afraid of giving me the poison you don't want! The more you are afraid, the more you want to do it, what do you say?"

The smile of Mu Qianxi makes the purple cold and sweat again and again. "Little beauty, you... you are joking!"

"Of course it's a joke!"

"That's good, then good!" Purple sighed with a sigh of relief.

"But the death penalty can be exempted, the living sin can not escape, I will detain the nine nights to me first, and will not release people for the time being! If there is something to be dealt with in the blood prison, you can solve it yourself, do not look back nine nights. !"Mu Qianxi is on the purple channel.

Purple secludedly wants to vomit blood, and she crushed her like this at night. As a result, Xiaomei is also the same plan, too masochistic.

"That is nature. I am doing this for the night to worry about the brain. It is a sort of thing! I will do my best, and the little beauty will be with the love of the night!" Purple smiles.

Mu Qianxi buckled for nine nights, just to wait for the treatment to be stable after that, and then go with the nine nights.

Lest he be left alone, no one can manage him, he went to the infernal to go with the infernal unicorn pk.

She understands that she wants to find the infernal unicorn in nine nights, and she is very eager to get the feeling of unicorn, but she must not be under the premise of a nine-night adventure.

Nine nights, he appeared and hugged Mu Qianxuan: "I want to detain this monarch, but I have to pay the price?"

"It’s better if you don’t pick it up, but also want the price?”

"There is not much for this monarch, you have to pay!"

Because Mu Qianxi concentrated on refining medicine and was left out for so many days of nine nights, this did not bow, kissed!

Mu Qianqi kissed his toes and said: "If there are not many requests, I can satisfy you, tightly limited to this..."

Mu Qian’s lips leaned up, and she took her whole person into her arms for nine nights.

After the kiss, the nine nights will be satisfied. "It’s not enough to buy this king like this!"


When Mu Qiang took the medicine to the main hospital, he was stared at some slightly swollen lips.

The other side has some teeth and fangs: "Is that kid still a person?"

Mu Qian’s face was a bit hot and had been treated, but he was still observed by the subtle observation.

Mu Qianxi nodded: "That... that try this potion."

Can't continue to talk to the elders about this topic, and the choice of the millennium wit to shift the topic.

"This is the pharmacy that you made out of the hoe? Before you, no one in the celestial world had any effect on the pharmacy." He said.

"The medicine of my ghost doctor is very different, but it is for others. For you, the result is still unknown! I have always been confident in my medical skills, but the two very important people I met were seriously ill. However, it has been challenged." Mu Qianshen Shen Sheng.

"I blame me for being bad. My body is too bad. It is my sin to make you gimmick! I believe this pharmacy is effective."

Looking at her face with a lost expression, he was somewhat dissatisfied with why his body did not fit.

Mu Qian’s soul has been carefully watching the situation and found that the potion has not been discovered, rejected, and slowly repairing the body.

not enough!

Mu Qiang took out a jade box with a jade needle that was as thin as a hair. This is the gentlest jade in the world.

"The efficacy of treatment is too slow, I will try to acupuncture will not be excluded!"


Xuan Tianjie did not have high-efficiency pharmacy before the arrival of Mu Qianxi, nor did it have acupuncture and cupping. In general, it is not a remedy or a remedy.


"Hey!" A few jade needles did not enter the major acupoints, twitching the tail of the needle, and a tingling came, which is not unacceptable.

After about half an hour, the efficacy of the drug was completely absorbed by the aid of acupuncture.

Mu Qiang put away the jade needle: "This method is feasible, and that power is not back, it is still quiet! I continue to study other methods."

At last it was some effect, and Mu Qian’s mood at this time was exceptionally good.

As long as you can stay steadily, when you wake up all your life, everything will be solved.

The cooperation of acupuncture is normal, but the drug is rejected.

Mu Qianxi said to the Nine Nights: "Nine nights, I have a guess! Dan medicine is the means of this world, so it will be rejected! But medicine and acupuncture are not the treatment methods of this world, it can't be rejected!"

Nine nights back: "Maybe the idea is right."

"So, I can continue to try."

If this is the case, then things are easier to solve.

There are natural hot springs here, and Muqian has changed the hot spring of the main hospital into a medicine spring, which is equipped with various medicine packs and is not re-sampled for seven days.

Under the three-pronged approach of pharmacy, acupuncture and medicated bath, other masters of refining found that their body seemed to re-energize the new machine, and the necrotic body seemed to be resurrected.

Of course, it is far from the health of a healthy person, but they are already ecstatic.

"It’s a disciple of a ghost doctor!"

"I don't know what kind of character she is a ghost doctor?"

These refining pharmacists directly became the old fan group of the ghost doctors. Anyway, they admire the ghost doctors.

Mu Qian said: "Now your body is already detoxified. You should have some understanding of the poison for so long!"

For that kind of poison, Mu Qianxi is very confident to solve, but still studied with them for many years of predecessors.

Because she definitely doesn't want to have a mistake of one in a million, after all, he can't afford it.

After discussion, I decided on the plan.

Mu Qianxi plunged into the refining room and refining the most gentle agent she had ever had.

Be careful to this point because the other person's body is weak and has to be careful!

The next step began to detoxify, and the use of the pharmacy was still very smooth. Mu Qiang felt that he was guessing that 80% was true.

A treatment that does not belong to this world can be achieved, just as it can be cheating and smashing that power.

Mu Qianxi told the refining pharmacists that they should never give them the medicine.

If necessary, use the medicine, and Mu Qian refines the various medicines for the occasional needs.

Everything is moving in a good direction. At this time, the whole mysterious world has become different.

Nowadays it is not the season for all things to grow, but all the plants have taken out green buds overnight, and all the flowers bloom the most vivid flowers.

Every place in the Xuantian world is alive and well, which has caused the vibration of the entire Xuantian world.

"This...what is this baby going to the world? It has caused changes in the whole world. This thing is absolutely very against the sky." Mu Qianxi and the nine nights plunged into the air, and the whole world was surrounded by a breath. This breath is very clear and familiar.

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