Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2258: She wants to see you

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The cursed curse said: "It’s worse than healing, in the past! See what the wilderness is doing outside?"


But when they rushed up, they were attacked by the alien tree.

The old man on crutches angered: "Get out of my way!"


But this alien tree is meaningless. It will only attack people without any difference. Naturally, he can't understand his words.

The cane curse angered: "Do it together and kill it!"

When they confronted this alien tree, Mu Qiang had already reached the door of life at this time, and Mu Qiang took all the power of the curse at this time.

If she is the **** of life, this dark power is absolutely not allowed to touch the door of life.

Instead, Mu Qiang, who took up the power of the curse, was forced to bear the power of life in her body, even if her body was strongly tempered by lightning. Uncomfortable face pale.

The practice of Mu Qianxi made the old man with crutches very puzzled. He said: "Is that little girl wanting to commit suicide? Even at this time, I have collected the umbrella supported by the power of the curse!"

"Hey!" A low voice came.

"I can still stand it. You shouldn't act rashly for nine nights."

Mu Qianyi extended her hand, and her contract with Qingying could mobilize the force of life left by Qingying, so when she touched this door, she rushed to resonate with the whole temple of life.

She didn't need to use force. When she touched the door, the wooden door opened instantly.

In an instant, the power of life to release the whole piece of heaven and earth was taken back by it, and all of them poured into the door of life!

Everyone looked at this scene with a stunned look, "Mu Wei has opened the door to life!"

"Mu Yu is the first genius of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty. She is a man who gathers the atmosphere! Even the **** of life chooses her to open the door to life."


Mu Lin’s face showed her anger. “Why is it Muxi, why did you let the open door of life!”

They almost all saw that Mu Qianji didn't use much power at all, but the door to life was opened, except for the life **** Mu Mu, who had no other explanation.

"Go!" The old man of crutches was a little surprised that this door of life was opened by a little girl, but now the most important thing is to enter the temple of life as soon as possible!

"Hurry up! The door is open, and the power of a powerful and powerful life is gone. We can all be close to the temple of life and can enter the temple!"

Everyone was excited to rush to the door of life, the whole sky is a black crushed figure flying over!

Since it is not open, even if it is an adventure, they will never miss this opportunity.

Everyone is boiling, and then a powerful suction comes from the door of life. Whether it is a person who voluntarily wants to enter the temple of life, or who is not willing to hesitate, he is overbearing by such a force. Pulled into the door of life.

"Ah!" Many people felt the whirlwind and were pulled in.

At this time, other people from the big forces came. "It seems that the king has not come late! Go!"

After being pulled into the door of life, it happened that she happened to be colliding with Mu Lin, and Mu Lin’s shot was fierce. “Mu Wei, you give me death!”

Two elements entangled in the Millennium, Mu Qian also used the elements of the wind and fire to counterattack, although the surrounding space is unstable, but does not affect the use of teleportation!


Mu Qianyi easily avoided the attack of Mu Linyi, but Mu Linyi was not so lucky, and turned a few heads in the air to stabilize the figure.

"Mu Lin 琅, you are already a fourth-order spiritual sage. Have you eaten a stimulant? But it is not wise to start here." Mu Qianxi thinks that she can't stop doing it at this time. At least let her figure out her bottom.

It was not until a month before the last fight, Mu Linyi went directly from the first-order spiritual sanctuary to the fourth-order spiritual sanctuary. It can be seen that the Eastern Emperor Dynasty was painstakingly in her body.

Mu Lin coldly said: "Mu Wei, the last time you were just a first-order Lingzong, now still! There is no progress at all. Are you in the promotion of Princess Sakamoto?"

"Idiot will make you like this upgrade!" Mu Qianzhen taunted.

"you wanna die!"

Mu Lin smashed and attacked together, and the power of the fourth-order spiritual sac was like a wave of waves, and it rushed toward Mu Qian.


A sudden blow of the power, as a result, she just opened the original position by the suction, which led to the absence of hiding, and Mu Lin’s attack could not hurt her.

Mu Qian’s mouth evoked a smile and said: “Mu Lin琅, it seems that my luck is quite good. You have to be unlucky!”

A teleport, Mu Qianqi approached Mu Lin!

"burning the sky!"

"Wind, broken star!"

In this unstable environment, Mu Qianxi can still calm down against the enemy, and with good luck, Mu Linyi has no advantage even if he is high.

Mu Qianxi was chasing after Mu Lin, and Mu Lin’s face was gloomy and chose to avoid her edge.


Anyway, I don't know when I can enter the Temple of Life. I have nothing to do with Mu Qiang. There is no helper around Mu Lin, so I don’t want to listen to the abuse!


Mu Lin hangs on her body, and her hair is messy like a crazy woman.

She gnashed her teeth: "Mu, you give me waiting!"

At this time, your suction in the space disappeared, and the two of them fell from the sky.

When I fell in the air, Mu Qian saw a light blue giant tree. It towered into the sky and seemed to break through the sky. With a powerful force of life, it gave the feeling of a thousand 汐 more than the world of Phoenix. A **** tree is even stronger.

The soul of Mu Qianxi is scattered. What I want to be clearer is to explore this life god. At this time, she saw a familiar figure under this tree.

He leaned on the trunk and slept, and the breeze blew through the waterfall, and the leaves of life fell from the sky and floated to the beautiful face that was shocking.

Mu Qianyi is a little glimpse, it is Qingying, and Qingying is there!

Feeling the familiar soul, the man who slept under the tree opened his eyes and spit out a word, "Thousands!"

He wanted to rush out, but he was dragged by a light blue light, and he could not walk out of the scope of the life god. "She wants to see you, then I have to see if she has the ability to go here!" The voice of the **** of life came out, its voice is very similar to that of the blue shadow, but it is a bit more ethereal than the blue shadow. And the feeling of cold and proud.

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