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The crowd exclaimed: "There is a situation on the other side!"

"The power of life is strong, is there someone?"

"Is it because some people have achieved good results, so this will happen."

The county owner went in and said: "I will try it!"

The lord of the county was more persistent than the fifth of the genius. Until she came out, there was a light blue glow in the sky. The number above her token was eighty!

Everyone's eyes widened, which is definitely more than double the number of the best performers.

Some people in the Beigong Dynasty smiled and said: "Congratulations to the owner of the county, the talent of the county is amazing, it is too powerful."

"I think that the lord of the county is a pair with the Prince of the North Palace. The man who is also the emperor of the East Dynasty is not worthy of the Prince."


They also know how to speak in order to please the county owners like, the county can get eighty leaves of life, as long as she is pleased, then she can still reward them with a few leaves.

The county owner looked at Mu Qian’s words: "Mu Wei, why don’t you go in? I want to see what level of panic dynasty will be on the first day!"

"You can get the token of eighty, I will definitely be higher!" Mu Qianxi said confidently.

"It seems that you are very confident! If you kill a small bug, you think it is better than me. You must be too whimsical!" The county magistrate is very unhappy.

"You don't believe it, just wait and see!"

Mu Qiang opened the door and pushed it in. As a result, the oncoming service was attacked by a wooden scorpion, and Mu Qian hurriedly avoided it.

"Can you beat you?"

Mu Qianxi took out the wind and plume fan, and said coldly: "Wind, star broken!"


The first one was easily solved. Mu Qian saw that the wooden token suspended in the air turned into ten, and then there were two more powerful flaws.

Not only is the strength getting stronger and stronger, but some of these flaws are getting better and better.

Mu Qianhao runs the wind element spirit and fights again!

After a round of killing, Mu Qian’s number of wooden tokens continued to rise, and now it has become seventy.

Next, she faces more opponents.

This time, Mu Qianxi put down the wind and zero feather fan, and took out the Yanlong sword, because the opponent of more than 70 is already very difficult.

"burning the sky!"

The flame of horror broke out. I have to say that the flames of the dragon and the soul are definitely the nemesis of this wooden cymbal. "Oh!" The flame slammed above this, leaving a body on them. A dark hole.

"It’s a pity that such a beautiful sizzling is burned." After they were completely defeated, Mu Qian saw the dark, low-pitched road on the ground.

Eighty, ninety, after a hard fight, the number of tokens on the wood is getting higher and higher, and soon it has become one hundred.

Mu Qianyi thinks that the opponents of this 100-level mark are also superimposed, and the strength is stronger, but in fact it is not the case.

A blue figure appeared in front of Mu Qianxi, and Mu Qian saw the thrilling face that was like the beauty of ink painting. "Blue Shadow!"

The wood she had encountered before was better than one. Now this face is beautiful to the extreme.

The breath is exactly the same as the blue shadow, but when she sees his first sight, she knows that this is not a blue shadow!

There is a wooden strip in his hand, and the fragile wooden strips seem to contain a very powerful force, which makes Mu Qiansui scared.

I am afraid this is a bad thing!

He stepped out in one step and approached Mu Qianxi. He attacked Mu Qianxi without leaving his affection.

This is not a blue shadow. Even if it looks exactly the same as the blue shadow, she has to win, so she must fight back.

Mu Qiang has run the spirit of water element, cold channel: "Water dragon is coming!"

There was a shock in the space, and the huge water blue dragon rushed to this one.

This is a blink of an eye, calm and waveless, interact with this wooden strip and meet the dragon!


"Jiu Yan Haotian!"

Mu Qianyi once again broke out the fire elemental spirit, and the flame shrouded him.

Obviously, this one is special!

Other flames fear the inflammation of the king, but this one can only gain the inflammation of the king in hell.


Mu Qian’s face became dignified, and his teleport quickly avoided its attack and his speed became faster and faster.

The tiny wooden strips tore the space, and even caught up with the speed of the moment.

Its eyes are empty, except for the excessive beauty, there is no difference from ordinary 傀儡, even if this face is exactly the same as the blue shadow, the essence is different from the blue shadow.

"Wind, broken star!"

"Sirlo India!"

The space where the **** of life grows is extraordinarily quiet, but at this time the blue shadow is irritated by the scene that appears on the light blue light curtain.

"You stop!" Qingying's low road.

It actually made such a first thing, to fight with the cockroach!

"What's wrong? I'm afraid of being hated by that human being? It's the same as you, she is so willing to start, go all out?"

"Destroy it!"

"You are not qualified to order me."

"Boom!" Green Shadow started, even if everything is just in vain.

This awkward killing is becoming more and more fierce, and Mu Qian does not dare to neglect.

"Hey!" The clothes on the body were scratched by a powerful wooden strip, and the power of the three elements broke out completely. Mu Qianquan means to do it out, the spiritual power is exhausted and directly supplemented with pharmacy, Mu Qian said: "I didn't want too many leaves of life, just more than ten leaves, but it is really good to see you. It’s not good! I don’t know how many such identical embarrassments have been made in the life of God.

But as long as I see one, then I must destroy one. ”

"The green shadow is different, he is unique!"

The blue shadow of the volley clearly heard the words of Mu Qianxi, and his face showed a dull color, thousands!

He is not a complete embarrassment. He has been in the human world for a long time, and he has been appreciative of thousands. He has more and more emotions after the recovery of power.

When he saw the first embarrassment of the life **** wood mischief, he was naturally angry, but thousands seemed to be more artifacts than him, and wanted to help him eliminate these embarrassment.

Because he is unique in his heart, these 傀儡 can not be replaced! For the first time, he felt how wonderful the word “uniqueness” created by mankind was.

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