Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2262: Bloodthirsty king

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People who are so far away see this beam reacting a lot, but I can imagine how shocking others are in the power of the first door!

It’s just too glaring!

You County main road: "This... is out!"

"It must be Mu Yu, is it still used?"

Mu Qiang walked out of the door, and the token of the wood with a hundred digits also flew out.

"It turned out to be one hundred, ten times more than me, too shocking people!"

"One hundred! It's amazing."


"Is this impossible?"

She is only seventy, she can not accept that there is such a big gap between her and Mu Yan.

Ms. Qian said: "He is a bit behind some of his opponents and wasted some time. Who else didn't go in and hurry in!"

"it is good!"

"That, Mu girl, they..." Some of the people who had been dealt with by the priests before the worms now have no strength to ask for help. The county lord said to Mu Qian: "I just played with these little brothers." When I play, who makes you want me to wait too long, I don’t want Mu Lin to go to this temple of life faster than me.

Internal! ”

The token that Mu Qianxi could get a hundred-values ​​was really a surprise to the county owner. This was impossible for Ma Wei to use. She took the bugs on the waste.

The bug disappeared and they breathed a sigh of relief, but it was still very bad after being tortured for so long.

They are grateful: "Thank you for your love!"

Mu Qian said: "You are badly hurt, eat some medicine to add it!"

"Thank you so much! Ms. Angel."

Because Mu Yu is very powerful enough to let them go to the horse, it is already fortunate. I did not expect that the girl would give them the medicine. This is definitely the medicine produced by Ghost Medical Building. It is definitely easy to use.

Mu Qianxi looked at the county of the county: "You are no matter what you are in the North Palace dynasty? But the people of the Eastern Empire are not you can bully."

She smiled playfully: "I just play it!"

The action is very cute, but her temperament makes such a lovely move, it looks ugly.

The people of the Eastern Emperor decided that after seeing the owner of the North Palace dynasty, how far must he go! How are they unlucky!

In fact, the most unfortunate thing is not them. Before the 14th door, it was completely blood flowing into the river.


"I am a big disciple of the North Palace dynasty, and you... why do you want to kill me?" Even if the king killed the emperor's dynasty, even the sects of the North Palace dynasty killed them.

Before the North Palace was dressed in a snow-white dress, the dress was now completely stained with blood red. He licked the blood of his mouth, broke his head and sprayed the blood.

"This king just likes to kill! I like the smell of warm blood. How can you?"

The body of a place, his mouth smacked a cruel smile, opened the door and went in. "Unfortunately! Some of you are not enough to kill!"

This little witch, the lord of the county, is only a child who is a family of bloodthirsty madmen.

On the side of Gate 1, everyone got the token, and soon the door opened. This time the other side of the door was not the test space, but the depth of the Temple of Life.

Mu Qianxi plunged into the air. Everything below is a vibrant ancient forest. Everyone is scattered to search for treasures. The princes of the monarchs have not followed Mercedes.

"Mu Wei, let's go find Mu Lin!"

Mu Qianxuan said: "Mu Lin can be dealt with whenever he wants to waste time to find her. She is a green onion. We still have to look for the baby! I have no time to waste time with you."

"Ha ha ha! Yes! Mu Lin is a green onion!" The county owner laughed.

"Then I will go first. If I find Mu Lin's words, I have to start with you one step at a time." The county magistrate also quickly left.

Although she would like to join her to deal with Mu Linyi, it is not a good decision for her to be alone with Mu Yi. Once she discovers something, she may not have won her. Therefore, the choice of You County is the first to leave.

Mu Qianxi also plucked out, she had to find nine nights to say, I don't know where he was at nine o'clock this time?

After meeting the nine nights, I went to find the life **** wood. No matter whether the life **** wood has a heart or not, it is necessary to ask the deity to ask.

She must be very close to the life **** wood, and she will be able to find him with the nine nights.

There are many people in this core area, and Mu Qian encounters a familiar face and asks them for news.

They didn't see it for nine nights. Also, even if they walked past them for nine nights, they didn't want them to discover them, and they couldn't find them.

"Mu girl, we didn't see the person you said! But we seem to have seen Mo Xuan Gongzi."

"Mo Xuan? Where is he in the position?" Mu Qian asked.

Mo Xuan took the team of their ghost medical building, could not find the whereabouts of the nine nights, first meet them.

Because if you encounter any treasures in the future, it is completely impossible for her to want to win the treasure alone.

"It's over there!" Someone pointed to the road, and Mu Qian quickly swept away.

At this time, Mo Xuan is trying to find a way to enter this big tree. In this forest, every tree has its own world. There are some worlds that are empty and empty, but there are some worlds with treasures!

The bigger the trees, the more likely it is that there is a baby. Now Mo Xuan is the one that is the biggest one, but it is not easy to get in.

The masters of the Ghost Medical Building have already acted, and at this time they feel a rapid approach.

"Mo Xuan Gongzi, be careful! Someone is coming." They watched in a direction with vigilance. When a familiar purple figure appeared in front of them, their faces showed excitement.

"It’s a great man!"

"Millennium!" Mo Xuan shouted.

Mu Qian said: "How many of you? Distracted from others."

Mo Xuan said: "Well! I hope they are all right!" Mu Qianxi learned from Mo Xuan's mouth that there were other things in the trees here. She said: "It seems that I have missed a lot of things for nine nights. The whole space is under the control of the life god, I think it is hard to find it deliberately, then let it go, let’s find it first.

Some other baby. "This is the temple of life. Maybe there are not many treasures created by mankind, but the natural treasures of nature are hard to find. If you can find some, it will definitely make a big profit."

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