Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2264: Necessary treasure

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Mu Qian said: "No! You all are going to go out! Get out of the way."


"I can handle it alone, but there are more and more people gathering, they are more troublesome to launch mad!"

They had not been attacked before standing outside. These flowers were quite peaceful, and now they are beaten over them.

Is it true that these flowers have so much temper that they are not allowed to stand on them?

Mu Qianxi discovered that all the golden flowers in the shadows would become extremely violent and then attack her.

It is really a kind of plant that loves the sun very much and doesn't like a little shadow. After identifying the laws of these golden flowers attacking people, then it is much smoother.

She cleverly avoided the attack of these gold hidden weapons, and then found the entrance to this space, Mu Qianyi waved toward Mo Xuan: "Here! Keep up, go faster. Otherwise it will be shot directly into the sieve. I can't help you either."

"Do not worry! Mu Daren, we will not be so unlucky!"

They smiled and said: "When Mu Qianxuan shunned some of the petal secrets and rushed into that space, they rushed in one after another."

"Hey!" Some of these things that block the sun are too odious, and the Golden King Flower is instantly angry, and the golden petals are like lightning strikes towards them!


"not good!"

"It hurts, I am recruited." The attack of the Golden Overlord Flower was unusually fierce and the speed was very fast.

Fortunately, when there was no injury, it was successfully drilled into that space. The Fengmu Palace was dark, and it was shining and shining everywhere. It was golden everywhere.

There are no palaces and pavilions here, only the endless golden plains, as if there is nothing?

Mo Xuan said: "Millennium, although there is a golden element of spiritual power here, but there is no treasure, let alone the soul of gold."

Mu Qian’s brows are slightly stunned, saying: “But there is only the strongest gold element in this place. I have found it here. I will continue to find it. Maybe there is something we have not found?”

Mo Xuan nodded: "Good!"

In order to let the righteous father have a chance, Mo Xuan took him one inch in the place where the land was golden. He didn't want to let go of any corner.

In this space, there is also a rising sun, and when it is about to sunset, the sky will be dark.

Mo Xuan said: "It seems that we have entered the temple of life for a day. Are you not looking for the **** of life? Give it to me, you can't do anything yourself."

Before he knew that in order to find the **** of life, the millennium did not even have a life, and personally opened the door of life, so that they could come in before the temple of life disappeared.

"I am more afraid that I can't find my worry for nine nights than looking for the **** of life. I can't spend too much time here..."

The words of Mu Qianxi have not been finished yet, and the sky is completely dark. At this time, a golden meteor drags a long tail across the air.

Mo Xuan gave a slight glimpse, "That is..."

"You guessed it is right, that is the soul of gold, hurry to get it! Don't waste."

Mu Qianyi waved his hand and threw a few jade bottles to them. The gods flashed quickly into the air, intercepted the golden meteor in the air, and loaded it into the jade bottle.

The meteor turned into a golden liquid in the jade bottle, and the others acted.

At this point they felt very shocked. "This... this is amazing. I was picking the stars just now?"

"What is the picking of the stars, is it collecting the soul of life? Well, I didn't think that the soul of this golden life would be such a form, it is incredible."


Whenever the meteor fell from the horizon, they were put into the bottle. The meteor shower appeared less than half an hour, but Mu Qianyu collected dozens of bottles very efficiently.

Especially for Mu Qian, the number of people collected is the same as the amount collected by all of them.

Mu Qian said: "Almost, go! Go find other."

The soul of Mu Qian’s soul is very convenient to detect the special place of this temple of life. Soon she came to a lake. The water visibility of this lake is very high, and all the algae at the bottom of the lake are very clear.

Mo Xuan asked: "Is the Shuimu Palace in this water?"

Mu Qianxi shook his head and said: "No! It should be said that among these algae, the space we used to go in is related to plants. The first one is a tree, the second is a flower, then the third one should be this algae. ""

Mu Qianshao runs the water element and rushes into the water. His own territory is invaded. These algae are like a water snake.

"The wind, the silence!"

Of course, Mu Qianxi will not be good at them, and the attack will be launched first, "Hey!"

After entangled with them for a while, Mu Qiang discovered a place where the algae were the most dense.

Mu Qian said: "Come down, fast!"

"Mu Daren found it so soon."

"It’s getting faster and faster. It’s definitely possible to find five in this life temple.”


With water as the shield and the wind as the blade, Mu Qianxi rushed into the most dense place of the algae, and was quickly rolled into it by a vortex.

Mo Xuan they catch up, so too!

After they entered, several figures also fell on the lake, the voice of an old man came, "His Royal Highness, you... Are you sure there are treasures here? Most of the others are looking for age in the woods. Long-term trees look for wooden space!"

"They are too narrow. Here is the site of the **** of life. All plant-like creatures may have hidden huge treasures. I feel the water elements full of life here. There must be heavy treasures here." The road to macro.

"The cultivation of the water elements by the three emperors is pure and green, and the old cherished believe in the judgment of the three emperors!"

"The prince went to explore the road below and find the entrance to the space!" After the three emperors rushed to the water, they were naturally besieged by the algae.

"His Royal Highness, I will help you!"


Mu Qiang, who entered the Shuimu Temple, did not know that this group of people of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty also stared at this big fat.

Now she is looking for the soul of water in this underwater palace, the soul of life is not found, she found a water element artifact.

Mo Xuan said: "This water element artifact is very high. You are also a water elemental master. Although there is a stronger artifact of fire, you can try this."

"Also, if you see it, you will not let it go, lest you fall into the hands of others, especially those of the East Emperor Dynasty." You know, most of the people of the Eastern Emperor’s family are based on water. the Lord.

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