Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2266: Transfer target

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The trident erupted out of the horrible water wave and rushed toward the Three Emperors. This guy did not show mercy.

In an instant, its entire body turned around, like a spiral, rushing toward the Three Emperors.

Feeling the horror and murder of this artifact, the Three Emperors felt the creeps and could not laugh again.

Obviously, the target of this artifact attack is Mu Yan. How did he just become a target when he came to him?

After he still wanted to solve the admiration, he used his strength to conquer this artifact and give it to the contract.


The artifact was very enthusiastic about the three emperors, even worse than before, and Mu Qianxi was completely left out.

At this time, the three emperors were also a slap in the face, and they were dodging.

Mu Qianxi taunted and laughed: "Three emperors, this is the end of the nonsense! I think this artifact must be that you are too noisy, so I decided to let you shut up and say!"

The trident trembled slightly, and the water element poured directly into the mouth of the three emperors!



The mouth of the three emperors suddenly swollen and turned into a super big mouth, completely unable to speak.

Ms. Qian’s face was astonished, wasn’t it... she was right!

After Mu Qianxi chooses nothing to say, be a quiet spectator.

The three emperors also have big eyes, is it... is it really like Mu Yu said?

His mouth hurts!

The three emperors are really miserable. Some of his guards who were originally dealing with the ghost medical building, now seeing their three emperors, have to hurry to support.

"His Royal Highness, the Three Emperors, let us help you."

"His Royal Highness!"


A group of people rushed over, and the people in the ghost medical building wanted to stop them. Mu Qianji waved his hand and said: "Let them pass!"

This trident is an artifact. The stronger the enemy it encounters, the stronger it will be. The more people do not take advantage of it, it will only make them all trapped.

"Oh!" Sure enough, this group of people will suffer.

"Damn! Your Highness, this artifact is so strong!"

Only such a strong can deserve to be worthy of him. The three emperors wanted to say his thoughts, but they could not tell.

Second, this trident is very sensitive. It feels like this one hates human thoughts. Every attack is more than the last time!

Water is ridiculous!

The water is broken!

The three emperors are desperate to use the powerful water elements of the Muss family he has learned. However, these attacks are completely innocuous for the Trident!

too weak!

The water element is not so pure, and the dirt makes it uncomfortable!

These people are simply too annoying, but also to disturb it with the human beings who have the power of pure water!

Anyway, some of the three emperors were abused by the trident, and Mu Qian said to Mo Xuan: "It is really alive, Mo Xuan, we are going to find the soul of water."

However, they searched here, but they still could not find the soul of the water.

Mu Qian said: "Maybe the Trident knows, it depends on whether it can give us some clues, it is estimated to play with it."

That guy is too powerful. When I think about playing with it, Mu Qian is actually a headache.

At this time, the battle sound came from the front, getting closer!

Mu Qianguang was slightly sinking and said: "They actually came over."

The three emperors are now very angry. It is obvious that when the trident was dealing with Muxi before, he should not do it, and he would not let Mu Wei give him this pot.

The air in his heart! Now that he has escaped in the direction of leaving before Ms. Qian, he naturally wants to make another mistake.

When Mu Qian’s exhaustion with this artifact was exhausted, he shot and packed them together.

The three emperors rushed to Mu Qianxi, thinking of pulling Mu Qianxi into the battle, but the Trident did not have the meaning to start with Mu Qian, and persevered in attacking the three emperors.


There are a few blood holes in his body, very unwilling!

Why can this trigeminal sword transfer the target before, but now he is stalking him, **** it!

Originally, Ms. Muqian thought that the three emperors could succeed in the East, and did not expect that the three emperors could not hear it. The trident did not let him go, blame who!

The defensive artifact on the body becomes vulnerable in the face of a higher level artifact.

The blue color of the three emperors is hard to see. It seems that this plan can only be abandoned, otherwise he will be killed by the trident.

One of the old people said: "Retreat! Three emperors, let us go! Leave immediately."

"His Royal Highness of the Three Emperors, the old man covers you!"


Anyway, a few heartfelt guards put together an old life, and then the three emperors gave it out.

Fortunately, this trident can not chase this underwater palace, otherwise they will be moldy.

After they calculated that they were still attacked by the annoying algae, they finally climbed to the shore and counted. The three emperors lay on the shore and could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

It is really uncomfortable for the three emperors to take medicine directly to treat his mouth.

"Mu Wei, I will not let you go! I don't believe that I can't tame that artifact, you can tame!"

The three emperors ran, and even if Mu Qian felt that the trident was dangerous, she could not run now!

Trident plucked into the face of Mu Qiang, and Mu Qian’s running water element was in a state of alert, ready to shoot and fight with this guy for hundreds of rounds.

Although I know that this guy has a breath, don't fight!

What do you mean by this guy?

"I want to go with you, there is no harm without comparison, then what do you want to get me?"

Before the feelings, I didn't want to surrender to him because I disliked her, so I started to talk to her. As a result, I came to a worse water element, and I still had more than one grade. It is natural to know that Mu Qian is good.

Ms. Qian said: "I can assure you that I will become a very powerful water elemental master. When you are your master, you will never lose money."

"So pure water elemental power, I am optimistic about your potential." Trident replied.

"And, you won't be the main weapon, so you are mentally prepared!"

"What? I can't be the main weapon. Don't you know that I am a high-level artifact, I can upgrade, and it will not be a problem to become a super artifact in the future. There is also an artifact of life that only has the temple of life, you Actually said that I would not be the main weapon." Trident smashed.

Mu Qian said: "Because I already have the main weapon."

Trident's imposing way: "Well! Let me see what level of your main weapon is? Let it come out and single out with me. Whoever wins you will be the main weapon, this is fine!"

This guy looked very cold when he didn't talk before, and didn't expect to reveal the properties of its hair when he spoke. Mu Qian’s mouth twitched slightly and said: “Are you sure to single out with him?”

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