Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2268: Not reconciled

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The person that Mu Qianyi wants to borrow is the three emperors themselves!

A teleport, Mu Qianzhen is like a ghost in the crowd.

"It's not good, Mu Yan wants to attack the Three Royals."

Someone discovered the purpose of Mu Qianxi, and hurriedly tried to stop Mu Qian.

Mu Qiang cold channel: "Small ink, come out! Give it to you, open the way!"

"Boom!" The darkness of the little ink ink is not dead. Fengyan broke out. The power of Fengyan was very tricky.

Some people rushed over, and Mu Qian took advantage of the teleportation, and soon appeared in front of the three emperors.

"Wind, broken star!"

The three emperors were angry and said: "Mu Wei, don't think that I am hurt, you can deal with me, I tell you! Dreaming, I am not a waste of the fourth, it is a fifth-order spiritual sanctification for me!"

The three emperors felt that Mu Qian’s idea of ​​putting him on his body was a small look at him. He angered and rushed to Mu Qian, and he did not care if he opened the wound.

"Three emperors, you have injuries! This little girl we will deal with!"

The three emperors' helpers came, but the three emperors waved their hands: "You all let go, I have to deal with Muxi personally! Let her know my power, let her know the price of my little look! My injury has been A lot better, you have to clean up the rest of the Ghost House."

The three emperors insisted on this, and they could only obey orders.

Although Mu Yan can defeat the Princess Lin, who has just advanced to the first-order spirit, on the genius ratio, but in any case will not be the opponent of His Royal Highness.

After all, His Royal Highness the Three Emperors are still injured, still a fifth-order spiritual holy!

The Three Emperors broke out the horrible water element and rushed toward Mu Qian’s head.

"Mu Wei, today I will count with your new account!"


This trick he lost, and the thousands of squats quickly escaped.

Then he waved a long knife and slashed it to Mu Qian, and the cold water element sprayed out.

"This prince is learning the orthodox water elemental skills, and it is not good to deal with the trigeminal artifact, but it is easy to deal with you," it is easy!"

"go to hell!"


The long knife danced wildly, and the water element madly smashed toward the past.

He is so impetuous that he wants to win the victory with an overwhelming victory.

Mu Qianxi evaded many times, but he became more and more brave. When he arrived, he found that Mu Qian did not hide.

"Ha ha ha! Know that this time your speed can not escape, give up, die?" Three emperors laughed.

"Boom!" The attack of the three emperors fell on Mu Qian's body. With such a strong attack, the three emperors felt that Mu Yan was not dead or disabled.

At this time, a cold voice came from behind the three emperors. "Three emperors, where are you looking?"

"burning the sky!"

"Sirlo India!"


In an instant, two horrible forces rushed toward the Three Emperors at this moment.

The Three Emperors have not responded to the fact that Mu Qiang was not injured by it, and the whole person flew out.

"Puff puff!"

The three emperors squirted a blood, and Mu Qian said: "You are a few more steps than the previous Mu Lin, but for me, there is not much difference, you will still be my subordinate defeat. ""

The face of the three emperors became more and more gloomy. He said: "Mu Wei, it seems that I am too small to see your defense power and will be counted by you, but you don't want to be too early, I am still not cooked! We can lose to you."

The surrounding water elements are oscillating, and the three emperors condense the power of the very violent water elements, "The sky!"

The horrible water elemental technique broke through the void and rushed toward Mu Qian.

The three emperors laughed and said: "Mu Wei, you are dead!"

"How can this waste still linger! Annoying people are dead, Master, I will block you!"

In the attack of the three emperors, the sound of the sea emperor suddenly sounded. Before the spirit of the spirits was taken off, it was only now that he was hungry.

The Sea King Trident suddenly appeared, and it opened the attack of the water element from the center.


The powerful two elements of water collide in the air, and the water drops fall like a cannonball!


The three emperors' pupils shrank fiercely, and it looked incredulously at the Emperor Trident. "How could this artifact be used for Muyu? It has already recognized Muxi as the main."

"Oh!" The three emperors were injured and spurted a blood.

He was unwilling in his heart, and there was a great pain in his body.

A small fine needle against the neck of the Three Emperors, Mu Qian did not know when it appeared on the side of the lost three emperors, and when other guards discovered it, it was already late.

Mu Qianxi said coldly: "Your three emperors are in my hands. Are you sure you want to fight with my people?"

Some people in the Eastern Empire did not know how to be good at once?

"Mu Wei, you are not going to let us go to our three emperors."

"Don't let go, how about you take us?" For this, some people who are sinister and staring at him, Mu Qianxi does not care.

"Millennium!" And Mo Xuan and the ghost medical building all came over.

"Let's go! Don't waste time with them."


Mu Qianxi grabbed the three emperors and left. The people of the Eastern Empire screamed angrily: "Mu, you give me a stop!"

"Put the three emperors down!"


The three emperors were not willing to let Mu Hao run under his eyelids, and still ran with a high-level artifact.

When he was working with the spirit to prepare for a desperate shot, "Oh!", the needle stuck into his flesh.


"The people you want, give it back to you! Don't bother me, I don't have so much spare time to waste with your East Emperor."

Mu Qianyi gave the three emperors a slap to them, and fell from such a high place, and his spiritual power could not be used at all, so it would definitely be broken!

"His Royal Highness of the Three Emperors!"

They rushed to rescue the three emperors, and after they saved the three emperors, they wanted to chase down Mu Qian, but found that some people in Mu Qianxi and Ghost Medical Building disappeared.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" The three emperors spit in a row and fainted.

"His Royal Highness!"

"We still don't act arbitrarily, first meet with His Royal Highness, and when the Lord's Highness will clean up the sorrow, give revenge to His Royal Highness the Three Emperors."

A red figure stood on a hillside with a hillside only a hundred meters high.

Originally made of green grass and covered with a complete natural carpet, it has now been stained with blood!

Above the entire hillside, there is a very deadly person. Even if they had already died, the blood still rushed out of their bodies and dyed the entire floor.

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