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He felt that it was too late to meet each other.

Mu Qianhui replied: "The North Palace can't help me. Why do you think you can get me? You are more powerful than the North Palace. I think you should be a madman than the North Palace!"

After listening to the words of Mu Qianxi, the blood of the North Palace was flashed in the eyes of the blood.

"I will be better than the North Palace, the kid, you are too high to see him. When I slowly let the blood out of your body, then you will know, I am not north The opponent of the palace."

His figure is like a cannonball plundering to the Millennium, and some of the men in the North Palace also meet the Ghost House.

This admiration is too ignorant of her life. She has angered His Royal Highness, to know the most annoying thing of His Royal Highness, that is, he is said to be worse than his prince.

"The wind is the shield!"

"Ice Spirit Shield!"

The North Palace is coming to the forefront, and every attack he has is extremely sharp. It seems that she has to shred her body.

He is a sixth-order spiritual sage, but he is a very hot person.

Mu Qianxi can only block the body of the fifth-order spirit attack, and he does not dare to touch him hard.

"Hey!" Using the power of teleportation, it was a thrilling escape from the attack of the North Palace.

Bei Gongyi’s playful smile: “Transient, hehehe! You are really getting more and more interesting to me, Mu Yan.”

His eyes were cold and crazy, even though he was as fast as lightning, in his eyes, Mu Qian is destined to be his prey.

He is very confident that every drop of her blood will be ejected from his body under each knife.


There are a lot of masters in the Beigong Dynasty, and Mo Xuan has been unable to stand up at this time.

Mu Qianxi and Bei Gongyi can only barely protect themselves. Haihuang Trident was taken out by Mu Qian, and Mu Qian said: "The dragon is coming!"


The North Palace lifted the palm of his hand, and a layer of ice blocked the impact of the water blue dragon.

"It turns out that you are a three-line spiritual master! You got a good baby in this temple of life, but even so, you still can't beat me, Mu Yan!"

"You used to deal with Mu Lin's awkward woman on the genius of the East Emperor, and did not make all the effort! It still hides the power." His eyes are scary,

This is definitely a surprise for the North Palace. "It seems that the North Palace is also known. Otherwise, it will not look at you differently. You are the only three-line elemental teacher I have seen. It seems that you have a hospitality." Row."

"Puff puff!"

He caught up with the speed of Mu Qian, and broke the defense of Mu Qian, when the knife was about to greet him on the neck of Mu Qian.

"Hey!" Haihuang Trident blocked the blow!

"Hey!" Mu Qianzhen, the whole person flew out.

North Palace then attacked Mu Qian, and when he was about to approach Mu Qian, suddenly a broken voice came.

A golden light plunged into the North Palace, and the North Palace was gloomy, and it was a mess.

"Mu Wei, you are here?" A golden figure appeared slyly, and the rich **** smell made him frown.

It was Xuanwu’s coming. Xuanwu’s view of Mu Qian’s wolf was quite calm before, but when he saw the **** Suzaku and the white-faced Bai Ze who was seriously hurt, his body broke out with a dangerous atmosphere.

Xuanwu’s nephew was dangerously smashed. He was a commercial genius, making money far more than his fighting interest, but he now wants to kill some of these people.

It is absolutely dangerous to see a murderous person who is now murderous. In a moment, he burst out of the cold.

Xuanwu said coldly: "Hey, I can’t see it!"

"When you are less and less, do you come to die?" North Palace’s eyes were a little bit of a smile.

The two men looked at each other and plucked out!


Wan Hao is not an impulsive person. His luck is quite good. He is followed by many masters of the Chamber of Commerce.

With his strength, he did not intend to hit hard, he intends to fight!


"Yes, less home!"

The master of the Chenxi Chamber of Commerce is really not to be underestimated! The face of Kitaguchi became gloomy.

With these masters, the people in the ghost medical building apparently suffered a sudden drop in pressure.

Mu Qianxi also hurriedly healed himself. There was Xuanwu blocking the North Palace, and she was also relieved to investigate the situation of Suzaku.

The North Palace sighs and sighs: "When you are less, you will win, and you will win it!"

Wan Haodao: "You can't win the battle, I just want your life, nothing more. No matter how you use it? Just enough to achieve the goal."

"Hey!" The golden keyboard rotates very little, and the bead is used to control the North Palace.

The other people of the Chenxi Chamber of Commerce, he started, "Boom!" A loud noise, the North Palace was directly bombarded.

"His Royal Highness!" The king was injured by Wan Hao, and his men’s faces changed greatly.

The next battle is completely crushed.

North Palace Luo face is extremely gloomy, damn, this is not the time to come.

Kitaguchi knows that he will continue to fight hard and there will be no good results. His gaze fell on the body of Suzaku and Mu Qianxi, and he evoked a touch of evil laughter: "The fun prey is killing it at once and it is too boring. Life will be a lot less fun! After all, Mu is also me. That a good child is watching the prey! If I am killed by myself, I

The nephew will be mad, so the king is ready to hunt down this interesting prey. ”

"let's go!"

The North Palace is ready to retreat, and Wan Hao can let this evil run away.

He is also a counter-scale, and naturally in the first place is his favorite money, and the second is his loved one, his righteous father, his brother!

Seeing that Suzaku and Bai Ze were seriously injured, he has been completely angered, and he has not even known this sinister basaltic!

The North Palace is a headache, and the Chenxi Chamber of Commerce is not in a relationship with the Ghost Medical Building. However, Wan Hao is a businessman who has no interest in the early days. How can he go crazy and be too uncomfortable with him for an admiration!


The guards around the North Palace were killed by the people of the Chamber of Commerce, and the eyes of the North Palace became red.

"I am the prince of the North Palace dynasty, the brother of the Northern Palace Emperor, do you want to find a death in the morning chamber?" he yelled.

"When you are dead in the Temple of Life, I don't think I will pass to the North Palace dynasty? Isn't it?"

"Damn!" North Palace gnawed his teeth again. "It’s not so easy to kill me, I want to kill me!" North Palace Luo roared, the blood of horror broke out, and his eyes turned red.

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