Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2272: Inspirational

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Xuanwudao: "If it is underground, look for the underground road, there must be! If not, destroy it here."

Such a magnificent city, if it is ruined, it would be really distressing, but Xuanwu can not care so much.

"First look for the entrance!" Mu Qiandao said.

Fortunately, this time all of Xuanwu’s people have been called. If she is looking for it alone, I don’t know when to find it.

The benefits of many people are reflected, and some people have found the entrance to the underground!

"Less home! This side! We found it here."


Hearing such good news, Mu Qianxi and Xuanwu rushed to the entrance with the fastest speed.

In the end of the entrance, the invisible end of the innocence, Mu Qiang felt that the earth elements below this are more powerful.

Mu Qianxi said to Xuanwu: "Let's go down!"

I have walked through a road that seems to never come to an end, forever dark, they are deeply immersed in it, deeper and deeper.

Darkness can breed fear, especially in such a narrow and claustrophobic space. Once there is any danger, they may die unexplained!

The more inside, the more messy things in their minds have become more, and even some people want to turn their heads and run out.

They don't want to stay in this place, absolutely don't want to!

Xuanwu also noticed their anomalies. In the face of such an environment, his mood is strong enough, so the impact is not too great, although some of his heart is anxious.

"Less home, this...when is this going to be a head!"

"Less home, my heart is panic!"


Xuanwu patted the shoulders of Mu Qian’s shoulder in front: "Mu Wei, the environment here particularly affects people's emotions. Do you have any way?"

Mu Qianhui replied: "Xuanwu, they are your people, you should know some of them better than me! You say some inspirational words to let them strengthen their beliefs! Maybe they can get rid of such negative emotions?"

Xuanwu stunned, inspirational words!

Mu Qianxi does not know whether this proposal is useful or not. Anyway, let Xuanwu think about it first. If there is no way, then I will use it again.

Mu Qiang walked in the darkness while arranging the potions in the dark.

At this time, the sound of Xuanwu sounded, "All came here, you are afraid! Panic! Want to leave? Do you want to process the money next month?"

Xuanwu’s voice directly stunned them, one by one stunned: “What? If you are less headed, do you want to process money for us next month?”

"I see you poorly, I have been working for ten years. For the first time, I heard that the younger family volunteered to process the money!"

"Hey! I am so touched, Niangzi, have you heard it? I have to pay for the money when I am a small family. I am finally watching the cloud and seeing it."

Xuanwu’s processing of the money was really inspirational, so all of them were shocked and awake.

Mu Qianxi looked at their situation and screamed at the corner of his mouth, and collected the half-finished pharmacy.

This amount of basalt has been out of the odds, this potion is not used.

Sure enough, no matter in which world, the boss has to deal with the employee, it is absolutely very exciting thing!

Xuanwu just said casually, did not think that the effect is so big, these people... really...

It should be known that although the Chenxi Chamber of Commerce is not the largest chamber of commerce in the entire Xuantian world, it is clear that the punishment is good and clear. Once the tasks that have been explained are completed, the profits of the rewards are more than their wages.

Why do they still remember to add a little more money!

Why do you remember? Because they haven’t gone up in ten years, even if they don’t have much money, they don’t want to stay the same!

Things got done, they went on.

Soon they walked over a cliff, and there was also a city below. This city was also perfect, like a labyrinth.

Mu Qiang pointed to this place in the core of the city: "The things we are looking for, the soul of the earth, is there."

There is a tower in the center of the city, and the center of the tower is hollow.

There was a rectangular funnel, and the earth's soul was flowing over the hole.


Xuanwu can't wait to get the soul of the earth's life, and if he wants to rush directly to that tower, the result is Xuanwu tragedy!


He knocked down a barrier and the whole person slipped from the air and fell down.

Mu Qiang touched his chin and said: "I already knew that I couldn’t go anymore. Xuanwu’s guy rushed over without saying anything. Impulsiveness is the devil! But it also verified my guess!"

"Less home!"

The people at the Chenxi Chamber of Commerce were shocked and hurriedly jumped to prepare to save their homeless family.


This cliff is not high, the speed of falling is not long, so they have no time to rescue, Xuanwu directly fell on the ground a pit!

Fortunately, the following is not a stone, Xuanwu even wrapped his body with spiritual power.

He was not injured, but he looked a little embarrassed and funny.

However, some of these people at the Chenxi Chamber of Commerce dare to laugh? If I laughed, the lesser ones who said that they would add less money, it is estimated that they could not be added!

They can only hold back the smile on their faces!

A purple figure slid slowly from the air, and I couldn't help but smile when I saw the basalt. "Ha ha ha! Xuanwu, you have been laughing for a year, I think Bai Ze and Suzaku have never I have seen you so embarrassed."

"Ha ha ha!"

Mu Qianxi does not need Xuanwu to pay her, nor does she have to take orders from Xuanwu, so she laughs unscrupulously.

Xuanwu wolf crawled up, his face became darker than the bottom of the pot, said: "Mu Wei! Enough!"

"Ha ha ha! Not enough to laugh, what should I do?" Mu Qianqi provoked.

This woman is absolutely deliberate. He can't control him. He can only be arrogant to other people. He whispers: "What happened just now, don't let me know that you are going out, otherwise you know the consequences."

They hurriedly nodded: "If you are less home, you can rest assured that we will be tight-lipped!"

"We promise!"

He still believes in his own people, but Mu Yu...

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "I want to keep it secret! The sealing fee is very expensive, I am afraid that you are distressed!"

"Oh! That's it, go into the city!" Xuanwu turned his expressionlessly, ready to find the entrance into the city.

Apparently, I didn't want to give Muxi a chance to extort money. Mu Qianzhen really wanted to let Xuanwu, a big local tyrant, release blood and cure his fault.

Obviously, she failed.

Although Xuanwu has a face, he loves money more!

Compared with the money, what is the face? Can't eat?

Knowing the psychology of Xuanwu, Mu Qianzhen really served.

Her ghost doctor can treat all kinds of incurable diseases in this world, but she can't cure this problem.

Can not fly through the air, but can normally walk in from the gate of the city.

After they walked in, Mu Qianxi saw a city with a very complicated terrain, which was a giant labyrinth. This space has given them a big problem.

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