Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2275: Just want to guard

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Qingying’s low road: “Thousands will definitely get the first!”

"That's not necessarily, you believe her so much?" Life Shenmu obviously does not believe so much.

After they entered the sea of ​​life, there seemed to be hundreds of billions of stars shining under the sea.

These stars are extremely dazzling and beautiful to the extreme.

Life in the South China Sea is now a lot of people, when Mu Qianjin entered, a faint and cold voice came, "Mu Wei came, I thought she was killed in the corner of the temple of life! It’s a genius to get a full-value wooden sign!"

A black figure swept over, Xuanwu, their face sinking, the black girl who came close to it gave a very dangerous feeling.

Suzaku quickly recognized the person, and he said: "The lord of the North Palace dynasty, what is your job?"

The North Palace dynasty is in the first place.

The second is the secluded county owner, the North Palace.

I think that these two metamorphosis are interested in the **** of life, but they are also met by them. What is even more irritating is that they are very interested in 汐汐.

The county owner smiled and said: "I don't think it's Suzaku, I recognized my identity when I met for the first time."

Her interest in Suzaku is not great, and the person she is on is Mu Qian.

"Mu girl, we met again, Mu Lin is also in this sea of ​​life, I don't know if you are interested in cooperation." You County looked forward to seeing Mu Qian.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Do you think that such a good place to deal with her will be too wasteful?"

"I don't think it's a waste!" The county magistrate is different from Mu Qianxi. She deals with admiration, destroys marriage, and marries the North Palace as her lifelong pursuit.

"If Mu Lin dares to provoke me, I will not let her go! But if not, I would rather collect more stars of life, because I want to be the one who collects the most."

There is some anger in the heart of the North Palace, so the opportunity for cooperation is not easy to grasp. If this woman is killed by Mu Lin, then don't cry! She smiled brilliantly: "Mu girl is not the first genius of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty, the ambition is great, not the same as a small woman like me. But the first is not so good, you have not tried to collect the stars of life. Now, when you try to collect it, you know how hard it is for this life star.

Got it. "It is not that you were the first day of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty and thought that there was no opponent in this life of the South China Sea. After all, the genius of our North Palace dynasty also came a lot!" Even if you can be proud of everyone here, the high-level spiritual sacs on the other side are spiritually respected, but they are not vegetarian. It is impossible to do this

To achieve the purpose, it is better to take the opportunity to deal with Mu Lin. "You County tried to convince Mu Qian.

Mu Qianxi looked at a few other ocean roads: "The other three seniors of the sea of ​​life are very strong, but the stars of their lives are definitely more difficult to capture, otherwise they will not be separated!" "Relative difficulty It is the same, then look at personal abilities and means, I don't think I will be worse than them, so I just want to try to collect the most life stars, try to enter the magical source of life! The county owner wants to deal with Mu Lin’s fiancé,

You can find a partner of your North Palace dynasty together, I will not accompany you for the time being, if there is a chance to say it later. "Mu Qianxi is the main road to You County.


Soon, Mu Qian and Suzaku swept them out, and Mu Qian said: "How difficult is it to try this life star?"

"Hey!" Mu Qianzhen rushed into the sea.

There is a strong force in this seawater, which excludes those who enter it, and one accidentally will be directly bombarded into the sea.

Mu Qiang forcibly countered this strong pressure, and wrapped up the whole body with water elements...

Seen in the eye is a sea of ​​stars, the beauty of the dream is not true.

Mu Qianyi reached out and she was getting closer and closer to the star of life, and she could catch it soon!

But when she wants to meet this star of life, the stars of life are slipping away very quickly, and the speed is extremely fast.

With one hand catching the air, Mu Qianxi was bounced out by the power of this sea!


Mu Qiansui broke out of the water, reversing a few heads in the air to stabilize the figure, or it is estimated to directly hit the life of the South China Sea outside the protective cover!

"Hey! Hey!" There was a crash here, and there were some bad guys who actually hit the rain cover.

"Hey! You are out, no injuries! But you are already the longest one among us." A fiery red figure swept over Mu Qian.

Mu Qian said: "It's okay! But this life star is really too difficult to get it, no matter the pressure caused by this sea water or the speed of the life star."

Xuanwudao: "Yes! This broken place may have been busy here for a long time, and a life star can't catch it."

"I don't believe in this evil, I will try again."

Mu Qianxi was very unconvinced and once again sneaked into the water. This time she chose a slow speed dive to reduce the pressure on the sea.

Obviously this method is effective, and it is much easier to dive down than before. Mu Qian is careful to approach the star of life.

However, this life star is very embarrassing, when Mu Qiang just wants to catch it, it turns into a silver light and runs far away.

Mu Qianqi wants to speed up to chase, but in vain speed, for a moment, Mu Qian felt the pressure of this seawater skyrocketing.

Undoubtedly, Mu Qianxi was bombarded by the water in the South China Sea.

"Puff puff!"

The whole sea of ​​life, everyone is like this.

When the sea of ​​life appeared, they held very good ideas, but after failing again and again, they were very discouraged.

What does this life **** wood mean? I don't want to let us get the stars of life.

"Hey!" The mouth of the **** of life evokes a mocking smile.

"Humans are really annoying, and they complain about others when they are incompetent."

Tsinghua said: "How about humans? I don't care, how is it? It is the only thing I care about."

"You little traitor! Just knowing to her, don't you know that she is a human being, and it is still the soul of the destiny." The **** of life is low.

"She is a thousand! The person I want to guard, nothing more."

What is the soul of the destiny, what the eternal artifact of the Lord can not let the blue shadow on the heart, she is only a thousand. "What did she do? Just give you a heart that you don't need at all, just buy you to this point? I really don't know you." The **** of life is a bit stunned.

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