Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2280: Confrontation again

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The number of stars in the air is actually more and more, and Mu Lin does not need to know how big the gap between her and Mu Xi is!

She gnashed her teeth and said: "It’s not been long before, hurry up. In any case, you should also grab the admiration and grab the stars of life in her hands!"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

They are heading in that direction again. Undoubtedly, some of the teams that met them wherever they went, were all dragged by them.

Of course, after they arrived, Mu Qianyi ran again!

"This is a sly monk! I think she is afraid of this princess, and she knows to run! Give me chase."

I am still in the life of the stars of the pursuit of life, from the beginning of these life stars, she did not get a life star.

However, Mu Yan can collect so many life stars at a glance, so in comparison, Mu Linyi is simply vomiting blood.

"Damn! Absolutely want to catch the aunt of Mu Yan!"

However, her speed is too slow, and she is empty every time.

This is running around, with a large tail of a large group of life stars behind him, which can hurt others.

Nowadays, whether it is the Beigong Dynasty or the younger generation under the age of 30 in the Eastern Emperor Dynasty, the impression of Mu Linyi was extremely bad.

Mulin, who was violently tempted by Mu Qian, was unable to maintain the image on the surface at this time. She only wanted to give Mu Qianji a corpse and then win all the stars in her life.

Become the person who gets the most life stars in the sea of ​​life and enter the sea of ​​life.

The secluded lord got this news and laughed. "Who is Murlin looking for? Who suddenly arrested a lot of people who have a lot of life? That person must be mad at Mu Lin, it’s really laughing. Me?"

"What the Princess of the Eastern Emperor's dynasty is just like that!"

"Hey!" Life starred into a ball of light toward Mu Qianyu, they broke out a very powerful attack.

Their attacks were simple and rude and effective, and Mu Lin felt that her internal organs had to be broken.

She angered: "Roll! Roll! Go all out!"


After some entanglement, these star-studded life stars also calmed down.

I found myself not in the water, rushed into the water to hydrate.

"It’s finally going back, **** it!" After some of the life stars were not attacking them, Mu Lin took a sigh of relief.

Her face was gloomy: "I must not let go!"

Mulin has not been chased by the stars of life, and finally can catch up with the speed of Mu Qian.

Soon her people surrounded Mu Qianxi, and Mu Lin’s sinister test said: “Mu Wei, I want to break you down!”

Mu Qianxi said: "Hey! Where is the madman coming from here? I dare to cross in front of me."

Of course, she recognized Mu Lin, but those life stars are very difficult for other people, and it is not difficult to deal with the improved Mu Linyi!

How can it become this ghost? Mu Qianxi felt strange and deliberately said this to cheer her up.

Mu Lin’s face became darker than the bottom of the pot. “Mu Wei, if it weren’t for you, how could this princess’s status be so severely hurt?” Mu Qianxi taunted and looked at Mu Lin: “Your people Ask me for a potion, it’s all sent to the door to let me calculate. If I don’t count you, I’m sorry, you sent someone to come over. Isn’t it? Take my potion and you don’t try it, even dare to use it directly, hahaha! You It must be the rest

All used up! ”

"I really want to laugh at me. If you just put a little bit, it won't be so miserable. Maybe you can catch a few life stars!"

The smile on Mu Qian’s face is getting worse and worse, and Mulin’s feeling is a few slaps.

She said in anger: "Mu, you are still small... you dare to laugh, I want to kill you!"

Mu Qianqi cold channel: "Kill me, just because you are already injured?"

"Mu Wei, I am more than enough to deal with you if you are injured." Mu Lin sternly, the pressure of the fourth-order spiritual holy broke out completely.

Mu Qianxi also unceremoniously took out the Haihuang Trident. Nowadays, the strength of the Muqian has not only improved the use of artifacts, but it has been difficult to deal with the use of the wind and zero fan.

Just try this new artifact!

"The Sea King is angry!"

The Emperor's trident also has a spiritual inheritance. It is the first time that he has seen such a horrible human being. He has learned it directly after reading the spiritual skills.

It won't be the master of the surrender of the horrible guy who can make the dragon!

The waves on the sea were soaring, and the fury raged toward Mu Lin.

Mu Lin’s horror looked at Mu Qian’s words: “Mu Wei... Muyu, when did you become a water elemental master?”

"And, this artifact!"

The level of this artifact is extremely high, and it is more than the gold and soft swords in her hands.

"Oh! I was originally a water elemental master! Just before you deal with it, you still don't bother to use it. Now that you have improved your strength to so many days, I have to come up with my cards. Do you have any opinions? "Mu Qianshao faint road.

Mu Lin was mad at vomiting blood. Before she met her hand several times, she did not bother to make all her strength, hateful...

Moreover, she turned out to be a wind, fire, and water.

She always wanted to be a three-line elemental master, trying to do anything, even the legendary artifacts like the eternal artifacts are struggling with all the power to find, but still have not got what they want!

And Mu Qianxi has become a three-line snack!

Originally, Mu Linyi envied the talent of the Millennium, and now it is even more rampant.

"The Emperor's dynasty has not seen the three elements of the spirits for thousands of years, then you should not exist in this three-line elemental spirit, give me to die!"

"Mu Lin, I tell you! You want to kill me, you can't do it!"

The horrible waves were rolled up under the control of the Emperor Trident, and the elements of the wind and the spirit of the millennium slammed out!

"Wind, broken star!"

"burning the sky!"

"Sirlo India!"

Mu Qiang's current strength can deal with a first-order spiritual sanctuary, and it is not easy to fight the fourth-order spiritual sanctuary.

However, Mu Lin has been injured, and she has been disturbed by the talents revealed by Mu Qian, and this encounter has gained the upper hand!

If Mulin is not able to adjust her mentality at this time, she will lose this battle and lose it once.


This side of the war broke out, attracting a lot of people's attention.

"His Royal Highness is actually a fourth-order spiritual sage. This promotion is too fast. It is good in the five-star power."

"The fourth-order spiritual sac is actually pressed by the first-order Lingzong. I am not mistaken!" "Mu Wei is getting more and more abnormal, so strong, is this still human?"

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