Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2286: Firewood space

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In the long river of stars, time passes silently!

Mu Qiang felt the joy of life, the helplessness of the old, the pain of illness, the despair of death.

The never-ending cycle of feelings, from the very beginning, was very calm, and later, it was even more calm.

Mu Qianxi said: I am a doctor, I am a ghost doctor, I am the inheritor of the eternal **** Ding Yongsheng, and I am afraid that this life will die.

In an instant, there is a grassland full of vitality, the grassland becomes a flower, the flowers become small saplings, and then it is a towering tree, a world, a thousand worlds!

Mu Qianxi did not know how long it took, and woke up from a deep sleep.

It’s so comfortable to sleep, and Mu Qiang feels that his bones are crisp.

She felt that she had some life power in her body. Before that, she also had the power of life, but that was because she had a contract with Qingying.

Those forces can't be controlled by themselves, and they are blessed at the time of refining.

Today is different. The power of life she has now is owned by her. Although not many, she can control as much as she wants.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "I can fully grasp the power of life, and the quality of refining medicine can be improved a lot later."

"Hey!" Mu Qianxi jumped out of the sea of ​​life.

So advanced so much, and also realized the way of life, it is time to leave!

After all, there are still two kinds of five elements of the soul not found, you have to find it!

Mu Qianxi did not have any movements in the source of life. Everyone did not know what happened?

Some people are curious, but Suzaku is very worried!

When others are busy looking for other treasures, they are still waiting here.

Mulin said: "Mu Wei, this princess will not let you be proud for too long, after I find other treasures, you will be finished."

As time passed, a purple figure appeared in the air.

At the moment when Mu Qianxi came out, the source of life was also completed its mission and disappeared in the air.

Mu Qianxi fell from the sky and said to Suzaku and Xuanwu Baize: "Let you wait a long time, let us continue to hurry to find treasures?"

"it is good!"

Now she can control some of the power of life. If she gets the five elements of life, the probability of success will be greatly improved.

She can't wait to get the soul of unintentional life.

"Mu, you wait for me!" When Mu Qianxi was about to leave, a black figure swept over.

The person who came to be the owner of You County, Mu Qianyi did not like this gloomy and somewhat nervous girl.

“Is there something?” Mu Qian’s indifference. "Mu Wei, you are so powerful, you don't know how ugly the face of Mu Lin's face when you are promoted? She is now trying to figure out how to deal with you and pull back a game? I don't think I can give up on you anyway. This partner? I know where Mu Lin is going, she is now

I haven’t turned over yet, or we have solved it directly. "The main road of You County.

"I am not interested, you want to deal with you alone, I have something to do!"

You County main road: "Whether you have any interest, I will follow you, anyway, I believe that you will definitely encounter Mu Lin, there is a saying that the road is narrow!"

After Mu Qianyu passed through the air and possessed the power of life, all the perceptions of this temple of life became clearer.

Is she looking for a fire element? Where are the wooden elements?

The wooden elements are really a headache, everywhere, and the elements of the fire have finally caught some clues.

Ms. Qian said: "That side, go see first!"

"Good!" Suzaku nodded.

The lord of the county groaned, "Mu Yu got a big advantage, and now I found out what baby?"

"Wait for me! I will go too!"

For the secluded lord, Mu Qianxi and Xuanwu directly ignored them.

Because her approach is a bit special, it is a waste of time to really fight for life.

Mu Qiang plunged into a place where nothing was left empty.

However, Mu Qianxi took out the Yanlong 弑 soul sword and said: "I finally found it."

The secluded county shocked the powerful breath of the sword, and blinked his eyes. There is nothing here! What did Mu Hao find?

"burning the sky!"

Clenching the dragon sword, Mu Qianyi gently waved toward the void, and the power of the horrible fire element broke out.

Under the sword, a flame suddenly appeared in the void.

Mu Qian said: "Go in! Be careful, don't be burned by this fire."

"it is good!"

Obviously there was a flame in front of him, and Mu Qiang rushed up without hesitation.

Suzaku and Bai Ze also keep up. Only Xuanwu has a little trouble. He needs to use spiritual strength to protect the body. Who makes him not a fire element.

The masters of the Ghost Medical Building and the Chenxi Chamber of Commerce also followed, and the county owner bit his teeth: "I will go too!"

Inside is a space of fire, flames everywhere.

It is hard to imagine that there is actually a space in the temple of life that is all trees. If this flame is released, the plants here may be ravaged.

Therefore, the firewood space has always been the deepest hidden. If she had the flame of the king, there is a dragon and a sword in her hand. It is estimated that it is difficult to open this space.

There is a tree in this space, a tree like a flame.

This is a tree that grows with flames as a nutrient. It won't be hurt by the flame. Perhaps this magical place is the place where the soul of the fire wood exists.

Mu Qiang rushed to the firewood, but I did not expect someone to visit this firewood.

It was really said by the lord of the county, it is really narrow.

The entrance to the interior of the firewood is now in the handlebars. Some of the handlemen are not familiar with the appearance of wearing them. When they see Mu Qian, they have a hint of coldness in their eyes.

"Mu Wei, I didn't think that you could even beat the sprinting here. You made our family, Lin Yi, very angry, and die!"

The dangerous atmosphere swept over Mu Qianxi, and Ms. Qian said coldly: "Do you guys really think that I am alone? The master of my ghost hospital is not vegetarian."

"Up!" Mu Qianzhen cold channel.

"Yes, Mu Daren!" Mu Qianyi ordered, and the crowds of the Ghost Medical Building took an active shot.

This time the East Dynasty dynasty lineup they are better than nothing, but it will not be so easy to admit defeat.

Playing, who is afraid of who?

Wan Haodao: "I am not a vegetarian in the Chamber of Commerce."

"Kill! Kill them."

"Hey!" They hit at the entrance.

When the owner of the county came, it was very exciting, okay! Mulin is definitely here. Finally, she met her. This time, Mourin must be defeated.

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