Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2288: What are you shaking?

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Mu Qianxi was thinking with distress, and suddenly saw the roots of this firewood.

It can absorb a little bit of the soul of the fire wood, and its roots are naturally resistant to this kind of fire.


The hardness of this fire is very strong, and Mu Qian felt that the general weapon could not cut it, so Mu Qian took out the dragon sword.

The dragons and swords of the dragons cut out a few roots, then prepared other materials, and then began to refine a container.

Zhuque said: "I am so smart, I actually thought of using the roots of the fire wood to make containers."

Mu Qianjing refines a red-hot medicine bottle. This time, Mu Qiang finally succeeded in collecting the soul of the fire wood.

Other followers are still in shock at this time. It turns out that Mu Daren is not just a perverted genius refining pharmacist, but actually a refiner.

Although the bottle is not difficult to refine, but the quality is not low, Mu Daren is like a random play to refine so much.

When Mu Qiang collected a bottle to collect the second bottle, countless breaths appeared around it.

A Chinese costume, the radiant and beautiful Mu Lin smashed into the air.

"Mu Wei, it is you! Bastard, put the treasure in your hand to me, it is mine." Mu Lin sighed against Mu Qian.

The old man around him said: "His Royal Highness, the fire element here is very strong, really a super fire element, if you can make good use of it, you will be able to fire the elemental spirit."

Mu Lin's nephew has a frenetic color, she can become a fire element, even if he does not get the eternal sword he can do it.

"Mu Wei, haven't you heard me talking? I want you to let go of the treasure."

Mu Qian said: "How far you have to go, I have to get something I want, can you manage it? Mu Lin."

Mu Qiang took the medicine up, and it was not the time for Mu Lin to come to her. She only collected a bottle.

"Mu Wei, you are looking for death! Kill me for her?" Mu Lin stunned and said to her some of her men.

Mu Qian said: "Mu Lin 琅, that old thing is right, this thing may make you a fire element, but you better feel it, you can withstand such a flame."

At the time, Mu Qian’s running fire element controlled a lot of fire spirits and rushed to Mu Lin.

"Lin Shame, be careful!"

Mu Lin's flower is eclipsed, she feels the power of the very terrible fire element, she can't bear this power.

The masters of the Ghost Medical Building and the Chenxi Chamber of Commerce also started to work. For a time, the two sides fought fiercely!


Even if they were protected and thoughtful, there was a drop of fire that saw the face of Mu Lin’s face, and Mu Lin’s half face was burned.

pain! The pain made her unbearable!

Mu Qiang plucked out, cold channel: "Mu Lin 琅, you can't stand this skin trauma, let alone you want to get the fire element spirit through this." "Because you want to get the fire element, at least It is necessary to drink the soul of the next bottle of fire. It will start to burn from inside your body. If you can afford it, it will naturally have a good harvest, but more often it will not support you, your internal organs, Your body, your soul will be

Burned out. ”

Mulin couldn't help but fight, she certainly didn't want to suffer so terrible pain.

Before doing a beautiful dream, now being ruthlessly broken by Mu Qian, the face of Mu Lin’s face becomes pale.

Mu Qiang took out the Haihuang Trident and said: "I have advanced to the fifth-order Lingzong and haven’t tried it with people! If you find it, then you can take it! Let’s calculate the shadow before you My account."

Mulin Linsen coldly said: "Mu Wei, you try to sneak attack with this spirit to hurt me. Do you really think that I will be afraid of you? I must torture you and then throw you away. In the hottest oil pot of this time, you are tortured? This is the price you humiliate me."

"I just tell the truth, otherwise, what are you afraid of? What are you shaking?" Mu Qianxiao smiled.

Mu Lin’s eyes are cold and I can’t wait to give Mu Qian’s corpse to the corpse.

When she shot, the weapon she used was no longer the Golden Emperor and the soft sword, but the one used for the shadow.

Mulin, who has advanced to the fifth-order spiritual sanctuary, has not yet had the magic of being able to wear this level, but she cut her own hand, and the emperor’s blood is forced to get used for a while and an axe. s right.

Mu Qianjing slammed into a hole, and the appearance of this axe reminded Mu Qian before she and her friend died in that shadow.

Mu Qianqi waved the Emperor Trident and sneered: "Mu Lin, you are not that person? I really thought that I took out this mountain axe, can you beat me?"

"Must be sure!" Mu Lin sullenly.

"Boom!" For a moment, the two held two extraordinary artifacts, and the battle was together!

At the beginning, Mu Qianqi did not take up many advantages, and suddenly jumped four levels, and it was not very easy to use it!


After playing more than a dozen rounds, Mu Qiang felt the change of her strength. From the first-order Lingzong to the fifth-order Lingzong force, there was a great leap.

"The water dragon is coming!"

"The wind is breaking!"

"burning the sky!"

Mulin was quickly caught in the siege of three powerful elements, and she really hated the admiration of this three-line spiritual master.

"Mu, you give me to die!"

Seeing that his emperor did not occupy any advantage, the three emperors violently rushed up and rushed to the murder of Mu Qianxi.

A red figure flashed, and Suzaku's fire element spirits rushed toward the Three Emperors!

"Give me aside, I dare to sneak up! Lively!"

"Damn! I dare to get in the way!" The three emperors were so angry that the water elemental spirits rushed to Suzaku, and they fought together.

"Shu Luoyin!" Now the two have just got a big difference, and the level advantage of Mulin is not big.

When Mu Qianxi adapts to his fifth-order Lingzong strength, the end of Mu Lin’s dynasty is coming!

"Hey!" Mu Lin was somewhat confused by Mu Qian’s attack.

That heavy axe didn't hold steady at all, and flew straight out! Did not enter the trunk of the fire wood.

Mu Qianguang was sinking. At this time, she controlled the fire. The soul of this wood was poured directly on the axe.

This one can break the crystal clear defense, or destroy it better!

Its level is not low, but it is not able to withstand the powerful destructive power of this fire wood, and soon becomes a pit.

Mu Lin’s face is pale, “No!”

Although this axe is not suitable for her, it is already the strongest weapon in her hand. If there is no such thing, then, how can she fight with her?

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