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They have already gathered the four souls of life, but if you find the soul of the rest before the temple of life has not been closed, all your efforts will be wasted.

Ms. Qian said: "Stupid! Don't I know the pros and cons of this? If I don't get the soul of wood, I don't have time to deal with the North Palace."

Suzaku said with excitement: "Hey! Really? You found the soul of the wood, and that we have found the five elements of the spirit, it is very good."

"of course!"

Mu Qianxi took out a bottle of life of the wood, they naturally confirmed, Xuanwu nodded: "Good! Immediately to kill the North Palace."

The North Palace is a dangerous guy, they have already enemies with him, and it is much less trouble to get rid of the roots.

Mu Qianxi, they caught up with the North Palace, and surrounded the North Palace. The North Palace stood up and said, "Mu Wei, I haven’t done anything to you! You need to kill me. ?"

"Don't take care of someone around you who hasn't killed you. Are you stupid when you are?"

"I want to kill me, you haven't got this yet!"

After that, the **** red murderous out of the North Palace.

Mu Qian said: "Work together!"

Suzaku’s flames spurted out. "This bastard, I can finally take revenge."

He remembered that he was almost killed in the day, and the guy still remembered.

Suzaku was furious and could not wait to smash him.

"How many of you?"

His strength has now reached the peak of the spiritual sanctuary, only one line difference from the spiritual respect, Mu Qianyi they can bring a lot of spiritual respect, but the North Palace is particularly confident.


The North Palace was killed as if it had become a madman.

Did not reach the spiritual respect, but possessed the lethal power of the spirit.

"The son, Mu Daren, you hurry back!"

The fighting power of this madman made them afraid, and the blood-red spirit of the North Palace was erupting.

Even if it is besieged by so many people, it will not fall behind.

Suzaku screamed, "What kind of ghost technique did this North Palace use? It turned out to be so difficult to deal with?"

The North Palace is transformed into a bloodthirsty beast, and God blocks the killing of the gods.

"The practice of blood-based cultivation is strong, but it is so dangerous that it is too dangerous. It must be done. Otherwise, if it is hard, it will cause us to lose a lot." Mu Qian’s face showed a dignified color.

Mu Qiang took out a leaf of life. "I want to refine the medicine that suppresses his back when he retorts."

"Isn't that helping him?" asked Suzaku.

"It is helping, but at that time his power and lethality will be greatly weakened, and it will be much better."

"Hey!" The blood splashed, and someone on their side had been seriously injured.

"Haha! Kill you, want to kill me, you all have to die! Die!"

The eyes of the North Palace were now blood red, and his body became taller, and a horrible force came.

Mu Qiang began to refine the medicine, and they were frightened to find that their people had already injured more than half of them. Although Bei Gongyi did not ask for their lives, they have lost their fighting power one by one.

The North Palace never killed them, not because the North Palace was so kind. He himself suppressed himself and forced him not to kill them.

At first, if you start to kill, if you start killing, then the counter-attack will be out of control and he will die.

North Palace is absolutely not willing to die here.

If the counter-attack is to be lifted, only...

Therefore, the North Palace is like a mad dog, rushing to Mu Qianxi. The last time I did not catch this woman, this time I can enjoy it.

Xuanwu ordered: "Give me a stop! Stop!"

Zhuque said: "Would we like to leave with you first!"

Bai Ze’s dignified road: “No! He has already stared at the millennium. The chances of success in escaping from the current situation are not great, so that the millennium refining fails, then we will be even worse!”

"Only stop him first, and fight for the Millennium!" The white figure flashed and Bai Ze joined the battle.

Suzaku bites his teeth: "Good! Give time to delay!"

The flame of Suzaku is like a volcano erupting, and the bell rings. He wants to attack the North Palace with a soul attack.

However, this mad state of the North Palace, the soul is invulnerable, simply can not deal with.

The face of Suzaku showed a horrible color. Is this bloodthirsty madman too difficult to deal with?

"Hey!" Ghost Medical Building also has the Spiritual St. of the Chamber of Commerce, and the spirits fell one by one.

"Less home, son, you are going! It's not too late."

The remaining few people are still supporting, and they first saw the terrible things of the North Palace.

Under normal circumstances, he is just an ordinary spiritual sanctuary, and it is very good for them to clean up.

However, he did not think that once he became a bloodthirsty madman, they could not deal with them one by one, and there was no way to protect their masters.

"Hehehe! I want to go, it's too late! It's too late, and after the king has seized the admiration, you will be killed by me one by one." North Palace is crazy.


All the combatable people have fallen, and Xuanwu and Suzaku Baize have no chance of winning.

At this time, Qingying has a bad feeling!

Qingying asked: "Where is Qian?"

"The enemy is currently, do you still have someone to control others? Let me manage yourself first!"

"Thousands are not others, they are more important than anything else."

"Dead wood! Noisy."

"Mu Wei, finally caught you." At this time, the North Palace was like a beast, and appeared in front of Mu Qianxi.

At this time, Mu Qianxi did not enter the black shadow, his face still remained unchanged, said: "Are you sure you can do it?"

"Hey!" A white shadow flashed, and a needle was inserted into the neck of the North Palace.

Bei Gongyi stepped back a few steps, and the blood seemed to be a lot of confusion, which made him very uncomfortable.

"You...what kind of poison did you have for me? How could poison be effective for me?" North Palace stunned.

The strong blood of the North Palace is enough to make him poisonous, but Mu Qiang is not poisoning him!

Mu Qianqi cold channel: "If you are sick, you must cure it quickly. If you just kill someone, you will only cure it for you. But it is not enough to cure the disease. It is not good for you to die early." Let's go!"

"Shu Luo Yin!" Mu Qian's fierce shot, a seal directly blasted to the head of the North Palace.

The blood in the body of the North Palace is very chaotic, but it does not mean that he does not have the power to fight back now. He hastily shunned the seal of Mu Qianxi! "Very good, Mu, do you think you can escape a death? Dream!"

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