Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2300: Heart of the shadow

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The entire temple of life was captured by the Death Tree, and it was absolutely right to run in the strongest place in the past!

Mu Qiang speeds up the speed and rushes to the place where she feels the strongest force of life. In the face of the pursuit of the death of the magic needle, Qian Qiang is also keen to counterattack!

"burning the sky!"

"The water dragon is coming!"


In the face of such overwhelming death magic needles, let alone a fifth-order Lingzong, even if it is the peak of the Spirit, in the absence of the leaves of life will be directly spiked.

Mu Qianzhen can support this for a long time, naturally because she has realized the way of life.

In addition, the flame of the Dragon Sword is very powerful, the purity of the water element and the wind element can make it easier for her to destroy these life lost than others.



There was a loud explosion at the place where Mu Qianxi went, and although she was very embarrassed along the way, she noticed that she was getting closer and closer to her destination.


Mu Qiang has arrived at this place, and there is a light blue life force in front, very strong!


Several figures were also swept over, and there was a little girl in front of them, and their old faces showed a horrible color.

"This little girl seems to be that one?"

"Yes! That's right, she collected the people with the most stars in life."

A fifth-order Lingzong can still insist on running here, not being killed by the death magic needle, making them feel strange.

These old people are very strong, and most of them have the strength of high-level spirit.

These people are some of the four-and-a-half-strength Zongmen elders and some scattered strongmen except the Eastern Emperor and the Northern Palace.

"Small girl, it is your skill to live to this time! But you are still young, or leave early! The next disaster, our old and undead life will also give Xuantian world a chance."

"Little girl, you have a good talent. It is a pity if you are here."

This predecessor brought out all the thoughts to rush here, and advised her to leave not to look down on her, but to love genius.

Mu Qian said: "Thank you for the kindness of your predecessors. Since I have come here, I have to go in and see the **** of life."

After that, Mu Qianxi directly rushed into the light curtain, so that some of the older people could not stop it.

Just as Mu Qianyu rushed in, he directly hit a wall.

This is not a wall. Mu Qiang feels the familiar atmosphere. When he raises his eyes, he sees the beautiful thrill of Qingying, just like the men who are quiet and far-reaching in ink painting.

He shouted in a low voice: "Thousands!"

Mu Qianxi grabbed the blue shadow: "Qingying, I found you, that life **** wood did not bully you?"

"Hey! I said you are a girl!" The predecessors rushed to catch up and saw Mu Qianxi standing with a man.

The beauty is like a work of art, and it has been carefully carved out. They have seen such a good-looking man for the first time in so many years.

"I thought we were fast enough. I didn't expect someone to be faster than us."

"You kid is very familiar with this little girl! Hurry and persuade this silly girl to leave, this is not a long-awaited place."


"Hey!" At this time, some voices have been heard outside.

Obviously the gas of death has spread to this place, and the danger is approaching.

Qingying took Mu Qianxi to the front, and in front was a very spectacular tree. This is the **** of life.

"How does this kid have a temper with the little girl, so don't listen to it!"

These old predecessors groaned, and as soon as they looked up, they saw a very shocking life, and they immediately stunned.

"This is the **** of life!"

"I have the privilege of seeing the **** of life in this life, I... the old man died without regrets."

"That kid and little girl have come so close to the life of the gods, isn't it not afraid to offend the life of the gods, angered it?"

Life Shenmu is a tree, but it is a **** that is formed from the first vitality of the beginning of heaven and earth.

It has lived for too long, older than their ancestors, and can make a junior offended!

However, they are not only close, but also come under the tree.

Mu Qian took a picture of the trunk and smiled: "Life **** wood, I found you."

"You are very happy? Because you think you can get the heart of life?"

"I am happy to see the blue shadow now, and I have seen you. After all, you are the source of life, very magical wood." Mu Qianxi smiled.


The whole ground was shaking, and the death of the demon tree was enough in the death of the temple of life, so the space of death hit the living space.

"Even if you say something beautiful again, I will not listen to you as a human rhetoric, give you what you want."

"That is, you really have the heart of the **** of life."

I didn't have any hopes for it. How did Shenmu have the heart? She feels that she is a man of all kinds.

At this time, Qingying seized Mu Qian’s hand and put it in his heart: "Thousands, it doesn't, I have! Take it out, it is yours."

Mu Qian’s hand trembled, his face slightly white and his hand was pulled out, and he looked at the blue shadow: “Blue Shadow, what are you talking about?”

Her voice is also shaking. "I... I want to lift the curse. I want the heart of life. I also know very well that God is not interested. This thing does not exist! You are just a beggar, I want your heart to do what?"

"If you don't want to, take him out and get out of here immediately!" Life Shenmu suddenly spoke.

"The rumble!"

The vibration of the living space is getting more and more away, and Qingying is close to Muqian Road: "Thousands, the same! My heart, useful!"

"You... don't say it..." Mu Qianxi looked at him with his biting lips.

The delicate lips have to bite the bleeding, so that the blue shadow is very distressed.

He bowed his head and said: "Thousands, it is the wrong shadow, this kind of thing should not be done by thousands of hands. I am coming!"

"You are stupid!"

Qingying really started, and his fingertips left a scratch on his heart.

His body is extremely defensive, and it is difficult for others to hurt him, but it is easy for him to hurt himself.

Mu Qiang took his hand and wanted to stop. At this time her head was chaotic.

Qingying is very stubborn, and the mouth on his heart is getting bigger and bigger. Mu Qianxi directly bites his arm!

Qingying didn't hurt, but he was afraid of getting into the teeth. "Thousands, let go!" "I let you stop, stop, you didn't hear it? You Ying always listened to me, you want to take me now. Is it a wind in the ear?" Mu Qianxi screamed at the Qingying, and there was a layer of water mist that could not be controlled by the eyes.

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