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"Come on, go back and talk again!" Xuanwu was in a hurry.

They rushed back as quickly as possible. Although there were no thousands of medical skills, they still had a certain number of leaves of life, hoping to save the father.

When they felt it, they found that his righteous father was getting more and more dead.

Xuanwu directly took out a lot of leaves of life. The leaves of life were suspended in the air, forming a light curtain to cover his clothes.

The dead air on the body is getting weaker and lighter, "Hey!" A black blood spurted out, and the person who was going to walk into the door of the ghost gate in the bed opened his eyes.

"Suzaku, Xuanwu, Bai Ze, you are back from the temple of life, what about the girl?" He hoarse.

Zhuzu fist clenched: "Yefu, you can stabilize the situation is really good, I ... I immediately went to find 汐汐..."

"Looking for her? You have lost your hoe, coughing and coughing..." His condition is very unstable, his mood is unstable, and his body can't stand the collapse.

Xuanwu's face changed greatly and hurriedly walked over: "Yefu! You calm down, Muyu has collected the five elements of life in the temple of life that can change your physical condition. She will come back soon, as long as the righteous father is stable When you live, you will have a turn for the better."

"I will be back soon, Xuanwu, you are lying to me!" The pair of blind people looked at the thoroughness, and the child was cultivated by him.

Even if you can see people or people in the mall, the ghosts say that the set is very slippery, but he can't fool him.

"To tell the truth!" He tried to keep his breathing steady, and he didn't want to die if he hadn't listened to everything.

These children have finally brought him the life leaf of life from the temple of life, and he does not want their efforts to be wasted.

Xuanwu breathed a deep breath: "Father, I said! I tell the truth, but you... you must not be too emotional!"

From the very beginning, Xuanwu heard the benefit of the girl in order to find her five souls of life, what kind of benefits she got in the sea of ​​life, and how did Mu Linyi bully her? There is also the North Palace 珞 that guy wolf ambition.

"Are you delaying time? Xuanwu!"

Xuanwu’s careful thoughts were seen through. He said the truth, but he deliberately delayed the time and allowed his righteous father to accept it slowly.

When they were to solve the Beigong Temple, the whole life temple had a big situation.

The Death Tree appeared, breaking the seal of the **** of life, and breaking into the site of the **** of life.

It was definitely a catastrophe, and they were all seriously injured. So she let them go.

"Why didn't she leave, why didn't you let her go, this kid..."

Zhuque said: "I want to be the heart of life, and after I met her, he asked me to inquire about the news of life. She knew the danger and went to find the **** of life, so she refused to go, we were at that time. There is no ability to forcibly take it away!"

"I knew that this disaster was so terrible. If we were tied, we would also be tied up." Suzaku was very remorseful.

He can imagine how dangerous the **** is now, and the peace of mind is completely uncontrollable.

At this time, Bai Ze said: "The father, she is not an ordinary person."

"Her cockroaches have the power of life and have a lot to do with the **** of life, it is there!"

"The nine-night monarch never appeared, but once he was in danger, the nine-night monarch would not let her do something."

Bai Ze knows that the righteous father is very worried now, and this is a rational analysis.

Because of this, he made her impulsive once.

"Nine-night monarch, this kind of death, I can't stand it! Can he withstand it?" He said in a low voice.

"Mu Wei promised me, she will definitely come back. Then use the spirit of the five elements of life to treat the righteous father, so the righteous father, don't worry too much, let yourself be unwell, let us lose all over the place. Please!" Hoarse road.

Even though his heart was bursting, he knew he had to calm down.

With the possibility of not dying, even if it is a lifeline, he will try his best to seize it, or he will not live to the present.

He still has things that have not been done, as well as his daughter, wife, son and brother!

Zhuque Xuanwu, they saw that their father’s situation had stabilized, and they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, with the shackles of death, the leaves of life that they brought out have been unable to support it.

The leaf of life turned into a light blue light and sprinkled on the weak body. Zhuque said: "Father, don't worry! We still have, although we are not so powerful, take one at a time. Hundreds, but everyone has seven or eighty, and there are quite a lot of them together."

"We will be able to hold back!"

"Booming!" The sea was screaming, and the battles of the two ancient giants had no results.

The vines of the **** of life are flying in the sky, and the death of the death tree is generally directed toward the trunk of the **** of life.


Each of their confrontations broke out with earth-shattering sounds, crazy collisions, and all means to destroy each other.

The battle between the two big guys is staggering, and the battle of humans on the other side is about to have a result.

The cursing people feel that they have played enough and began to cast spells!

They don't cast spells, and some of them can handle it together.

However, as the other side casts a spell, they are instantly defeated.

They finally realized the horror of the curse, which made people feel uncomfortable and murdered invisible.

"Ha ha ha! That life **** wood is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the death magic tree adults, I think you are also very clear, whether it is to do useless struggle or beg for the first slaves of the death tree, you choose!"

Under the threat of the curse, under the shadow of the Death Tree, those who were originally interested in the interests of the gods of life are shaken, they do not want to die!

"Puff puff!"

"We admit defeat, cursing adults. We will follow you, loyal to the death tree." They are kneeling in front of the cursed family. "Ha ha ha! Life **** wood, is this the person you recruited? Help them improve their strength, and as a result they still have no power to fight, but also turn against me! Human being so ugly, you really feel like sticking to me like this Fight? Give up! Let my death glory cover the whole world

In the world, let all these human beings be finished. The Death Tree smirked.

Life God Mudao: "What do I have to do? You can't interrupt your disgusting guy!"

Another ancestors of the Xuantian world said with anger: "You traitors, you are simply the scum of the Terran, and become a strong! The strong should stand on the ground and never yield to evil forces."

"We only know that it is time to know!" They sneered. "People who don't know the time will die very badly! Adults, let's join forces to kill these guys." The former allies have now become more disgusting enemies.

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