Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 2317: She succeeded

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Stars said: "Let's go! We went to the mother with a purple corpse, and the mother made him a suspended animation. It is estimated that I can't die. It is the same to save the night."

Mu Qianxi came to that Zhuangzi, and there was a big battle before.

"Who?" caused their vigilance when they appeared quietly.

It is exposed again, it is very unsafe, but the Lord is not suitable to move at all, so they can not transfer places.

They are ready for the enemy to come in at any time.

Ms. Qian said: "It's me!"

"Mu girl..."

They saw Mu Qianxi crying with joy and excited: "Great, you are back."

"Come on! Lord!"

The last nine leaves of life are rapidly disappearing, turning into a light blue glow.

Bai Ze’s heart is sore, is it too late?

"Hey!" Just at this time, Mu Qianqi pushed the door open and rushed in.

She saw the last leaf of life disappearing, and took out some of her life leaves.

Looking at the person lying on the bed, the weak life can not see, but it has not been completely cut off, okay! Ok!

Mu Qianxi looked at Bai Zedao: "Sorry, I am late, let me give it!"

"Nine nights, help me stay outside, no one can break in."

Too weak, that is, she mastered the way of life, and found the five elements of life, she could not guarantee that she would succeed and save his life.

Mu Qianyi reached out and grabbed the hand that was dry like a black wood without any blood flowing.

A weak force caught her, and she saw his lips open slightly and spit out two words...

Too weak, listening to the millennium is also unclear, it should be a person's name.

He loves her daughter so much, it should be the name of her daughter!

When Mu Qianyi thought of this, he felt the pain that the heart could not control.

She grabbed him and said: "I will cure you, sure, you have to believe me, let's cheer together, okay!"

Mu Qiang took out a few medicine needles, and the medicine needle was loaded with the essence of the five elements of life.

"Hey!" Five medicinal needles penetrated into the five blood vessels of his body, and the five elements of life were injected at the same time.

"Hey!" Dozens of silver needles fell into the deadly acupuncture points on his body.

"Oh la la!" Mu Qianxi came to the five elements of life.

The soul of the wood is covered in his liver by the control of the Millennium.

The soul of fire covers the heart of his heart.

The soul of the earth has fallen into the spleen.

The soul of gold has fallen into the lungs.

The soul of water has fallen into the kidneys.

Almost at the same time, Mu Qianxi controls every component very well.

Fix the blood vessel first, then fix his internal organs.

Mu Qianxi then used the five elements of life to create a large array of vitality around him, and the constant vitality enveloped the entire room!

Mu Qian rubbed the sweat on his forehead, this is still a start!

When Mu Qianxi was busy with treatment, Bai Zedao said: "What is the situation?"

There are guards back: "Bai Daren has been injured, Baihu adults take people to chase the group of people, absolutely can not leave a living mouth to attract the enemy. Now we are stationed here, swear to protect the Lord, otherwise anyone will disturb Ms. Angel gives the Lord a cure."

At this time, a group of dead soldiers rushed to the small courtyard where they were sitting!

"Damn! Come again, kill!"

Haven't waited for them to do it, these people are instantly turned into a white bone, they are like a ghost, this...

A slender black figure stood outside the door of their Lord, and this adult destroyed all the enemies.

The wife is strong, there is him, who dares to disturb the Lord?

"Hey!" The result came a group of people, some of whom were different from the previous dead, and also carried a dead person.

They kneel in front of the nine nights: "The Lord! The side has already arranged people, we deliberately come to life, and there is purple..."

"Purple quietly throws a place, you go outside to give me a strong defense, I don't want to see a fly come in and disturb." Nine nights cold.

"Yes!" They stared at them.

As for the purple secluded, the stars threw his body to Bai Zedao: "Little brother, just find a room and just throw this guy away, I am in trouble!"

Bai Ze and then the purple corpse do not know what to do?

This corpse looks very good, and the face of a sinister charm is unfortunately already out of breath.

However, looking at their attitude, Bai Ze feels that this person should still be saved, otherwise they may not be so reassured.

He nodded: "Good!"

There are stars and Beidou who are guarding the periphery of this owner. This one is naturally a solid soup.

Who dares to come, who is looking for death.

The treatment of Mu Qianxi was treated for three days and three nights. They came together to see the situation, but all were stopped.

Three days later, Mu Qianxi finally let the spirit of the Five Elements play a role in his body. The power of the pure five elements of life circulates in his body, allowing him to slowly recover his vitality.

Ms. Qian said: "Nine nights!"

In the nine nights, I opened the door and came in, and hugged Mu Qian, who was about to fall down. This time, the thrills were no less than the rescue of the **** of life, but the three-day and three-night battle with death was still exhausted.

Three days and three nights, that door was finally opened, and everyone was waiting outside.

They only saw a black figure flashing, and the cold voice came, "Look at the things left by the bed."

I am grateful to leave this sentence, and I have to take a rest with me.

They walked cautiously into the room, and the power of your rich life made them feel comfortable all over the bed, and the bed...

Bai Ze took up a piece of paper. It was a detailed account of the millennial pharmacists who took care of the righteous father.

The people on the bed are sleeping peacefully, and the breathing is very gentle now. It is not as intermittent as before, and it is possible to die in sleep at any time.

The feeling of the whole person is no longer dead, and finally there is a feeling of living.

Many people burst into tears, "She... she really succeeded!"

"The Lord...the Lord is much better than before."

"Father of the Father..."

At this moment, they have worked hard for a long time and have never achieved it. They are even desperate, and now there is a miracle.

After the assassinations failed, they suffered heavy losses and could not get close to the one Zhuangzi.

"In the Lord, no matter how powerful the masters are, they will be quickly wiped out. Those who do not know what it is. We... Do we have to act?" In a hidden place in the Eastern Empire, A gloomy voice came.

"No, wait for the opportunity, the loss is too big for a dying person, not worth it." "Yes!"

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